"I didn't expect... So is it your arrangement outside the entire circle?" The

three young masters of the Ao Lai Guo who were covered in scales fell to the ground like a shooting star, and the thunder in the sky was like a mocking laugh, disturbing his heart.

In the long years, his true body has long been corroded by an inexplicable force.

And these creatures outside the circle that have been surrounding the seal for a long time are not trying to take away his true body, but to provide nourishment for a budding monster inside.

The smoke cleared, and the sealed mountain was thrown high and flew into the sky, as if covering everything.

The monster below also gradually revealed its true body.

Hanging from his hairy body, his whole body looked like a giant furry creature, exuding a wild aura.

The face covered with hair only has hideous facial features as if a mask is embedded in the face, and two long fangs stick out from the mouth, sharp and abnormal, and from time to time they will roar low to warn.

Those blood-red eyes flickered in the flickering air, like a beast that chose to endure.

This is the true body of the three young masters of Aolai Country.

However, in the face of such a terrifying monster.

A very windy sound sounded.

"Hmm... Your third brother looks much stronger than stronger."

Li Han held his chin and nodded.

Liu'er wanted to cry without tears: "When is this! Do you still have the mind to joke?" It

is not difficult to cross this demarcated ravine, the difficult thing is to enter the complicated situation that you will face later, the bottom and the sky of those floating outside the circle are patrolling around like ghosts, they do not cross the border, but they will not leave easily, as long as someone dares to step forward, they will inevitably be attacked by these creatures.

"I'm telling the truth. "

The monster below is as tall as the wall of Flying Dragon City just from the height point of view, and it is as strong as a monster, and Li Han wants to subconsciously find the shapeshifter from inside his clothes.

If you think about it, if even the beautiful and long-legged six ears can become like this, it will be too terrifying.

"Third brother!" At

this moment, Liu'er didn't have time to fight with this guy anymore, and a somersault flew next to the golden light of the meteorite, looking at the golden light of the Ao Lai Guo Sanshao, Liuer was also shocked.

"Third brother, you..." "

Second sister, leave me alone, quickly dodge!" The

third young master of Aolai Guo looked cold, and a thick fire light flew from the ground and flew in the direction of Liu'er, fortunately, the third young master of Aolai Guo pushed his sister away in time, and under the opening of King Kong, it collided with the firelight.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the golden body is gradually collapsing.

With the body of the spirit body, the secret fire eye of the true body, the soul has been seriously damaged in the attack after attack, and has reached a very thin state, which is the third young master of the Aolai Kingdom at this time.

"Third brother!" Seeing

this, Liu'er was not to be outdone, and used the secret fire eye to fight back.

However, when the fire shot into the monster's body, the fur on the outside was burned, but the golden light inside was very dazzling.

At this moment, Liuer finally understood.

The third brother's Vajra cultivation realm is far more than her secret art fire eye, and if a second-class spear can penetrate a first-order shield.

"Second sister, it's useless, don't show anything else in front of him, while he hasn't comprehended a higher-level secret method, you go quickly!"

shouted the third young master of the Aolai Kingdom, he was already unable to protect himself.

The monster was watching him intently.

He knew that as long as he completely destroyed the guy in front of him, then this body would belong to Him completely.

The pupils of the six ears suddenly dilated, and they immediately understood.

This monster may be another Li Han, but unlike Li Han, he himself is the doppelganger of the three young masters of the Aolai Kingdom, and displaying the secret method of the Aolai Kingdom in front of him will only make his body recall those things that have been forgotten due to the absence of the soul, and the more he shows, the stronger the strength he can show.

And this true body has at least inherited the strength of the three young ninety percent of the Aolai Kingdom, and it is not an existence that the six ears can deal with at all.

In other words, they cannot attack.

The monster also grinned, its fangs sharp, as if mocking the two in the sky.

At this moment, in the distant sky, a dazzling golden light flashed, and the three young masters and six ears of the Aolai Kingdom looked sideways at the same time.

I saw that between the dim heaven and earth, a huge sword light was standing, as if it was a magnificent shore with the heavens and ground, and the thick state was even stronger than the sealed mountain that Fang had just thrown out by that monster.


The sword fell.

Pressed straight towards the monster.

"King Power Sword!" the

old man of Tianmen on the city wall was so frightened that his lips trembled.

What the word kingship on the hilt of the sword represents, everyone who has stayed in the Ichiki Dao Alliance will know, but where in this world is the big sword of king's power like a mountain.

"It's the sword intent of royal power.

Yang Yi sighed and frowned and said lightly.

Let's call it that man now, as early as after the incident in Flying Dragon City, he has been unable to come out, and he was still called the eldest brother at that time.

But after that

, Steward Fei was killed, Wang Quan was killed drunk, he did not draw a sword, and he went crazy.

His affairs were widely praised by the Yiqi Dao Alliance, and when Li Quzhuo wanted to fight Li Han to the death, he was divorced from virtue below, saying that all the hegemonic princes have become that ghost, just because we still want to resist the Heaven and Earth Alliance?

Originally, I thought that he must be controlled by someone, but later I found that it was indeed too fragile in his heart.

Being able to accept your proud side, but not accepting your inferior side, this is the hegemony of kingship.

Now that the sword of Wang Quan was taken away by Li Han, Yang Yisi did not resent, only the anger hidden in his heart, People, you must know shame! Shame can be courageous

!" "He can really use that thing!"

The old man of Tianmen exclaimed.

The only person in their generation who can really use the king's power sword intent is the head of the royal power family, and the sophisticated Fei butler may also use it, but others, just to understand the king's power sword technique, already need Mo Gao's talent, not to mention the king's power sword intent above this.

This kind of sword intent can actually form a mountain-like structure.

No one knows how powerful it is.

"It's not only that, senior, the second brother's words can't be wrong, he is not a person that ordinary people can touch. It

was a mountain that could never be overturned, and even the Ichiki Dao Alliance was as fragile as white paper in front of him.

Li Zi stared at the sky in the distance, and the figure holding the sword fell into deep thought.

The chosen one, what can it do?

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