"Looking at Jin Renfeng's majestic look, I am angry, then Li Gongzi is also true, before I thought he was a fellow practitioner, but I didn't think it was actually like this."

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled dumbly, and the same person in Xiaomei's mouth was the amount of rice that she had a fight.

She placed the green bamboo on the table, leaned on the side of the window, and looked at the scenery outside the river, which was leisure at the moment, but it had not been for a long time.

On the river and up and down the autumn water, the years of the world.

Cultivators are just ordinary people with a little ability, after all, flesh and blood, they cannot escape life, old age, illness and death.

"Little sister, you and I should be thankful that you and I are safe and sound this time, no matter how much you hate Jin Renfeng, he is also the chief disciple of my Divine Volcano Villa, in order to maintain the position of the mountain villa in the One Qi Dao Alliance over the years, there is no merit and hard work, in front of outsiders, it is better to leave him a little thin face."

Dongfang Qin Lan snorted, withdrew his gaze with displeasure, and took out some candy out of nowhere and stuffed it into his mouth, bulging into the appearance of a squirrel.

"I just can't be angry with him like that, whenever something happens, he always uses our father to pressure me, if I am a born boy, so many foreign disciples rely on me to spread fire, where is his part to speak?"

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled fondly when he heard this.

"Little sister, I can't say that, my father said that women are also the cornerstone of our Dongfang family's demon destroying divine fire."

Dongfang Qin Lan's small face deflated when he heard this.

"Alas... Sister, you will say good things, women are good, but women have to abide by what three principles and five constants, the father is old, as soon as he gets sick, our Shen Volcano Village will be cold and cold, it looks very bad, saying that our family broke the incense, I am strange, why our women are not incense, we are not unable to extinguish the demon fire.

Saying that, she chirped, and spit out wisps of flame from her bulging mouth, bright and scorching.

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled, some words were hidden in his heart, but he couldn't say them directly to his sister.

At home from the father, the husband from the husband, the husband from the death from the son, the mortal world is like this, even the concept of a large family of the One Qi Dao Alliance is deeply rooted, not to mention that the two sisters have been cultivating for several years, and there is blood in the foundation, but they are still no match for the golden phoenix who needs to borrow fire to exert his strength.

This also led to the fact that almost all the outer disciples in the Zhuang now listen to Jin Renfeng.

Since she was a child, she did not like to dance and ink, but had a soft spot for cultivation, unlike ordinary women, but liked to wander the rivers and lakes, which is also related to the fact that she saw many heroes in and out of the Yiqi Dao League when she was young.

She probably has a breath in her heart, and she also feels that women may not be inferior to men, and it may not be impossible for her to carry forward the Dongfang Family of Shen Volcano Village on her own.

It's just that time flies, and until today, my ability is limited and subject to the atmosphere of a large family.

At times like these... Many things can only be resigned.

However, there is only one thing she still hasn't wanted to open.

Jin Renfeng's thoughts are not unknown to her, and she has also mentioned it many times to her father Dongfang Lonely Moon.

It's just that the good person she wants from Dongfang Huaizhu definitely can't be Jin Renfeng.


"Come, Brother Xian, drink."

Jin Renfeng's side is still satisfied, thinking that today he is in the limelight in front of the two junior sisters, if there are several more opportunities for this kind of performance in the future.

At that time, the old man's side is very even, as long as the two junior sisters nod their heads, first marry Dongfang Huaizhu, and then in the future, Dongfang Qin Lan is also his bag, and when the old man dies, the entire Shen Volcano Estate is his bag, with a wife warming the bed, with the Demon God Fire God skill, and his reputation is prominent.

A man's lifelong pursuit, he suddenly has it all.

"Come on, Brother Jin, drink and drink!"

Li Han toasted with a crisp face, looking drunk, and the moment he turned around, his sleeve covered the wine, and the internal force urged, and a wisp of breath evaporated the wine in the cup.

After sitting down for less than an hour, Jin Renfeng had already drunk a thousand cups.

You can see that he is very happy.

Li Han is also very happy, thinking that he has traveled for so long, at the beginning in the southern country, now here, for some silver money to intrigue with people, how hard it is, but met Jin Renfeng, and gave him a plate of gold without saying a word, good guy, you are embarrassed not to want that posture.

Looking at Xiao Jin like this, about Mo is a little floating, the wine is in the stomach one by one, his face has already turned red, and there is a hehe smile on his face, I don't know what happy things I remembered.

Suddenly, the wind sounded.

The planks began to shake.


Brother Jin, you are..." "Brother Xian,

don't be alarmed... Whew..." Jin

Renfeng's face changed, and he got up and began to vomit.

"Brother Jin, I'll help you."

"No need."

"Oh, why are you and my brother so polite!"

Li Han sighed and got up and helped Jin Renfeng to the edge of the cabin to facilitate him to vomit.

Seeing this, several disciples gave way very wisely.

"I, Li Han, have been alone for many years, I didn't think that when I arrived here today, Brother Jin treated him with courtesy, and the chief disciple of the Divine Volcano Village could actually become a brother with me, an unknown person, and every time I think of this, my heart is really indescribably moved."

His right hand patted Jin Renfeng's back to help him relieve his vomiting symptoms.

At the same time, a wisp of purple aura spread in the palm of the hand, which was naturally invisible to outsiders at this angle, and quietly disappeared into the body of Jin Renfeng.

"Brother Jin, don't say anything, in the future, there will be a place for brothers, you speak, brother, I will go to the soup and die."

Jin Renfeng was dizzy and vomited, he was indeed a little floating, drank too much, but his face raised slightly fiercely, and he smiled coldly in his heart.

Hum! What can I Jin Renfeng do that I need help from a guy like you, call me brother and brother, you still take it seriously?

He was displeased with Li Han, and did not speak again, and after vomiting for a while, his body improved, so he bid farewell to Li Han and returned to the cabin to lie high.

The next day, the boat sailed according to the scheduled route to the Huaishui Zhuting ferry port near Shenjiozhuang.

"Li Gongzi, after burying the old man, you can come to the village to sit, and my father will definitely treat him with courtesy."

Dongfang Huaizhu dressed in a green robe, looking at Wen Wan's appearance, but very heroically raised his hand.

"Well, there is a chance."

Li Han also smiled with his hands.

Dongfang Qin Lan snorted coldly, don't overdo it without saying a word.

Instead, Jin Renfeng walked out of the cabin with a few people.

"Junior sister, you go back to the village first, I'll say goodbye to Brother Li Xian and then come back."

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