"Who is this?"

"I don't wear a Dao robe on my body, and I don't look like a member of my Yiqi Dao Alliance, nor do I look like a child of any family."

All the family masters had different expressions, looking at the young man in front of them with unkind eyes, daring to stand up and speak for the Dongfang family at this juncture, no matter what forces were behind him, it would inevitably be the enemy of everyone.

"Boy, who are you? Have you thought clearly about this matter?

"Boy, the old man is talking to you!"

Li Han didn't pay attention to everyone, but just went straight forward, ignoring Steward Fei who was squinting at him next to Dongfang Huaizhu.

He smiled at Dongfang Huaizhu.

"Let me go in first."

Dongfang Huaizhu saw that he was carrying a bamboo basket with some herbs in it, and he couldn't think of what he wanted to do.

She said in a trembling voice: "Li Gongzi, Huaizhu doesn't want to lie to you, my father's illness has been poisoned into the bone marrow, and there is no skill in the sky, the matter here has nothing to do with you, you are still..."

Dongfang Qin Lan also lowered his head, tears rolling in his eyes.

The old owner of Shen Volcano Villa, Dongfang Lonely Moon has been lying sick for more than half a year, and the outside world has been watching the tiger, and now Dongfang Huaizhu is a woman who goes to the One Air Dao Alliance to personally invite someone back, these people who are originally ready to move naturally know when they think about it, Dongfang Lonely Moon's condition has obviously reached the point of being uncontrollable.

Where did they come to visit Dongfang Lonely Moon, but to see Dongfang Lonely Moon die with their own eyes.

So many big people with heads and faces in the One Qi Dao Alliance are now gathered together, and the bullying is nothing more than an old man, a daughter and a young child in Zhuang.

"The difference between Miss Dongfang's words is not unrelated, so that these high-ranking masters can be taught."

Dongfang Huaizhu only saw the young man slowly turn around.

The image of the cowardly scholar in the past seemed to be swept away, and he was not afraid in the face of the many masters of the Yiqi Dao Alliance, swept his eyes sideways, and said coldly.

"When the world is unfair, there is always a sword puller."

After that, he carried the straw basket and went straight into the inner courtyard, without stopping for a moment.

"When there is nothing wrong in the world, there is always a sword puller, and it is really a young man who is full of spirit."

Steward Fei sighed faintly, and his old eyes were full of remembrance.

To be honest, standing at his height, it is difficult to look at the kind of stunned young man who wasted his life's future for a momentary anger, but as the saying goes, the eldest husband was born in heaven and earth, and he must also have such a sense of arrogance, and there must be a bottom limit to swallowing his anger.

If you swallow everything, it will never be a big deal, and your life of inaction will be a waste at best.

Think about it, if their family's hegemonic son was here today, maybe he would have been unaccustomed to making a move, but it's a pity... There are no ifs.

He turned his face and saw that the eldest lady of the Dongfang family kept following the direction of the young man's departure, moved, admired, and lost his mind...

"Li Han, I'm sorry to involve you."

Dongfang Qin Lan quickly followed behind Li Han.

"It's okay, it's useless to say this now, your father's main symptom is poisoning, I should have a way to solve it."

Li Han smiled slightly, and the two quickly entered the interior of the room.

He admitted that when Fang Cai listened to what Dongfang Huaizhu said outside the wall, he was indeed angry in his heart.

Just like when Jade Xiaoshun was tricked into being tricked by Jin Renfeng, he also had to cut blood to help him heal his wounds, just like the two guys who came out of the southern country with him didn't want to live well and spend their minds on the belly of the mothers.

He didn't mean anything else, he also knew that he patted his ass and left, and he didn't offend people, there was nothing, he should endure.

However, how can he endure it so much every time, he is not a king eight.

I didn't hold back this time, it's as simple as that.


Not long after, the two arrived at Dongfang Guyue's hospital bed, and slowly followed the three doctors who had treated Dongfang Guyue before.

The old man on the bed closed his eyes, his mouth was open, his face was so thin that he couldn't even see the flesh, as if only the skin was on it, his chest fell together, very scary, his hair was pale, and his restless silver hair stood on his forehead, the symbol of the male of the Oriental family, which was undoubtedly the Oriental Lonely Moon.

"Can I take the stuff here?"

Li Han naturally did not want to expose the fact that luck was healing, so he followed the equipment they brought, which was very complete, including medicine jars, massage sticks, and some other equipment.

In the end, Li Han's gaze rested on a row of silver needles wrapped in satin.

"This... Young man, from my many years of experience in medicine, although this acupuncture method is useful, now the old owner is terminally ill..." The

three old doctors were still very polite, and their faces did not show any contempt, but Li Han was doing useless work, and it was really difficult to speak.

The situation was urgent, Li Han took acupuncture in front of them, but pulled down the curtain and pushed Dongfang Qin Lan out as well.

The three doctors looked at each other, but they strictly abided by their duties and did not look at them again.

"Alas... Anyway, I'm already tired of returning to heaven, and let him try it. "

The poison on this old owner is different from that golden phoenix, besides, the golden owner is in the prime of life, and he can resist the poison with luck, so he can survive it, this old owner..."

The three shook their heads one after another.

For a while, Dongfang Huaizhu also came in with Steward Fei, and there were a group of masters blocking outside the door.

Seeing this situation, Steward Fei also knew in his heart that Dongfang Lonely Moon was mostly unsafe, and his royal power family could not be too careless, so he said: "I don't care if you seek revenge and grudge, but if Brother Dongfang has a breath, I still hope that you will talk in person when he finishes his illness, if someone dares to play any tricks when he is cured, then my Kingship Villa will have to take care of it." "

All the masters know that Lao Fei is a person, and this old guy has not forgotten to make a good reputation when he arrives here.

Just pretended to be a good old man, where is the momentum of forcing people and relatives?

They actually want to divide the Divine Volcano Zhuang, this old fee, even more ruthless, want to swallow it alone! It's nothing more than not being able to find a good name, and now I just became a bitch without success, and immediately set up the archway.

"That's of course, I hope that if this Dongfang Lonely Moon dies, Steward Fei will not be nosy at that time."

"On the other hand, if the Wang Quan family always acts so domineering, then we are afraid that the Dao Alliance will make people's hearts unstable."

The family owners swallowed their anger, but they also complained between words, causing Steward Fei to smile and did not respond.

Dongfang Huaizhu looked at the side of the hospital bed with eager eyes.

During this time, Li Han in the curtain held Dongfang Guyue's wrist for a long time.

He smiled.

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