"What does this mean? You mean hatred can also be extinguished?

Tu Shan Honghong said suspiciously.

"Alas... It's not the same as your Tushan, where do I have a feud with these civilians, the superstructure and the lower layer of the One Air Dao Alliance are two things at all, not to mention that the One Air Dao Alliance exploits them, don't see them shouting vigorously, none of them will meet when they really call,"

Li Han shook his head.

Tu Shan Hong looked sad and said, "Sure enough, I still don't understand humans very well. "

There is a fundamental difference between the concept of Tushan and the Heaven and Earth Alliance, every piece of land in Tushan belongs to the fox demon on the mountain, they can do whatever they want, even if it is Tushan Street now, as long as you do not affect the road traffic of others, you can build a house everywhere."

But the Heaven and Earth Alliance is different, they have strict rules and regulations, housing areas, livestock areas, planting areas, one after another, enforced, very rigorous, and the military factory under construction recently, everything is fundamentally different from Tushan, this kind of management looks naturally very uncomfortable for the Tushan fox demon who yearns for freedom.

But it is strange that the residents of the city can actually accept it, and they are very supportive of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

It's not so much that he doesn't understand humans, Tu Shan Honghong is as if he doesn't understand Li Han, everything he does seems to stand at a certain level that she can't understand... However, her sister Tu Shan Rongrong could understand it.

"Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand ah, calculating people's hearts is the most brain-hurting thing, so I didn't talk to those old guys more when I went over there, for me, they must die sooner or later."

Li Han shook his head and opened the door of the inn.

Tu Shan looked red.

"Have you gained some weight recently?"

"Huh? No, why do you say that? Tu

Shan Honghong did not speak.

She only felt that the figure in her sight seemed to be a little wider than before, and she had a feeling of reassurance just by looking at it.

The two still returned according to the same road, did not cause trouble, along the road everywhere there were rumors of accidents in the hall of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, I heard that the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance arrived here, and then, those who were still clamoring to fight with the Heaven and Earth Alliance under the leadership of the children of the One Air Alliance returned home, closed the door, and there was no one on the street in an instant, very quiet.

When passing through the alley, you can still see the carriage and the hurried figure inside through some back doors that are not closed, and the boxes are moved up one after another, almost all of them, as Li Han said, no one will really think of fighting with the Heaven and Earth Alliance to the end.

In this regard, Li Han just laughed indifferently in his eyes.

"The same are people who can't eat enough, who can ask for who is noble?"

Tu Shan Honghong followed him closely, feeling a little apprehensive.

"Can you tell me about your past?"

"Before, how long ago did you mean?"

Walking through the wet bluestone road, on the quaint high wall, a fragrant smell comes to the face.

Looking up, white flowers bloomed among the turquoise leaves, which were too lush and grew out of the wall.


Li Han jumped up and picked one.

"Before you came to Flying Dragon City."

Tu Shan Honghong contemplated the way.

Li Han handed her the flowers.

"Are you going to send me stolen flowers?"

"Well, isn't the flower stolen and fragrant, didn't I also steal your flower from Tu Shan?"

Tu Shan Honghong rolled her eyes, and finally slowly stretched out her hand, grabbing it when she was about to get closer.

Turned around and put it on the tip of his nose, took a deep breath, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Spring flowers and rain fall, and the sky is sunny.

The bell is fluttering, and the red sleeves are beautiful.

"Speak quickly, while I still have patience to listen."

"Oh, if you want to listen to Lao Tzu, you have to say ah, Lao Tzu doesn't want face? Unless you beg Lao Tzu.

Li Han tilted his head and swaggered.

Tu Shan Honghong also snorted coldly.

"The old lady will beg you? You dream. "

Well, Lao Tzu really is... Flowers return me!

"The old lady took it with her ability, why should she pay you back?"

Tu Shan Honghong looked quite proud, and saw that Li Han actually ran towards her in anger, she quickly smashed her shoes towards Li Han, spread two white jade-like feet and began to run.

This little fox did a great job.

However, she is really annoying to do it.

Therefore, when the whole town was panicking because of the coming war, there were two strange people chasing and frolicking one after the other, as if completely ignoring the situation around them, until they were discovered by the patrol of the Ichikido Alliance, reprimanded them for unknown people, and asked them to take off their hats.

Before Tu Shan Honghong could react, Li Han actually left her directly and slipped away! So angry that she stomped her foot, and a wave of demon force swept directly frightened the person of the One Qi Dao Alliance to sit on the ground, and her crotch was wet.

"The old lady will go back and don't beat you to death! Count you running fast! "


Taoyuan Li family.

Back door.

"Ahem..." Li

Muchen covered his chest, grabbed the door frame and leaned in step by step.

This is her other courtyard, she has never been treated well by her father and brother, so there is no subordinate here, which has saved her a lot of trouble.

This time, she can be regarded as having fully experienced the strength of the legendary Heaven and Earth Alliance Lord, such a sword technique, even the steward of King Power Mountain Villa did not have the slightest ability to resist in front of that person, and the subsequent king power hegemony...

To be honest, this is too far from the rumors, and she is now more willing to believe that the hegemony of royal power was unilaterally beaten in the previous war, or it belongs to the kind of being killed in seconds.

"It seems that the demise of the Dao Alliance is already inevitable, but it's just a pity that I have these things... At that time, I am afraid that the Li family will cease to exist.

Li Muchen looked regretfully at several workshops in his other courtyard.

She has been very intelligent since she was a child, her talent is not much less than her second brother Li Quxun, and she is proficient in all the intelligence and ingenuity of the Li family, these rooms are filled with strange things that she has made over the years, mostly magic weapons to detect mana and demon power, after all, she wants to see the existence recorded in the secret scroll, how can she do it without direction... Unfortunately, progress in recent years has been less than expected.

"This is..."

Li Muchen raised his head, stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the door of her room was covered with something as intricate as if a century-old tree had taken root.


It was agitating like a clump of hearts.

The whole room interior....

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