"It's okay, I've already discussed it with your father, but if you go back now, it is estimated that you won't be able to come out, what do you think?"

Li Han squatted down and scratched her nose with a smile.


Huandu Luolan secretly glanced outside, she did not have any doubts about Li Han's words.

Since she has already come out, she naturally does not want to go back so easily in her heart, not to mention that Li Han also invited her to play in her new home.

"Well, or do you want to meet your dad first?"

"No, no, no... I don't see it, I know my father's temper best, he and you must be in front of each other, then if I can't go back and get out, then it's over.

Huandu Luolan hurriedly shook his head.

Saying that, she glanced at her strangely: "Big brother, when will this ship leave, if we want to leave, we have to hurry, if my father repents, it will be difficult to handle."

"Don't worry, you can wait for me here, and we'll leave later."

Li Han nodded.

After calming Huandu Luolan, he walked out of the cabin door.

The current thing, to put it mildly, is to take Huandu Luolan to the side of Flying Dragon City as a hostage, so that the subsequent side can restrain the Southern Poison Emperor, and before solving the One Qi Dao Alliance, the little girl can't go back.

Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished.

He is soft-hearted, with the old poison emperor's wisdom, the people in the city on this side of Flying Dragon City will have to suffer with it, he is not afraid that others will poke his spine in the future, or that sentence, he does not believe that there is any saint in this world who can be both a saint and a stand, and he will immediately take it for what can be done, and his face can be worth a few dollars.


"Let the brothers under her pay attention, what requirements she has, try to meet them, don't be embarrassed, she is a princess in the southern country, and when she arrives in Flying Dragon City, she can't be neglected."


Li Han slightly instructed the hall master under him, and the hall master should obey, but there seemed to be something unspeakable on his face.

"Big brother!"

At this moment, Huandu Luolan in the cabin door ran out, still holding a sculpture in both hands, the one she bought on the street before, but later stepped on by the monster, and it had become two halves.

"When I was in the Southern Kingdom before, I prayed with Second Master Guan every day, hoping that he could keep my eldest brother safe, but this time I accidentally broke his sculpture, I didn't mean it, I..."

When we go back, we'll fix him, okay?

Li Han smiled and touched her head.

However, Huandu Luolan couldn't stop crying and shook his head.

At this time, Li Han noticed that something was wrong.

"Big brother, Luo Lan will be obedient, don't you fight with the father emperor again, the father emperor is already very old, we Nanguo did very excessive things to the eldest brother before, I know, I know... But, but he is my father. The

girl held the sculpture of Second Master Guan and put it in her heart, crying silently.

Li glanced coldly at the hall master next to him, who shrunk his head, shook his legs and knelt down.

"The alliance master spares his life, the Fangcai brothers are all outside to steer, the boat is parked on the river

, this..." When the princess woke up and saw something, the members of the Heaven and Earth Alliance naturally knew nothing, which was the main reason for the weakness of this hall master.

She actually knew everything, including that she was once again a hostage.

What happened outside, she also knew that she had seen her father fall on the city wall, but Li Han's sword did not stab down.

While she was glad in her heart, she also knew that the contradiction between Li Han and the Southern Kingdom was simply irreconcilable, and after that incident happened, she had investigated the slaves who built the city wall, and almost died one batch after another, and when there was no one, the poisonous master would go to the human realm to arrest people again.

With so many lives and such deep hatred, she could never forget the eyes of her eldest brother when he was cremating his compatriots, and that fire could never be extinguished.

Li Han raised his head and closed his eyes deeply.

"Luo Lan, I'm sorry, this time, the eldest brother can't promise you anything, all this depends on what your father does."

"I'm sorry, big brother, I'm sorry..."

Huandu Luolan held the destroyed sculpture, aggrieved, choked and shrunk into a ball, and his heart ached so much that he seemed to lose his breath.

However, Li Han had already jumped up and flew towards the southern country with his sword again.

No matter how strong he is, he is not qualified to talk about forgiveness for the dead, nor can he betray his former self to do anything to shake hands with Nanguo and talk about his happiness.

All this is a cold and rigid game of interests, how to seek the greatest benefits for Flying Dragon City, this is what he, the city lord, needs to consider.

The day flies quickly.

Outside the southern city wall stood a circle of members of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, with a large knife around his waist and a red scarf tied to his head, coldly slaughtering.

The black flag stands at the bow of the ship, hunting and hunting.

Huandu Qingtian stood at the head of the city wall with a desolate expression, looking at the big ship on the river from a distance.

Just as Li Han said, whether the flag would be planted at the head of the southern city was all between his thoughts.

With a single thought, he stole peace and kept the monsters in this domain safe and sound.

At the thought of death, he rose up to resist, breaking the halberd and sinking the sand, leaving a mess.

At this moment, when the war started again, he could no longer guarantee that Li Han would not make a move on those civilians in his southern country, and the dozen or so monsters who died at that time were the best proof that they were a guy who would stop at nothing to achieve his ends.

Cruel heart, hot hands.

"Old Emperor, how did you think about it? I want a word from you. "

On schedule.

One man, one sword.

"Lord Li Meng, our Emperor Majesty has already retreated and retreated, this day has not yet passed, you are so aggressive, is it too much."

The imperial uncle of the southern country poisoned Laozi and burst into tears.

This is definitely the most humiliating day in the history of the Southland.

Huandu Qingtian raised his hand and signaled the five poisonous taibao behind him to be quiet.

At the moment, it is the blue that is better than the blue, and if it cannot be defeated, there will be no more diplomacy, which is doomed.

"Lord Li Meng, I can agree to your request, but..." "

Don't mention the princess's matter, when you achieve my satisfaction, when will she come back."

Li Han smiled.

Completely cut off Huandu Qingtian's thoughts.

At this moment, the old Poison Emperor's originally stubborn body seemed to become even older.

"I fought with you!"

"It's too much! Don't you guy have any heart? "

The five poisonous taipo completely exploded, and they were angry and blinded.

"Ahem... Give me all down!

Huan Du Qingtian coughed violently twice, his eyes full of pain and regret, and gritted his teeth.

"Please... Please, Your Excellency, be kind to Lo Lan. "

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