The originally constructed defense line on the long street collapsed in an instant, the civilians scattered in all directions, and the cultivators with magic weapons trembled and looked at the demon tide in the sky.


Little Vulcan Chi Huo was young and vigorous, taking the lead, and the flames of his hands gushed out like a long dragon, lighting up the entire street.

Under his leadership, those people in the rivers and lakes who had not yet reacted converged their minds, and they all used the weapons and magic weapons in their hands to fight with the monsters flying in the sky.

At this time, between the rubble of the broken eaves, small spiders are crawling slowly, and soon spread here, enclosing the entire battlefield, the lit bamboo houses burned into the sky, the messy streets were chaotic, and the shouts of killing rushed to the sky.

"Brother Simon, where are you going?"

Ximen Blowing Sand ran like a dog who lost his family on an uninhabited street.

The moment he saw the youkai, he turned and ran without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that the person who came was the Hanyu Sword Stone Hall, standing on the rubble on the side, with a sneer on his face.

Ximen Chuisha wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled with difficulty: "I... I'll go back and take the magic weapon to ward off the enemy.

Shi Tang laughed when he heard this.

"Go back and get the magic weapon? Brother Ximen at such a critical juncture, can he forget to bring a snow mist fan when he goes out? Immediately

, I saw that Ximen Blowing Sand converged his sleeve robe, and everything was silent.

Ximen Chuisha gritted his teeth, and then said: "Cousin Shi, the number of monsters coming this time is too much, far beyond the range that you and I can resist, if there are some powerful monsters mixed in with this, even if I have a snow mist imperial fan, I am afraid that I am outnumbered, and staying is just sending to death, don't you think so?" "

Fang Cai is as far as the eye can see, the black pressure is a piece, the number is not hundreds, obviously, the southern country is prepared, the little demon is not terrible, the victory is difficult, if these little demons are mixed with a leading big demon, with these three nine-rate people present, the fight is not like the local chicken and tile dog?

Shi Tang took the sword, his expression was slightly gloomy, which was regarded as acquiescing to Ximen Blowing Sand.

"I also want to leave this town temporarily, wait for the people in the Dao Alliance to come, and then fight together, and the fame is not for a while, as long as I live, there is always hope."

At this time, on the other side of the street, there was also a wail in the chaotic battlefield, and it was endless, all of which were one-sided situations.

"Ah! Run!

"Can't stand it, there are too many of these monsters!"

Ximen Chuisha listened anxiously, three people had died on his side before, and these monsters were coming at him.

"Then, cousin Shi, without further ado, let's leave this place quickly."


Shido nodded.

Suddenly, Ximen Chuisha's pupils dipped abruptly.

Under the quiet moonlight, on the top of the dark house, Shi Tang stood quietly on the roof, and only then nodded.


A sharp sword light appeared, stopping next to Shi Tang's neck, just for a moment.

This leader among the young generation of Daomen disciples also reacted quickly, his eyes widened in shock, obviously he also felt this substantial killing intent.

However, it was night, not to mention that his vision was disturbed.

No matter how he thought about it, he could not imagine that in a place a few streets away, where the monsters had not invaded, someone would also do something to him.

Tear and pull.

Head separation.

Simon sat down on the ground with his butt, his eyes wide.

Knock knock.

Shi Tang's body fell from the top of the house to the ground, blood flowed into the stone floor, and the head rolled down, just in front of Ximen Chuisha.

"Who! Who the hell! Simon

Blowing Sand was so frightened that he kicked the head of the dead man into the darkness.

Having received a lesson from Shi Tang, at this moment, he pressed his body against the wall, ready to guard against the throwing knife that flew from nowhere.

A wisp of strange purple clouds floated from afar, ordinary people could not notice it, but Ximen Chuisha could clearly see that both ends of the long street on the left and right were surrounded by this breath, like silk, approaching him step by step.

Ximen Blowing Sand got up, and the Snow Mist Imperial Fan held it in his hand and waved it slightly.


I saw that above the flat ground, cloud-like tornadoes rose up, and Ximen Chuisha himself was wrapped in this fierce wind.

The wisps of poisonous mist were also dispersed in the wind, and it did not hurt Ximen Blowing Sand in the slightest.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly, with a thoughtful look.

"Fang Cai's move is so familiar, in the end..." Shi

Tang is not a small commodity that can be solved at will, as a master of the young generation of the Dao Alliance, his sword skills have already entered the realm, even if it is an oncoming arrow, it can be easily resolved, let alone what kind of dart flying sword.

Fang Cai's throwing knife is difficult to capture, the moment it appears is a killing move, not to mention Ximen blowing sand, I am afraid that even Shitang himself did not notice anything unusual, so he died under the knife.


"It's Li Zizi's knife technique!"

At a certain moment, Ximen Chuisha woke up like a dream, and his eyes were full of shock.

Can't go wrong.

That is definitely the sword technique of Li Zizi, the eldest son of the Taoyuan Li family, the indefinite flying knife, taking the first level of people thousands of miles away is like probing and extracting things, in the Dao Alliance, except him, there is no second person who can use this method to kill!

I think he also had a meeting with this prince.

"Taoyuan Li Gongzi, I know it's you! You and I used to have a very good friendship, but today I endure and kill old friends!

Simon shouted.

If the eldest son of the Li family in Taoyuan wants to kill him, then even if he has a hundred heads, it is not enough for people to cut him, he is just a jianghu warrior, and he is the son of a family of the top ranked big family on the side of the Qi Dao Alliance, not to mention his family like a behemoth behind him.

Just Li Zizi himself, two magic weapons, a purple-gold gourd that nourishes the qi of chaos, and an indefinite flying knife, which one is not a magic weapon that reaches the sky, I don't know how much higher than these jianghu scattered cultivators.

If they are the leaders of the younger generation on the surface, Li Zizi is the kind of big brother who is not good at all and low-key.


Simon Chuisha stunned and turned his gaze to his right hand.

Or a throwing knife, which appeared under his right side.

The light of the knife flashed, and a crack appeared at the junction of the wrist and elbow, and blood marks appeared.


Neatly divided everything into two, blood gushed out, and the hand holding the snow mist fan fell vertically to the ground.


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