Perhaps because of this, the upper limit of this cheatbook that is purely affiliated with the Human Alliance to improve one's personal cultivation is not so high.

But regardless of whether the upper limit is high or not, what can put pus is a good plaster, now is to try it, how powerful is this cheatbook.

Li Han slowly opened his eyes and invoked the warm breath in his body.

A pair of scissors on the table flew up slowly.



In an instant, the light and shadow in the house swayed mottled, the fire on the candle was cut off by scissors, and in an instant it appeared at the door of the house a few meters away, and the wick of the candle was still burning at the scissor surface.

Li Han took a deep breath, and the scissors appeared next to the candle again in an instant, and continued the flame while it was not extinguished.

He almost figured it out.

The meaning of the word amorphous flying knife spectrum, when using it, it is necessary to control the distance between the opponent in advance, and the section that shuttles in the middle does not pose an attack threat, only the beginning and end, the moment the weapon appears, is the real killing move.

In the face of a real master, this trick is naturally not very effective, after all, Li Han does not have the conditions like Li Zizi, and has a purple gold gourd that can nourish the qi of chaos and a real indefinite flying knife, but the little master is still more than enough.

Rao is so, Li Han is already very satisfied.

This is his first step into the human realm, and he will collect more useful things to add points in the future.

This night, Li Han slept deeply.

About the next morning, when light refracted from the window, Li Han frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

Through the window, the light was faint, and it looked like it was still early.

But what is this sense of discord?

He lifted the quilt and walked all the way out the door, and the moment he opened the door, he was stunned.

This time it was the front door, the center of the duplex attic, directly opposite his entrance, and two figures stood out.

One of them was wearing a green robe with a goose-yellow costume, and the breeze was blowing through her robe, she was quietly looking at the peddlers and pawns on the street, her beautiful and dusty face was like a mutton fat jade-like warm water spirit, and she was holding a verdant bamboo flute in her right hand, quiet and silent.

The younger one was lying on the railing, with a sugar gourd stick on her childish face, and you could vaguely see the mischievous tiger teeth on her mouth, gently biting the stick, swishing, and flew below the attic.

Just when the clouds were light and the wind was light, there was just an autumn breeze blowing in the court, and the dead leaves flowed in the cool sunlight, falling on the bleakness of a courtyard.

Dongfang Huaizhu looked at it from afar, the expression on his face without applying powder was indifferent, the wind rose, and it just fell on the sleeve belt of the green robe, and the ribbon fluttered, like a bright spring returning to the earth.

Such a vigorous scene was immediately seen by Li Han.

Bang a crisp!

He backhanded the door shut.

Dongfang Huaizhu also reacted, she had been waiting here for a long time in the morning.

"Eh... Li Gongzi! Why are you here?

"Girl, please respect yourself, since Li has already promised the girl, he will definitely not break his word, those brothers hiding in the secret will come out, there is no need to hide, I have no intention of running."

Dongfang Huaizhu: ......

Dongfang Qin Lan's little face suddenly became angry, and when he heard this, he rushed to the door, and the little cloth shoes flew up and kicked on the door.

"The surname is Li! I've put up with you for a long time, what do you think of our Dongfang family, afraid of wolves and tigers, is it a man, can you simply do it, we really want to hurt you and use it to call people to come and block your door early in the morning? "

There is no sound.

"The surname Li, if you don't come out again, do you believe that Aunt Ben set your house on fire!"

The door was opened.

Li Han walked out in a white robe and smiled.

"Why be so angry in the early morning, I just made a joke, let the two girls relieve the tiredness of waiting, how could I not know that the Dongfang family of Shen Volcano Village has always acted brightly, and everyone in the world can see it."

He is not afraid that Dongfang Qin Lan will burn the house, the main thing is that he is very particular and collects money, and he must have professional ethics.

Hearing this, Dongfang Qin Lan was slightly stunned, looking at his sincere look, it was really difficult to say anything, and immediately hummed two sentences.

"It's about the same, it's not me talking about you, I saw you when I ate with you yesterday that you are so cheerful and neat, how did it suddenly become like this, you said what are you afraid of, my sister and I have explained the identity to you, you are the person covered by our Shen Volcano Villa, who dares to move you..."

Dongfang Huaizhu signaled Dongfang Qin Lan to stop talking.

"Li Gongzi, even if that's the case, just come with me."

Li Han nodded, he kind of figured it out.

Dare to love these two sisters blocking the door early in the morning is afraid that he will run away, although he did have this idea, but think about it, he collected the money, but just on the stage to say two words, the real fight is Ximen Chuisha those righteous people who come under the banner of exterminating demons, and make a cameo appearance as a passerby who does not get in the way.

"Please wait."

Li Han returned to the house, took out his set of robes, covered the top of the robe, and the round hat also covered the hair and face, and then he walked to the coal in the backyard under the surprised eyes of the Oriental sisters, and grabbed some carbon ash with his hand and wiped it on his face.

"Gongzi, this is... Why..."

said Dongfang Huaizhu stunned.

A young son who was originally handsome, now looks like a foreigner fleeing, she has never met such a person before.

"It's not a secret, the beauty of the two girls, if the scholar looks like a scholar and talks left and right, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous, and if they find trouble afterwards, it is not clear, like this, it looks like an ordinary peddler's pawn, and it will not cause people to be suspicious."

Only those who have almost died will know how precious a small life is.

Li Han has seen too many people folded on the southern side, why didn't he escape from death this time?

To be able to live to the human realm, he belongs to the people who are full of smell in all aspects, or is he the chosen son among these people, he should go up, he should be instigated, he chose all the options that can survive, until now he can save a small life, except for him, no one who was captured and went to the southern country can come back alive.

How precious this is! Can he be sorry for this little life that he has worked so hard to save?

If he wants to say it, these two sisters are now like the princess of the dead country who has been targeted by the major masters, and he Li Han is like that pure and simple rural farmer, one has no family background, and the other has no personal strength.

Is it an affair if you run into it like this? He Li Han has a few heads, dare to think so.

This must not be held on first, and then try to make it bigger and stronger step by step? Can it still float?

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