"It's still a human magic weapon that is easy to use."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, there are people following behind her."

Several youkai looked wary, and their gaze moved to the other end of the street, where a red-robed poisonous lady was looking around at something.

Compared with catching the princess in the territory of the southern country, it is more difficult to transport the princess out, these southern taibao are not vegetarian goods, if no one responds internally, they can not guarantee a blaze of incense, they can directly find the door, and they don't know how to die when the time comes.

They took out two sacks prepared in advance, loaded Huandu Luolan into it at once, and then divided into two groups according to the pre-agreed agreement.

One of them, with magic talismans tied to the soles of their feet, quickly ran towards one end of the street outside, and their figures were sneaky and very suspicious.

The poisonous lady walking on the street happened to see the scene on the corner of the alley, and was slightly stunned, and then her whole face changed color.


Immediately afterwards, the two monsters at this end of the alley nodded at each other, and grimly carried the sack into the side of the house, opened the tunnel and ran outside the city.

Just half a column of incense kung fu past, the entire southern imperial city sensation, all the guards in the palace were dispatched, the city wall was leaked, and it entered a state of first-level alert, and the demon kings led by the five poisonous taibao were dispatched one after another.


The poisonous man rushed to the street, his face full of gloom.

The few monsters who were subdued by the poisonous lady widened their eyes and shivered.

"Say! Where is the princess?


"We don't know!"


The poisonous master did not talk nonsense, and unscrewed the head of a monster with one hand, and the blood dripped down the neck, and the remaining two were frightened, and the poisonous lady raised the long whip in her hand, and the gesture was about to swing down.

"City! Out of town! The

poisonous master gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You guys are such a big dog guts!" Living is such an impatient thing for you guys, right? Good! I will fulfill you today! "

There are more and more monsters watching, the poisonous master has no face at all, and the aura of the big demon king suddenly opened, one by one, and tore these monsters to pieces.

Then he led a group of monster guards towards the outside of the city.

The streets are noisy, the sky is full of flying monsters, and there are many figures in the streets and alleys.

This is the second time!

When the Poison Emperor heard the news in the palace, the dragon chairs were shattered.

In the territory of his southern country, the princess can actually be kidnapped for the second time, this is not only hitting the face of the royal family, but also hitting the face of these five poisonous taipo, no matter who the initiator is today, seeing one kill one, it must be to let these bold guys die without a place to be buried.

"Quick! Come on! Go out along this tunnel, get to the forest outside, and we'll finish the task.

"I know! The people sent by Xiao Wang Ye are in the forest outside to meet us! The reaction of these five poison taipo was too fast, and after a while, it was estimated that all the other sides of the city wall would be sealed, and it was not safe even outside the city. "

Inside the tunnel, two monsters carried sacks all the way.

In the time it took for the princess to be kidnapped, they entered the tunnel from a private house in the city, and then went all the way to the mansion of the little king of the southern country, and then turned into another tunnel and ran outside the city.

At that time, when they arrived at the Xiaowangye Mansion, the two heard the noise outside, and the sky and the ground were densely packed with guards from the Southern Imperial Palace, pouring out their nests, just like the people on the side of the One Qido Alliance had invaded the Southern Imperial City.

Kidnapping the princess is a deadly job.

"His mother's, it's really a crime against the wind, I didn't catch up with the good times, if that guy hadn't made this kind of thing last time, we might not have to work so hard."

"That is to say, ah, it's too terrifying, hurry up and hurry, slow down to ensure death."

The two monsters were angry in the tunnel, and the girls ran forward, and the magic talismans were running and smoking, just in order to rush outside before the guards completely blocked the city wall, the most important thing was to dare to give this sack to the liaison on the other side of the forest in front of the Five Poisons Taibao.

Now the monsters in the entire city have been left behind by them, and it is estimated that the side of the city wall has not reacted for a while, just to seize this time difference and race against time.

"Front, it's almost out!"

"It's arrived!"

The two monsters were full of surprise, and the tunnel finally reached the end, sure enough, it was a forest outside Nanguo City, and from the dense forest, you could still see the guards on the city wall, as if they had not reacted, they were still standing in place.

They succeeded, leaving everyone behind.

However, a sound of banging gongs and drums made the two look grim, and they were a little confused about the situation.

I saw that at the end of the forest, the water was facing the city wall, and a group of humans in joyful costumes were holding a batch of boxes, and they were all available, attracting many monsters to watch.

And over there, standing at the head was the Panda Elder of their southern country, not knowing what he was saying.


don't know about it yet, let's go through and don't make a sound."

The two monsters saw that those guys didn't seem to notice this side at all, and immediately turned from panic to peace of mind.

The story of the princess's robbery has not yet reached this side, and they must pass through this place if they want to reach the pre-agreed place.

The two carried sacks and walked all the way forward.

Suddenly, there was a sound behind him.


The expressions on the faces of the two monsters froze, their eyes widened, and they turned their heads at the same time.

In the line of sight, leaning on the tree was a figure in a white robe, undoubtedly a human, he grabbed a dog's tail grass and jumped down from the tree at once.

"You guys dropped your stuff."

The two monsters looked at the guy in amazement as he picked up a wooden sculpture from the ground, held it in both hands, and handed it over with a kind smile.

"Thank you... Thank you. The

minotaur swallowed and took the wood carving with an extremely unnatural expression.

If it were on weekdays, he would be directly killed when he saw such a human being, but today the situation is different, although I don't know why these humans appear so grandly at the border of the southern country, but... None of this has anything to do with him, as long as it doesn't stand in his way.

The two monsters glanced at each other, and the man naturally gave way to the road, so he moved forward step by step, and his hanging heart gradually relaxed.

The faces of the two monsters also gradually appeared smilings, after this big ticket, what awaits them will be endless glory and wealth.

The minotaur casually dropped the wooden carving in his hand, stepped on it, and clicked crisply.

They don't need this stuff.

In the next second, the waist of the two instantly protruded forward and flew to the ground, and the white-robed guy behind him roared in horror.

"Fuck, where are the two fools, to death! Give Lao Tzu kneeling and pick it up! "

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