Huandu Luolan's water spirit eyes began to fill with tears of shame and indignation at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You you you... What are you doing! I'll kill you!

Li Han frowned.

The idea that had just emerged in my heart and didn't want to be too stiff suddenly disappeared.

It's him who should cry!

It's really a hundred secrets, and the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Just now, just now, he was still thinking about what to add when he finally filled his attribute points once.


Just like that, it was like crossing the street and glancing at the mobile phone, and it was turned around and was created by the mud car.

Originally, he also thought that before the poisonous master did not come to this place to take people away, he would earn more experience points with his own efforts, and when the time came, add more points, add a little in terms of speed, and if he waited for the opportunity, he might have a chance to escape.

There is only so much he can do, even if he has the system, he currently does not have any special cultivation exercises, attribute points plus a few points in physical strength, these things, can not escape the category of ordinary people, positive is definitely not able to compete with a demon king like poisonous master.

But I didn't expect ah, I actually met the southern princess Huandu Luolan halfway!

I almost forgot that this brutal princess was a spoiled bear child in her childhood, she had a conflict with people, she could never be wrong, only the guy standing opposite her.

And his identity is just an insignificant, lowly laborer who bumped into Huandu Luolan, you can imagine how embarrassing it is.

"Be bold, you fellow! Dare to touch the princess with his dirty hands! "

Kill him!"

Several monsters were furious when they heard this, does this guy know what his identity is? Dare to talk like that?

They immediately raised the spear in their hands and stabbed at Li Han's side, several sharp spears intertwined, making Li Han's expression cold, long-term exercise made his senses not as dull as before, it was completely the body's subconscious reaction, sideways dodged.

Tearing and pulling, the clothes in front of him cracked, and Li Han hit the wall on the side.


Several youkai who were speeding by looked at the somewhat embarrassed guy who was leaning against the city wall to support his body, and their eyes were straightened.

The slaves who were caught here were ordinary humans with no cultivation, compared with these powerful monsters, it was like the difference between ants and elephants, and they could crush these guys casually.

However, the one that stabbed just now was empty?


Li Han gritted his teeth secretly.

The point he had just accumulated was added to the speed of the attribute panel, and the moment he saw the spear stabbed, his body subconsciously felt a crisis, and in the past, it would definitely not be able to dodge.

But after adding a little speed, the moment he had the idea of wanting to escape, his body moved first.

As long as he reacts fast enough, his speed can surpass these low-level monsters.

Don't do one or don't stop!


Huandu Luolan saw the human laborer, and after being lifted up from the city wall, he grinned and stared fiercely at the three or four flying bat monsters not far away.

What does he want to do?


"Kill this guy."

A few bat monsters naturally couldn't really be frightened by Li Han, they were only slightly shocked, and then re-posed the offensive posture, and the three spears stretched out straight, revealing a cold coldness, and pointed sharply at the unarmed Li Han.

Li Han pressed his hands on the edge of the city wall, jumped up, and stood on the protective edge wall, greatly shortening the parallel height distance between himself and those bat monsters.

"Brother Hanzi, don't do something stupid!"

"Brother Han!"

The migrant workers below exclaimed, and the six sons and the old man who were in the same prison thought that Li Han was going to jump from the top of the city wall, this vertical height is more than sixty meters, if people jump from above, they will definitely die.

The whistling wind tore the clothes on Li Han's body, and on the right side was the deep ground, he opened his hands and slowly squatted to balance his body.

To say that you are not afraid is fake.

However, he reminded himself that he could not be instigated, neither brave nor wretched people in this world would die, only if he coerced.

At the moment when the bat monster stabbed over, Li Han's body also jumped up from the city wall, he flipped to avoid the spear that stabbed over, and reflexively lay on the body of one of the bat monsters.


Li Han grabbed his neck and snatched the spear in his hand abruptly, and then stabbed him in the body, and blood spilled out.

He did not pause, and the other two were stabbed from the sky by him with his spear.

Blood flowed all the way down the spear shaft to Li Han's hand, and he casually threw off the bat monster hanging on it, and there was already an uproar under the city wall, and many guarding monsters were gushing out, as if they had been stabbed through honeycomb coal.


The most important little princess in the south is still on the city wall!

Which one wants to get it? The three monsters were killed by a laborer like this, which made the Poison Emperor himself feel that this was something so outrageous that he dared not dream of it.

"Don't come here, if you dare to touch me again, I will definitely sue my father and punish you!"

"Criminalization? It's hard to say whether I died young first or his old man lost his son in old age first..."

Li Han grinned, indescribably cold and cold, and moved forward step by step.

The horizontal and vertical are all dead, and now there is only one thing to do and two endlessly.

At this time, Huandu Luolan had already been frightened and lost her proportions, and she fell to the ground again, her delicate and cute little face was full of fear, and she moved back step by step.

"You... You are bold! "

The only thing that answered her was .

. Tick tock.

The spear soaked in demon blood pressed against Huandu Luolan's throat, and blood dripped on her new clothes.


Li Han looked grim, went up to the front building and hugged Huandu Luolan's body, and bumped to the side.

A flash of golden light flashed, and the ground where he was located opened a hole in the middle, fortunately... Fortunately, he saw the guy and made a decision at the first time before he could attack.

The poisonous master dressed in a red robe appeared at the end of the other road of the city wall, raised his hand, and his face was full of anxiety.

"Let go of the princess!"

Li Han leaned against the other end of the city wall to prevent being attacked in the back, the spear against the throat of the restless Huandu Luolan in his arms, this little girl don't look at the lack of cultivation now, but can use poison, she is not a harmless little loli, but a monster! The strength cannot be compared with ordinary young children, if it is not for the systematic addition, Li Han may not be able to control her at the moment.

"If you move again, I'll kill you."

Li Han's expression was cold, and his tone was cold.

Huandu Luolan was originally still full of apricot eyes, very angry, and then shrunk his head, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop slipping.

This man... How is it so terrible.

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