"Sister Huaizhu, my sister and I just arrived here and saw that the door of your backyard was not closed."

Tu Shan smiled.

"It turned out to be Rong Rong, well, I see."

"Then, if there is nothing to do, we will go first."

"Is Hong Hong here too?"

Tu Shan Hong was startled, and the bell sounded softly.


After a while, Dongfang Huaizhu walked out of the house dressed neatly, and his steps were slightly disordered.

Tu Shanrongrong and his sister looked at each other, and for some reason, under the reflection of the dark candle fire in the house, the oriental Huaizhu was more beautiful than before.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, is it okay in Tushan during this time?"

"Well, it's fine."

Tu Shan Honghong felt the concern between her words.

Just like in Flying Dragon City, most of the clothes that the sisters wore on weekdays were also bought by Dongfang Huaizhu as gifts.

"Come in and sit."

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled slightly.


Tu Shan Honghong didn't know how to answer.

Tu Shan smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Huaizhu for your kindness, it's already very deep if you don't spend the night, so it's inconvenient for us to stay for a long time." A

trace of weakness flashed in Dongfang Huaizhu's eyes, and she smiled.

"It's okay, it's okay, it just so happens that the people in the house are out

, I'm idle alone, you..." Tu Shanrong understood in his heart, and quickly nodded: "My sister and I have just arrived, since Sister Huaizhu don't bother you, let's go in and have a cup of tea before leaving." Saying

that, she secretly pulled the corner of her sister's clothes.

Tu Shan Honghong nodded.

Dongfang Huaizhu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Looks like...... Fortunately, neither of them heard anything, otherwise... I really can't be a human anymore, blame that bad guy!

After letting the two sisters enter the house and sit down, Dongfang Huaizhu first went straight back to the room, and saw that only a human head was exposed in the warm fragrance quilt, with rouge gouache on his face coated with hoop forks, two sky-piercing braids on his head, and two flowers inserted.

He looked pure and shivered.

"Lady, the adultery between the two of us will not..."

Dongfang Huaizhu was so frightened that he hurriedly stepped forward and covered his mouth and lowered his voice.

What a treacherous affair....

"What are you talking about! You listen to me, don't squeak, we haven't been found, and they'll be gone in a moment. "

Ahhh... Scare me to death, madam, I listen to you, eh... Wait a minute, you can go before you go.

Li Han nodded obediently, and then stretched out his hand and grabbed Dongfang Huaizhu.

The latter glanced outside, his heart pounding.

I want to cry without tears.

She is dressed in her wedding clothes, how come she is not the same as others, making it look like cheating... It's so exciting, she can't bear it.

"My good husband, count me begging you, I'll say anything when I come back, okay?"

"No, people don't follow, you first incense one, and then people let you go."

Li Han looked innocent and looked at her blankly.


Are you three years old?

Dongfang Huaizhu subconsciously wanted to cover his forehead.

She found... She always seemed to have some misunderstanding of Li Han's lower limit.

There was no way, in the end, he could only fulfill this ancestor's wish, hurriedly pecked him on the face, and then covered him with a quilt.

"Well, you're obedient."

"Well, madam, wait for you~

" "Shh!"



Outside the lobby, Tu Shan Hong whispered coldly.

At this moment, Tu Shanrong on the side was startled, and he quickly looked at the side of the door.

Dongfang Huaizhu was afraid that the two sisters would know, and she was afraid that Dongfang Huaizhu would know that they knew... If it's okay in the simplest first layer, I'm afraid of temptation to tempt, then it's troublesome.

Also count a Li Han brother... With his ability, it is estimated that he knows, but judging from Fang Cai's words, he seems to not know.

The current situation, how many layers are it...

Well...... With Tu Shanrongrong's brain, it is now a little chaotic.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"Sister, anyway, sooner or later this matter will be told to Brother Li Han, it is better to take this opportunity to say it, he doesn't seem to know that the two of us know that he is there."


It's not bad.

Tu Shan Honghong thought for a moment and then felt that it was feasible.

After what Fang Cai heard, she was even more sure that she couldn't go to ask Li Han for a lower three, Huaizhu had already been poisoned, and that guy would make any strange demands.

Anyway, just tell him about this, help, Tu Shan's side is indispensable to give benefits, if not help, she will find another way....

"Well, you can."

After Dongfang Huaizhu came out with two cups of hot tea, there was another small talk.

It is probably today's moonlight, how is the celebration and other non-nutritious topics, it is Dongfang Huaizhu chatting with Tu Shanrongrong, Tu Shan Honghong was just asked how he felt when he came to Flying Dragon City to see things here.

With Tu Shan Rong around, the chat will naturally not be too embarrassing, or the same as usual.

This also made Dongfang Huaizhu more and more relaxed.

Next time cheating... No, hurry up and let that guy come to the door and pick it up! Miss Ben never wants to be so sneaky anymore! Otherwise, the next time he comes, take a broom and get rid of him!

"Sister Huaizhu... Sister Huaizhu..." "

Well, Rong Rong, you said."

Dongfang Huaizhu's mind outside the world was finally pulled back.

"Actually, my sister came to Flying Dragon City this time for a very important matter."

Tu Shan Rong spoke.

The last time Fengqi died, the breath on his body was very dangerous, that black fox... It can be said that for thousands of years, the Bitter Giant Tree has never given birth to such a thing, and Tu Shan has no similar cultivation exercises.

The reason why Tu Shan Honghong wanted to complete the reincarnation of the bitter giant tree this time was to prevent such things from leaking out of Tu Shan.

That's no small thing.

Dongfang Huaizhu also understood the seriousness of the matter when he listened, and his expression became more and more solemn.

Tu Shanrongrong's side is suggesting that an organization be established on the side of the Heaven and Earth Alliance to connect with Tu Shan's Red Thread Immortal, and then it is convenient to find those reincarnated humans, which is no problem.

But...... This reincarnation continuation, there must be a clear distinction between primary and secondary.

Dongfang Huaizhu wondered.

"If, if you have the ability, first find those powerful demons to complete the reincarnation continuation, for the bitter giant tree, wouldn't it be better."

Tu Shan Honghong nodded.

"Well, the first object of continuation that I personally want to solve is the current Beishan Demon Emperor, Shi Kuan, first go to the human territory to find out his continuation object."

"Well, in that case, wouldn't it be safer for Li Han to go with you?"

Dongfang Huaizhu pondered.

Tu Shan nodded: "I think it's good, in the next step, Flying Dragon City will expand towards the human territory, and Brother Li Han is estimated to go there first to understand the situation, just kill two birds with one stone." "


Tu Shan Honghong: ......

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