"Guys, how is the progress of our Flying Dragon City, I believe you have confirmed with your own eyes when you enter the city, our monsters are born with great power and can be used for production, and humans are blessed with unique creativity, if you combine the two into one, you will definitely be able to create more things that are beneficial to our survival, now the major demon domains are resting on their laurels, in the short term, you may be able to rely on your monarchs, the power of the demon emperor to protect a realm of well-being, but in the long run, the magic weapon is updated, in time, The One Qi Dao Alliance is definitely going to walk in front of the major demon domains. "

The huge hall exhibits all kinds of magic weapons from the human realm, many of which are broken and damaged, but some of which can still play their wonderful role.

For example, a gourd with a hole can fly out of a few swords, and once it is cast, it is a three-foot cold glow, which makes people dare not despise.

These are all the loot left over from the last Flying Dragon City battle against the Ichikido Alliance.

Tu Shan Rong introduced them one by one and talked eloquently.

Left and right in the lobby, there are many monsters sitting in turn, all of them have solemn faces, they are all demon kings from the major demon domains, invited by Flying Dragon City, saying that they want to establish a demon alliance to rush for the monarchs of their realm, so they gather here.

"Chicken Master, according to what I can see, the so-called sword gourd looks exquisite, but in fact it is just a collection of several flying swords together, and the swords of those cultivators touched my hand, and this open axe was not shattered when touched? It's not worth mentioning at all. "

Beishan Chicken Master, a generation of demon kings of the major demon domains of Megatron, was a capable general under the Beishan Demon Emperor Shi Kuan a few days ago.

He gently pressed the back of the table with his bird-like claws, signaling the little demon on the side not to talk much.

"In my opinion, after so many years, have you seen any cultivator who enters and exits the demon domain with only one magic weapon? Take a good look at these spells, if you use them with sword gourds, how long can your two or three axes resist?

Ji Ye smiled coldly, and the little demon suddenly stopped talking.

With him as the leader, on his side is the subordinate King Satsuma of the Far North, and sitting opposite is a panda elder from the southern country, the toad old immortal on the coast of the East China Sea, and the red refining fire dragon in the western region... All of them can be described as old acquaintances, these are all well-known big figures in the demon world, except for the demon emperor, they have the loudest reputation.

"The magic weapon of the human territory is indeed stronger from generation to generation, some of which even the old body cannot spy on its subtlety, and in time, it will definitely threaten the major demon domains, and the One Qi Dao Alliance has made rapid progress this year."

Elder Panda slowly stood up on crutches, and she smiled at Tu Shan's face.

"Miss Rong Rong, your idea is good, the place of Flying Dragon City is also very magical in my opinion, because you have indeed overcome the most difficult step in our eyes, at least there is no barrier between humans and monsters here, but a very ordinary life together."

As soon as these words came out, the monsters present had complicated expressions.

This trip to Flying Dragon City, for them, the most noteworthy thing is not these loot from the One Airway Alliance, but the survival mode here, it is almost difficult to see people and demons in other demon domains can get along so well.

A few years ago, Kitayama might have been able to do it when it was still called the Demon Kingdom, but it was only a superficial peace maintained by something vicious like the Demon Talisman, and the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the monsters grew sharply, and finally one day, the country was destroyed.

After that, it basically entered the era of confrontation between humans and demons, and human beings expanded their territory under the leadership of the One Air Dao Alliance, which has largely squeezed the living space of these monsters, however, the major demon domains have no intention of cooperating, and the internal friction between each other is constant, allowing human beings to take advantage of the situation and continue to develop, so that today's pattern has been formed.

"Dad, these guys look strange one by one, are they really reliable?"

"Lan'er, go play while you don't delay the big thing."

Dongfang Lonely Moon Skin did not jump, and on the back of the chair, Dongfang Qin Lan was leaning out a pair of round eyes to look at the situation outside.

This little aunt is free, she can go anywhere inside and outside the city, and no one dares to stop her.

"I know, isn't it Rong Rong who invited them over to talk about business? If we talk about it, we will eat their table, this is the old tradition of our Flying Dragon City, I understand.

Dongfang Guyue's forehead hurriedly covered her mouth, and her forehead was bruised.

This little girl film, this can be said in person.

They are not some den of bandits with no entry and exit here.

Glancing left and right, fortunately, the eyes of those monsters were still focused on Tu Shanrongrong's body.

Seeing that the situation is very good.


The last seat on the east side.

The Red Refining Fire Dragon wanted to make two chairs with one butt, and the long nose hair slowly fluttered with a snort, with a slight hint of fairy air.

"Let's not talk about things here, Miss Rong Rong, you are from Tushan's side, the affairs on the Flying Dragon City side are decided by your Tushan people, in the end, what kind of demon alliance is engaged in this time, it is your Tushan's idea, you want to separate a boss among our demons, right?"

Tu Shan smiled and said: "I said before, this time we only discuss whether to establish a demon alliance, as for the position of the lord of this alliance, naturally it can only be determined after the demon emperors of the major demon domains nod and approve, if our heaven and earth alliance is appointed without authorization, it is meaningless if everyone does not approve it, isn't it?" "

This time, most of the demons are holding a tentative attitude, whether the demon alliance is established is just a hypothesis that has not yet become a reality, after all, it is necessary to consult the demon emperors in the major fields in the future, and it will definitely not be so hastily decided."

Everyone knows that.

The words of the Red Refining Fire Dragon are somewhat out of business.

There was an inexplicable smell of gunpowder in the air.

Sure enough.

"My opinion is, it's better not to set up."

The red refining fire dragon patted the table and slowly stood up, and its fat body also looked a little terrifying in the huge living room.

He sneered.

"Just looking at the scene in this city makes me disturbed, we guys have survived to this day, why do we need to live on the nose of others? These magic weapons or something, huh..." A

fire swept by.

The sword gourd floating in mid-air immediately turned into black char.

"Is this kind of thing worth studying? It's just a flower rack. Some

of the unkind-looking monsters on the field saw this scene and laughed one after another.

The so-called demon is like this, relying on the sky and the earth is not as good as relying on yourself, your own strength is the most important, and the magic weapon of human beings is a joke.

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