"Whew... What a fucking stimulus, Brother Hanzi, who are those guys? The

three hid in an alternating corner, and Xiong Zi couldn't help but smack his tongue when he looked at the guy who was in the wind on the imperial sword.

This fucking mother is really a Dao master.

"Don't worry about this, anyway, it's someone we can't afford to mess with for the time being."

Li Han smiled.

There is no anxiety at all.

The brothers and sisters of the Fangcai Wang Quan family did not bring out their hands, but they were also frightened by Li Han Fangcai's move.

This is Li Quxun's eldest brother, Li Zizi's indefinite knife spectrum. The older brother beats the younger brother, isn't that hand-to-hand?

Moreover, the people of the mask group are not so narrow-minded that they will find him troublesome all over the city because of such a small matter.

Eh, we are not afraid of making trouble, we can run in case of trouble, this feeling.


Sure enough, after the heavenly Li Quxun Royal Sword turned around, he finally had to curse and curse in vain.

His mother's, the second son of the Taoyuan Li family, Mo said that he was walking in the rivers and lakes, and even when he was in the Yiqi Dao Alliance, he had never suffered this kind of muffled loss, which was like walking on the road and someone poured a scoop of shit on your head out of thin air, and before you could react, the person disappeared without a trace.

However, when he thought about it, he still felt that something was wrong.

"Big brother, you can see clearly, what is the origin of that kid? How can a scabbard fly out of the scabbard for no reason? Wang

Quan Hegemony shook his head.

At first, he didn't notice the young man, until the moment the scabbard appeared, the other party had already made a move, and naturally it was too late.

"The matter of cultivation is nothing more than the three words of body, technique, and heart, among the rivers and lakes, there are many people who are skilled in technique, third brother, this time you will not eat unjustly, in the future, you can not be paranoid about the magic weapon, and the matter of forging the body must not be slack."


Li Quxun sighed helplessly.

He was also a little shocked in his heart.

This world is big, the master is like a carp crossing the river, but there are very few who can get the recognition of his eldest brother's royal power hegemony, and the eldest brother has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, which can be said to be a hero who despises the world.

Now a guy who looks a few years younger than him can actually enter the eyes of his eldest brother!

He also injured him, the head of the magic weapon craftsman who could be called a magic weapon in the One Qi Dao Alliance, with something that was not a magic weapon, which made his genius face known as the Thousand Machine Boy inside the mask troupe where to rest?

Could it be that that guy is even more genius than himself?

"Eat a long and wise one!"

Wang Quan drunkenly patted Li Quxun's shoulder and tried to hold back his smile.

This world is so big, it is not an easy thing to see these guys deflated, but these two have just returned from the southern side, the big war against the poisonous emperor Huandu, escaped unharmed, and also rescued the people in the rivers and lakes who were captured in the southern border town last time.


After late at night, Li Han and the three came out of the alley and walked along the bluestone road to the city.

The current situation of Flying Dragon City provided by Xiong Zi and Liuzi was similar to what Li Han heard in the tea shed outside the city.

To put it bluntly, the only two forces on the table here are the pseudo-Taoist priests and gangs of the Tianxian Courtyard, and the gang is headed by the Fish Dragon Gang joined by Xiong Zi and the two, Xiong Zi and Liuzi have lived for so long from the southern side, compared to ordinary people, they must be much stronger, and the two gangs have almost mixed up to the small leader for more than a month, and they can be regarded as settling here.

A courtyard inside the Flying Dragon City.

Xiong Zi scratched his head and said: "What to say, we say that they are gang members, and they have a face when they go out, and they are not afraid of making trouble, but when they see those Taoist priests, they still have to make a detour, and our boss also needs to give some offerings to the Tianxian Courtyard every month, usually go to some Qinglou gambling houses in the city to see the field, and then go to the dart bureau and shops to collect some money."

Liuzi also nodded and said: "Well, brother Hanzi, don't look at this place is chaotic, there is a lot of oil and water in the mainland, at first when I went to collect some money, I was a little afraid that people would not give it, but no matter which one you go to collect it, it is very cheerful, I thought that people were afraid of our Fish Dragon Gang or Tianxian Courtyard, but then I learned ah, this Flying Dragon City, on the verge of Tushan Demon Realm, I heard that Tushan has a bitter giant tree or something..." Speaking of this,

Liuzi's voice became low.

"In this city, there are a lot of monsters, living with us, the Tianxian Courtyard knows about this, give money and turn a blind eye, if you don't give money, you will be taken away by the people they invited from the One Airway Alliance, I heard that the couple over there in the Lin family shop is one person and one demon, his wife's figure... Stains..."

Xiong Zi smiled disdainfully.

"Is there a fur that is comparable to Tu Shan's fox demon? Have you ever seen it, I have seen a fox demon in the Tianxian Courtyard before, the skin, tender can pinch out water..."

Li Han listened to the two bragging and farting, and roughly understood.

This is different from the original southern town, before there was a rumor in the town that someone fornicated with monsters, and the Ichiki Dao Alliance immediately sent people down to investigate, going door to door, and not letting a single one go.

When it came to the Tushan Demon Realm, it was much more relaxed.

It is estimated that the fox of Tushan is too docile, has no ambition to expand outward, and does not establish its own country like the southern country, which is in good order.

There is also a black market here, as long as you have money, you can also find all kinds of cultivation secrets and magic weapons from the One Qi Dao Alliance, although they are updated, they are somewhat flawed.

But! Li Han's side can add a little, he realized a truth from the jade bracelet that Jade Xiaoshun gave him, and his one extra point may be comparable to the five improvements of others.

What is this concept? Add this point, at least five versions ahead of the understanding ah, how to top?

"I'm not going to the gang for now, I need to rest for a while."

The yard was jointly bought by Rokuko and Xiongzi, and is divided into a front yard and a backyard, with the front yard being lively and the backyard unoccupied.

Both of them are idle people, naturally living in the front yard, and the back yard is for Li Han to live in.

The two were stunned when they heard this, good guy, the sun came out from the west, and Brother Hanzi actually took the initiative to ask for a rest.

However, Li Han's words were not finished.

"You guys try to help me find some sword recipes on the black market these days."

If the magic weapon is not done for the time being, these two people do not recognize the goods, and it is useless to smash money into the water to retrieve some garbage.

Saying that, Li Han handed his package to Xiong Zi.

As soon as you open it, good fellow, full of real money and silver, and a lot of jewelry that looks expensive.

"Brother Hanzi, it has to be you, brother, I really can't reach it."

"Brother Hanzi, are you from the God of Wealth?"

Li Han shook his head.

No way...... I don't have much else ability in this life, but I am especially good at making money... He really doesn't like money, he's not interested in money, it's all useless.

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