The big hand in the clouds was cut off horizontally along the wrist, and the poisonous mist whined out like a floodgate, rendering the entire sky a thick deep purple, which was very terrifying.

"Run away!"

The monsters below have long been frightened when they see this, most of the monsters in the southern country are also flesh and blood, and they have not practiced any poisonous skills, not to mention that the poisonous skills of the poison emperor are located at the peak of the entire southern poisonous skills, and the rest are not worth mentioning compared to it, that thing really has to be cut down wherever it touches to live.

The poisonous mist came from under the sky and approached the large boat on the surface of the river, but it slowly stopped.

The clouds kept rolling, gradually turning into an old face and sticking out.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant, this is not a qi Dao alliance, I was already affectionate enough with you at the beginning, not killing, it is already the greatest favor."

The corners of Li Han's eyes twitched.

This is the usual face of these big people, on the surface with you and a kind family, but behind the scenes never treat you as a person, you die you live, are between people's thoughts, even if it is manslaughter, they will not really feel any guilt afterwards, just like stepping on an ant to death by passing by.

It's like someone who gave you a kick, you worked hard, and finally one day you were stronger than him, and he said that without my original kick, you don't have what you have today.

You have to thank him, otherwise you won't be a broad-minded gentleman, at most a villain.

That, Li Han didn't say, his temper is like this, this villain he made up!

"Don't talk nonsense, Lao Tzu is here to beat you today!"

At this moment, the sword of Wang Power pointed directly at the sky, and the whole body was full of light and growing.

The sword qi is thick and vertical.

With a horizontal slash, it disappeared into the clouds, and the face that the old poison emperor transformed through the poisonous mist was divided in half, and collapsed deeply inside.

At the same time, Li Han's body also disappeared into the poisonous mist.

"This can't be! Is that guy crazy? The

poisonous master exclaimed.

Even the other members of the Five Poisons Taibao on the side widened their eyes one by one, looking at this extremely heaven-defying scene.

With the body of a human being, breaking into the poisonous fog of the poisonous emperor, this kind of person is simply unprecedented, unheard of, he is seeking his own death!

However, in the ethereal poisonous mist, Li Han was calm, in his eyes, the burning flame was burning, and at the other end, was the Poisonous Emperor with a tall figure, his cloudy old eyes were full of solemnity.

"I have long heard that when the One Qi Dao Alliance entered Flying Dragon City, you had already mastered my poisonous skills, at first I didn't believe it, but when I saw it today, it was really extraordinary..." I

saw that once the poisonous mist eroded into Li Han's surroundings, the edges of his body would also become slightly blurred, as if assimilated with it.

This is already the embodiment of the body of ten thousand poisons, and it turns into poison.

It is true that the love that was left in Huandu Luolan's body at the beginning was used as an introduction to induce poisonous skills, which was very reasonable.

However, it took hundreds of years of effort to cultivate to this point, but it was only a few months since Li Han left the Southern Kingdom, not to mention that his body was indeed human.

This kind of thing is really weird.

"Huh? This is..." Two

rays of fire shot out from Li Han's eyes, as brilliant as a divine judgment.

Huan Du Qingtian was shocked, he had already felt the threat contained in these two fires, and that kid's eyes were strange!

Swoosh all at once.

The flames pierced through the poisonous mist, burning a long scorching dragon, and the flames did not disappear, as if they had disappeared into a dry pyre.

Huandu Qingtian was stunned, his poison was burning?

The entire southern land can see the scorching fire in the sky, like a burning cloud at dusk of a certain day, and the dark sky is completely lit.

"Arrogant! You are so arrogant! "

The old poison emperor has been sitting in southern Xinjiang for so many years, and he has never seen such a guy for thousands of years.

It made him feel that his rights were being provoked.

At this moment, the power of heaven and earth that had been gathered had undergone earth-shaking changes, the sky was swirling, and the poisonous fog in the sky surged from all directions of the southern frontier boundary, and the entire southern country seemed to be shrouded in this poisonous cloud, they gathered together, turned into a twisted and struggling big face, howled and rushed towards the figure.

"Come on! Old Emperor! My life is placed here, there is a kind, you take it! Li

Han faced the poisonous mist in the sky, there was no fear in his eyes, on the contrary, he was very excited.

The blood in the chest cavity was boiling, and even the tied hair became crazy at this moment.

The ceiling of this world in the true sense, the poisonous emperor of one territory, is his enemy in the state of full power of heaven and earth. Until this moment, he really had a feeling that his destiny was in his own hands.

The so-called survival was originally the tooth pulling of the tiger's mouth!

The body of ten thousand poisons, fully open!

Extinguish the Demon God Fire, all open!

Secret Fire Eye, fully open!

Li Han's body burned with sky-high fire, his body slowly became illusory, hidden in the flames, and his form was slowly forming.

In the end, a majestic lion with a deep purple body appeared in Nirvana, its head and body were burning with scorching fire, and its eyes were as hot as two scorching suns, and it raised its head and rushed towards the poisonous mist in the sky.

As soon as the two collided, they tore together, and the lion tore at the big distorted face and roared.

The boom shook, and the earth seemed to tremble with this scene.

"This is..." The

demon kings at the bottom were so frightened that their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

This was the first time they had seen the old poison emperor's state of full power, but in this case, he encountered a beast that was unreasonable, as if fighting in the primitive jungle, not using any strange laws, but incarnating towards the poisonous mist, tearing and biting one by one.

Every time the lion bites a poisonous mist, a flame burns.

That familiar feeling, there are already many monsters about to come out.

"Pure impotence!"

Theoretically, the poisonous power of the southern country can transform the body into various shapes.

However, when the two collide, because they belong to the same origin, it will become a simple demon power competition.

At this point, even among the major demon domains, there is no demon emperor who can compare with Huan Du Qingtian, and the demon power of the old poison emperor is undoubtedly the ceiling of this world.

However, no one thought of it.

In addition to mastering the poisonous skills of the Southern Kingdom and possessing the sword of royal power, this guy actually has another skill, that is, the monsters are most afraid of, the Demon Exterminating God Fire Pure Yangyan that was famous in the world.

Now, pure yang Yan has become the sharpest tooth of this lion turned into a poisonous body.

No matter how strong the Poison Emperor demon power is? No amount of sheep can hold off a lion with sharp teeth?

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