Since the incident in Flying Dragon City, the entire upper family of the One Air Dao Alliance has lived in the shadow of panic.


Everyone didn't take the Heaven and Earth Alliance seriously at all, they just thought that this was a civilian bandit rebel organization, and it was too outrageous for Shen Volcano Village to ally with it, and they probably felt that this was just a superficial work that God Volcano Village wanted to remove himself from the One Qi Dao Alliance and set up his own portal.

So many lords went to the banquet, and most of them also went to the Divine Volcano Village.

It was not until the death and injury of the family masters that the Dao Alliance disciples realized that something was wrong, and no one expected that Dongfang Lonely Moon could really make this ruthless hand, conniving at the people under his hand to do so, which also made the Dao Alliance disciples who had long been accustomed to being high and shouted in unison and wanted revenge.

In the end, after the battle of Flying Dragon City, everyone realized that something was wrong.

They seem to have mistaken the protagonist all along.

The leader of this series of things may not be the Divine Volcano Village at all, but the Heaven and Earth Alliance that they have always regarded as grass mustard.

This Heaven and Earth Alliance is backed by Tu Mountain, and with the Divine Volcano Village joining, it has already shown an unstoppable trend, especially that young alliance master, I don't know what strange skills he has mastered, and even the royal family can't help him.

The most outstanding leader of this generation, the hegemonic son of the royal power family can only fight with the sword of royal power to tie. (This is the news that came back to the Ichikido Alliance after the decisive battle that day.)

And after this battle, the hegemony of royal power never appeared in front of people.

Since then, Li Han's name has also completely spread in the One Air Dao Alliance.

It is rumored that he is actually a monster with three heads and six arms, who turns into a human form when he has nothing to do on weekdays, and once he encounters stimulation, he will grow into a monster of hundreds of zhang, and he can hold up a mountain at will and cover the sky.

It is also rumored that he is a goblin who has lived for thousands of years and is proficient in various spells, and the powerful and varied magic weapons on the side of the Ichiki Dao Alliance have no effect on him at all, and he only needs to glance at it to make these things lose their due effect.

...... All in all, for more than a month, the spread became more and more outrageous, and the entire One Qi Dao Alliance fell into a lifeless and desperate atmosphere.

They have always hoped that the hegemonic son of the royal family can stand up and say two words, which is their only hope.

But the fact is that the injured butler Fei has come forward again and again to clarify, claiming that the hegemonic prince is working hard to cultivate, and in time he will definitely be able to sanction the arrogant Heaven and Earth Alliance Lord, in addition, he is just an ordinary person with a strong cultivation, so don't pay too much attention to it... Clouds.

"Brother, if it goes on like this, don't talk about our Li family, the entire Yiqi Dao Alliance will fall into turmoil."

Li Quhuo walked from the front yard to the school grounds, and there were workshops on both sides along the way.

In the past, these places were filled with various instruments and tools, and the magic weapon was created hotly, and it was sold one after another to the major families of the One Qi Dao Alliance and the mortal realm below, but since the Flying Dragon City incident, the sales of magic weapons have plummeted, and many clans are ready to transfer the training core of the future family to the training body, this is not for confrontation, but thinking that with a strong flesh and blood body in the future, you may be able to escape the disaster, after all, the magic weapon is expensive, and if it is damaged, you have to take it back to repair, you really want to escape, Who can take care of so much, or their own quality is excellent and reliable.

This has also led to the fact that today's workshops are very deserted, many stoves have been set on fire, many of the craftsmen have left, and the remaining part of them staying in the Li family is only as an offering, only taking money and not working.

Li Zi was by his side, still dressed in white, and he sighed slightly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Take advantage of the fact that the people are not gone now, and then organize the children within our Dao Alliance to fight a wave, anyway, just watch them annex the three cities of Yong'an, and become stronger and stronger, this is raising tigers!"

Li Quxun clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger.

The words were spoken out of consideration for the entire Ichiki Alliance, but they were also somewhat personal vendettas.

Anyway, their brothers' own father was crippled in the last Flying Dragon City incident, and when he came back, he left directly because of his injuries within ten days.

"Your words are too reckless, let's think about it again."

Li shook his head.

"Brother! Give me a reason, why!

Li Quxun looked directly at Li Zizi, as if there was a man-devouring beast hidden in his eyes, and even the night could not hide its ferocity.

However, Li Zizi only frowned.

"You haven't really seen Li Han, even if the eldest brother fought with him that day, you were only operating the flying sword from a distance behind, you don't know how much pressure the eldest brother suffered in that battlefield, admittedly, he is by no means as terrifying as outsiders rumor, but you should also know that you really have to take so many people to Flying Dragon City... What is the difference from sending to death?

"Brother, are you afraid?"

Li Quxun smiled miserably.

"I just want you to calm down."

Li Quxun turned around, leaving only such a sentence.

The members of the Mask Troupe in the past had great ambitions in their lives, hoping to one day explore places they had not set foot in and cross the high city wall.

It's just that...... All this changed when the three words of the Heaven and Earth Alliance were transmitted back to the One Qi Dao Alliance.

Their dreams are based on the shadow of their father, and now that the backyard is on fire, such a big change has occurred, they do not even have the ability to take revenge on their enemies, and the so-called search circle has completely become a dead letter.

Ji Jiaji Wuji, Mujia Mu Shenqi, plus a Li family Li Quxun, all three of them are hot-blooded, angry and dissatisfied, all thinking of going to Flying Dragon City again to take revenge.

Only he Li Zizi and Yang Yixi of the Yang family advocated that it was not appropriate to fight, and the rest of the people held a wait-and-see attitude except for the hegemony of the king, which had been closed since returning home, and it was difficult for both sides to help each other.

So... The interior is broken.

Hehe...... Lo and behold, all it takes to destroy the old fraternal alliance is such a simple thing.

Pride, self-esteem, these things are really not worth mentioning in the face of really strong strength.

"Go to Turbidity, when it really comes to death, brother will not spare this life, but you take a closer look at the current Dao Alliance, a trip to Flying Dragon City has exhausted most of our young generation, you personally died, can the family business left by your father afford to die?" Or can the common people under this huge territory guarded by the One Air Dao Alliance afford to die? "

Brother, you're putting me on the fire and roasting me..."

Li Quxun muttered, kneeling down with a pop, and two lines of hot tears fell silently.

Good guys are the hardest.

There is a heart to kill, and there is no power to return to heaven.

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