



When the fourth disciple he brought out died in front of Jin Renfeng, he finally realized that something was wrong.

"That guy is so evasive and does not fight, what is his intention to kill only my disciples under the Divine Volcano Estate like this?"

Jin Renfeng previously thought that it was the enemy family seeking revenge, and there was a debt and a master.

Either wait for his golden phoenix to go out and take advantage of the emptiness in the village to find the trouble of the old man in the eastern lonely moon, but the current situation is obviously not like this, that guy only makes a move on the disciples of the Divine Volcano Estate he brought out, but refuses to show up in front of his golden phoenix, or does it to him, which is somewhat intriguing.

However, all this could not calm the anger that welled up in Jin Renfeng's heart.

He gritted his teeth and took out the charm.

There is still the last golden light left on it.

This time, be sure to destroy that guy before he starts!

Thinking so, he naturally chased after the direction where the remaining disciple was located at the first time.

However, when he was almost at the intended place.

The mist filled the dense forest there, and the golden phoenix's expression was abrupt, and the demon extinguishing divine fire gathered in the palm of his hand, and the tiger was angry.

The fire suddenly appeared, burning a dense forest, and the wind was fierce, instantly dispelling all the fog in the forest.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jin Renfeng arrived in time.

On the ground were the disciples of the Divine Volcano Village who had been dead for a long time, their clothes and robes, and everything on their bodies had been scavenged clean, leaving a piece of underwear wrapped around their bodies, their faces were bruised, and their blood was surging, like densely packed small earthworms crawling on their skin.

Poisoned to death.

And in the distance, the mist filled the disciple and left a back, flying away, and the clothes he was wearing seemed to be the clothes of the disciples under the Divine Volcano Zhuang.

"Stop! You give me a stop! Jin

Renfeng roared.

But the guy who ran was called a fast, and he really didn't look back, and disappeared into Jin Renfeng's field of vision after three strokes and five divisions.

Jin Renfeng was willing to let him go, and just wanted to chase after him.

After taking two steps, a forest that was not affected by the fire of the Demon Exterminating God was filled with a hazy fog, and with a little luck, a tingling pain rose in his lungs, stimulating his nerves.

It's so powerful! How can there be such a truth under the sun.

The golden phoenix looked up to the sky and roared.


In desperation, the Demon Exterminating God Fire appeared, and two long dragons of flame flew along the jungle in the direction where the guy fled, instantly igniting a sea of fire in the mountains.

It's a pity that the man's ability to escape is too powerful.

It seems that he has long guessed that Jin Renfeng is coming, and just after killing people and collecting the corpse, he fled without hurrying on his hind feet, and at this distance, the demon exterminating divine fire can only hit his heels.

In order not to poison himself too deeply, Jin Renfeng could only suppress the exercises, and at the same time, he also suppressed his violent and furious heart.

A little luck on strengthening the body, and then chasing it out.

From day to night, Jin Renfeng was taken by that person like a headless fly to walk all over the mountains, and he repeatedly cast the Demon God Fire Pure Yang Yan to cause a burning area.

Night falls.

The interior of the Divine Volcano Villa was brightly lit, and the disciples walked out one after another, and there was an uproar.

"Good fellow, who is setting fire to the mountain!"

"This... Could it be that the enemy is coming?

"What the hell is going on here?"

"I don't know."

From afar, among the thousands of mountains outside the villa, fires rose everywhere, lighting up the pitch-black mountain like a lively assembly, showing an orange-red light, and even more, the fire stretched for hundreds of meters, forming a long dragon between the mountains, magnificent and daunting.

"What about Jin Renfeng! Where did he die? "

The Oriental Sisters also rushed from the backyard to the former college yard.

The two looked very anxious.

There is actually a fire near the Shen Volcano Village, this is a joke, the key is that it is autumn season, everything is dry, if you really let the fire burn like this, I am afraid that the vicinity will turn into a scorched earth overnight.

"Senior Brother led a few disciples out during the day, and now I don't know where."

One of the disciples reported.

Dongfang Huaizhu frowned, "You immediately inform the disciples in the Zhuang now, all go out, put out the fire first, and don't let the fire continue to spread." "


The bookboy who served the medicine passed under the eaves of the porch sweating.

What the hell are you doing, Senior Brother!


"Ahem... Where are you! The

Golden Phoenix Royal Sword was in the dense forest of the night, and he took out a handkerchief to cover the corners of his mouth.

Now, he didn't even notice that his face was already blue and purple, and the Demon Exterminating Divine Fire in his hand was still unreasonable.

He had already made up his mind, as long as that guy appeared in his line of sight, first burned it with a fire, and then attacked with the flying sword under his feet, under such an attack, he was not afraid that the person would not die.

It's just that!

Until now, he has not even chased a hair from others.

Halfway through the search, there was a poisonous fog in the jungle, and he wanted to fly into the sky, but he was afraid that like the previous disciple, he had not found the other party, and he was found by the other party hiding in the shadows.

That guy's means are not only to use poison, there must be some magic weapon to take the first level of people thousands of miles away.

"Senior Brother!"

"Senior Brother!"

In the process of Jin Renfeng's continuous chase, a shout suddenly came from the sky.

Through the fire light next to him, he could see that there were many more disciples of the Divine Volcano Village in yellow robes in the sky, and at this moment, they actually rushed out to find him.

Jin Renfeng looked overjoyed when he saw this.

"I'm here!"

He waved his hand at those people, and at the same time, he was actually nervous, also observing whether these disciples were attacked during the descent, and if such a thing happened, where the attack came from.

However, this time his calculation was wrong, unlike the flying disciple before, that guy didn't seem to plan to make a move on this piece of disciple.

One after another, they fell unharmed between the mountains and forests.

"You just came, a suspicious guy appeared near the villa, you are now a team of three people to find it immediately, you must catch that guy!"

Speaking of this, Jin Renfeng paused and pondered.

"Attention, that guy has a magic weapon that can release poisonous mist, and a magic weapon that can take the first level of people from thousands of miles away, and it is very likely that he is a disciple of a fire family in the Qi Dao Alliance, if he is not victorious when he encounters him, there is no need to fight with him, send a signal, and drag him down, as long as I see it, I will come over to help you as soon as possible!"

A group of three people will not all be killed at the same time, their disciples of the Divine Volcano Estate will not be so wasteful, as long as they can drag it down and block that guy's course of action...

"Senior Brother... Senior brother..."

"What for, why don't you act?"

Jin Renfeng was thinking and raised his head in displeasure.

The disciple looked embarrassed and pointed to the fire in the jungle in the dark night.

"Senior brother, senior sister let us put out the fire."

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