The next morning.

The fires on both sides of Huaishui finally subsided, but the green mountains and green waters of the past were now burned down, and the place around Shen Volcano Village could be described as scorched earth, all of which were the embers left after the burning of grass and trees.

The backyard in Zhuang was also noisy, it was morning exercise time, but the disciples ran to this part of the backyard one after another, and had no intention of practicing martial arts.

"I heard that Senior Brother was poisoned?"

"Shut your crow mouth! Master Brother Hong Fu Qi Tian!

"What should we do if something happens to Senior Brother?"


Dongfang Qin Lan and Dongfang Huaizhu did not return overnight, and slowly walked into the backyard from the other arch of the eaves corridor.

"Senior brother, senior brother, can't it be that these people only have golden phoenix in their eyes? Why didn't my father see these people so dedicated when he was seriously ill!

Dongfang Qin Lan looked at Lai Qi and turned red as he spoke.

She's not stupid.

Previously, when his father was healthy, there were frequent visitors to visit this part of Shen Volcano Zhuang, at that time, Jin Renfeng was just an adopted disciple, inside and outside the Zhuang, who mentioned that Shen Volcano Village could lack the word Oriental?

But what about recent years?

Since his father's body plummeted, I don't know how deserted the courtyard is, there are weeds under the wall and no one has pruned it, the originally thriving mountain villa people go to the empty building, and many disciples have resigned and gone to other families outside the village to find a way out.

After Jin Renfeng became the chief disciple, whether it was the disciples who came and went, or the rumors on the rivers and lakes, everyone knew that it was him Jin Renfeng, not the word Oriental, when it was mentioned in the East, people said that it was a family that had broken the species, not to mention Zhi'en Tubao, did the Dongfang family treat these people badly on weekdays?

Now, her father Dongfang Lonely Moon is still alive and well in the backyard, what about this group of white-eyed wolves! One by one, the master brothers and brothers are short, all of them are visiting Jin Renfeng here in the front yard!

"Little sister, I know your mood, this time, it has also made me see a lot of things, but now is not the time to be angry, the maid who usually decocted medicine for my father also disappeared last night, and now the two people who can be in charge of the Zhuang are all sick in bed, the first thing we have to do is to stabilize people's hearts, and we must not show people like this again, got it?"

Dongfang Huaizhu's face was tired, and he took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, gently handed it to Dongfang Qin Lan's face, and smiled to help her wipe the grievance tears on her face.

"I see, sister."

Dongfang Qin Lan nodded.

Now the atmosphere in the Zhuang is like this, it can be said that many of the remaining disciples stayed in the Zhuang because of Jin Renfeng, and the current Divine Volcano Zhuang has been maintained, and Jin Renfeng has indeed occupied a lot of credit.

If they want to change this situation, unless it is their father, the old owner Dongfang Guyue can physically recover, come out to preside over the overall situation, or produce another talented disciple like Jin Renfeng, relying on the two sisters alone is far from enough.

The two sisters also went to check Jin Renfeng's physical condition first.

He is still unconscious, with a slight bruise under his eyes.

Then Dongfang Huaizhu counted the number of people in the Zhuang, why did Jin Renfeng take people out yesterday, in fact, she didn't quite understand, and found the disciples in the Zhuang to ask, and no one knew.

However, judging from what happened last night, Jin Renfeng said that someone had invaded the Shen Volcano Villa, and it seemed that he wanted to plot against the Zhuang, which had to make people care.

"From now on, seal off the Zhuang, no disciples are allowed to go out, and warn everyone to raise the spirit of twelve."

Dongfang Huaizhu handled the affairs of the Zhuang.

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

One law after another was promulgated, and it was carried out resolutely.

It seems to be orderly, but in fact, this is just a delaying measure for Jin Renfeng and her father Dongfang Guyue to be sick in bed, and she vaguely guessed that maybe it was the former enemies or those who coveted the Dongfang family came to the door.

This is what worries my father the most when he is seriously ill.

"Little sister."

After the people left, Dongfang Huaizhu waved to his sister, and at this moment the two sisters were on the school grounds, sitting in a circle of walls, and out of the circular arch was the gate of Shen Volcano Zhuang.

"I temporarily blocked the news in Zhuang, Jin Renfeng is seriously ill and bedridden will not be known to the outside world, and the main thing we do now is to find a good doctor to treat my father and Jin Renfeng."

Dongfang Qin Lan was puzzled: "Sister, didn't you personally fry my father's medicine in the past?"

Dongfang Huaizhu shook his head and sighed: "Little sister, I don't know why, obviously I have already gone to grab the medicine and decoction medicine as the doctor said, but my father's body and bones are deteriorating, this time after we returned from the southern borderlands, my father's health is now very poor and poor, when I went to visit his old man's house this morning, he can't even speak now."

Dongfang Qin Lan heard this, and tears were about to fall again.

"What can I do about this?"

Thinking of his father, the tip of Dongfang Huaizhu's nose soured, and he endured the sadness in his heart.

"I don't worry about leaving this matter to others to handle, I can only do it, you and one of me, temporarily go out of the village to find a doctor to come over, and the affairs in the village have been arranged, little sister, I'll go, you have to be fine alone in the Zhuang..."

Dongfang Qin Lan had red eyes, and only nodded after a long time.

The huge Divine Volcano Villa, now there has been such a big change, so many disciples, but they can't find a person who can be trusted.

However, both Dongfang Qin Lan and Dongfang Huaizhu knew that they were women from the Oriental family, and the more they were at this critical juncture, the more they could not panic and do what they had to do.

Good teaching everyone knows that the two women of the Dongfang family can also carry the Divine Volcano Zhuang.

However, at this moment, there was a sound outside the door.

"Senior sister! Masters!

"What's the matter, so flustered?"

Dongfang Huaizhu saw the disciple who was guarding the door running into the school in a panic, and he didn't feel a little puzzled.

When the disciple heard this, he said: "Senior sister, outside the door there is a young man with a bamboo basket on his back, who looks like a doctor, saying that he is an old friend of the young lady and asking to see the young lady. Dongfang

Huaizhu and Dongfang Qin Lan glanced at each other, and both of them felt a little puzzled.


Former friends?

The identities of the two of them entering and leaving the rivers and lakes are not a last resort, and because they are women, they naturally can't make friends like men.

Moreover, because she is a woman who has not yet left the cabinet, it is impossible to have any male friends.

"Take me to see, little sister, you come with me too."


After the three of them left the school, they walked to the gate.

In front of the door, a man dressed in a cyan robe, hair tied in a headband, and a handsome scholar dressed as a scholar turned around, carrying a straw basket behind his back.

At the moment of seeing the Dongfang sister, the man smiled on his face and saluted.

"Two young ladies, long time no see."

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