In an instant, the hundreds of Li Han's hands in the sky gathered golden light, shining on the sky.


the hall master of the Dragon Hall muttered adoringly....

Outsiders do not know the weight of Li Han's two words in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and in the eyes of their internal members, all the ideas of the Li Alliance Lord must be supported, but everything that Li Meng mainly does, without mentioning any difficulties, will eventually achieve its goal anyway.

The Heaven and Earth Alliance has advanced vigorously so far, and none of the series of strategic indicators formulated has failed.

They have always been on the road to success, they worship Li Han as a god, and believe that as long as they follow Li Han, they will never fail, which is also the biggest trick of their development so far.

"Is this the Heaven and Earth Sword, can the King Power Sword exert its true power only in your hand?"

Yang sighed and opened the Heavenly Eye on his forehead.

This time, as far as the eye could see, the majestic sword intent rushed straight into the sky, and no other weapon could reach this level except the king's power sword.

Last time, it was Wang Power Hegemony who stood at the head of Flying Dragon City with a sword.

And this time, there are hundreds of such lights.

"Run, second sister, what are you still standing for!" The

third young master of Aolai Guo was so frightened that he quickly pulled the six ears on the side, and the two of them quickly distanced themselves from Li Han one by one.

The sword intent that radiated golden light in the sky was like a bottomless vortex, and the strong gravitational force was constantly swallowing everything around it, and the dangerous aura was spreading.

Right at this moment.

The two saw that those creatures outside the circle flew uncontrollably in the direction of Li Han.

One by one, they struggled, but could not escape the golden blooming vortex, were torn by their bodies, gradually fell apart, and fell into the sky.

"Did this kid treat the entire circle as his hunting ground?"

the Third Young Master of Ao Lai Guo gradually understood.

The use of King Power Sword Intent requires the consumption of Shouyuan, but Li Han, who has the golden pill, can forcibly suck all the surrounding creatures into it and transform it into the nourishment of King Power Sword Intent, so that he does not need to worry about running out of strength at all.

But ah!"

he was so daring. Six

Ears was silent.


the fleet he sent out is estimated to have arrived in the country of Aolai, anchored next to the island, and hundreds of shovels are aimed at the heavenly materials and treasures of that place, and all he wants is for a thief not to go empty.

On the other hand, the attacks launched by those monsters also began, and hundreds of doppelgangers launched the Secret Fire Eye in unison, like lasers straight at the place where Li Han's doppelganger was.


It is not bad that they have King Kong, and Li Han's side also has it.

Moreover, the cultivation is more advanced.

Douyun only ordered a little, King Kong is not bad, but Li Han is directly full here, and the priority is much higher than other Aolai Kingdom secret techniques.

What I want is a turtle shell, the kind that bites it and breaks its teeth without even scratches.

The light of the Secret Fire Eye exploded above the body of Li Han's doppelganger, and the dazzling light was like small beads, and the energy contained in it, the rippled shock wave, but even the people on the city wall could feel it, and they fell backwards one after another.

After a few moments, the explosion grew weaker and weaker.

The monster below also found out, and his attack didn't seem to cause even the slightest damage to this human.

Gradually, fear appeared in his eyes.

"It's just a sword of royal power, so it won't be scared like this."

Li Han frowned.

Immediately, the right hand held the sword and pointed forward, and the hundreds of figures behind him launched an action at almost the same time, rushing towards the direction of the many doppelgangers copied by the monster, and for a moment the golden light covered the entire ground.

As the energy absorbed around them became larger and larger, the sword intent of the king power in the hands of the doppelgangers became stronger and stronger, until finally, the monsters finally could not be stopped, and they dissipated at the end of the light.


Second sister, don't!"

"Third brother, if you really want to go on like this, your true body will be..."

Liu'er looked anxious.

The true body has dispersed too many doppelgangers, and King Kong is no longer able to sustain the attack of the king power sword.

With the next blow, Li Han's target blind can also be seen, and it is naturally his real body.

If you really want to let him slash down with a sword, what will be the result...

"Li Han!" This

was the first time Liu'er called his name, and his voice was very anxious.

And the person above that firmament, holding the golden light long sword, grew strong again, without the slightest hesitation and emotion.

Li Han waved his right hand.

The huge sword light fell directly above the monster's head, and with a bang, the earth and the surrounding scene seemed to be completely annihilated at that moment, and nothing could be seen between heaven and earth.

The only remaining monster raised its head blankly, and was pressed by the golden light under the ground, the two places were staggered, and there was a deep crack, and the tide of Dragon Bay poured into it, and everything was swept into the black dark tide, echoing endlessly.

In the end, it turned into pieces of golden fragments, exuding divine light, clicked, and shattered and disappeared into the air.

"No!" The

Third Young Master of Aolai Guo just watched this scene in silence, pulling Liu'er to tell her not to step forward.

After a long time, Liu'er Fang threw off the arm of the Third Young Master of the Proud Kingdom, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

"Third brother, you are confused, if the true body dissipates at this point..."

Aolai Guosan smiled slightly.

Six Ears looked at him incredulously.

"Second sister, I have never faced many things before, including the stick that I waved at random, defining the inside and outside of the circle, but I never really observed their lives, just regarded myself as a part of the outside of the boundary, and now I find that many things are not what I imagined.

Aolai Guo San Shao sighed slightly.

He always stood high in the sky, watching the creatures constantly strife, and found it boring, and over time, without any major changes, he let it go.

Lack of jurisdiction.

In the end, there was still a Li Han under the sky, just like those humans who wanted to follow his footprints and spy on some unfathomable secrets, he also wanted to know the secrets buried in Li Han.

But...... This is impossible after all, he is no longer a level person, he knows this too well.

"Maybe it's because my life is so long, so I'm curious to know how he reached this height in a short period of time, and it's really nothing to live shorter... Human beings seem to be precious because their lives are too short. "

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