The body of the worship was nailed to the other end of the cabin, his eyes widened, his legs shook a few times, and then he pumped and tilted his head to die.

Yin Hong's blood fell on the deck drop by drop.

"This... Who is this! The

gang leader got up and was so frightened that he sat back in his seat.

"Be bold!"

The surrounding helmsmen were also stunned by this sudden scene, but after all, there were many people, and the gangs standing around the deck also surrounded one after another, and the sharp knives and spears surrounded the young people in the field, dense like a tide, and there was not even a gap between people.

"Brother Hanzi!"

Xiong Zi and Liuzi on the side reacted, and their eyes were red.

At this moment, Li Han faced a hundred people, deeply encircled, this calamity may be inevitable, Xiong Zi blamed himself, crying: "Brother Hanzi, brother, I can't help you, what you explained... I'm such a waste, this Flying Dragon City may not be the place for my three brothers. The

sword between Li Han's fingers turned slightly, the sword flowers flew, and with a sneer on his face, he looked around at the people who were watching the tiger.

The man's ambition is like a river, and he will not look back.

Now that you have your own sword in hand, why do you need others to give peach blossoms?

"It's okay, you and my brother don't have to speak much, if there is no place in this world, kill one!"


Someone in the crowd shouted.

"This man killed me and worshipped in my gang! The crime is terrible, kill him! Above! The

surrounding gangs rushed up, spears stabbing out in unison.

The young man flew up, soared into the air, his green robe rotated, and the three-foot cold light in his hand burst out, like a return wind, and the sound of the wind was loud.

The moment they landed, the gang with spears all around stood in place.


The snow dance suddenly filled the deck, and more than a dozen people all fell in an instant, dying.


The hundreds of people around them looked shocked, leaned back, and the young man in the field got up indifferently, and within three feet, no one dared to approach.

Li Han's expression turned and he suddenly looked at the middle-aged man sitting in the center of the deck.

The gang leader of the Fish Dragon Gang knew it, his face was horrified, like a ghost and god, he pointed at Li Han in a panic: "Quick!" Fast! Stop him!

"Protect the gang master! Come on and kill him! The

only remaining right worshipper also drew his copper-ring big knife and pointed at Li Han with a frown.

The next moment, Li Han's body moved, and he rushed towards the location of the gang leader with a sword in his green robe.

One person stops and kills one, and five people stop and kills five.

Wherever the sword light goes, the sword soldiers are gone.

He went forward alone, his stump and arm behind him, the broken halberd sank into the sand, and blood flowed out of the corpse, soaking the deck of the entire ship.

Before he knew it, there were more than fifty corpses behind him, quietly paving on the road.


"This guy! Not people! The

remaining fifty or so people were frightened, most of their faces were condensed with the blood mist splattered when the gang died before, and they only felt that the person was close in front of them when they started, but it was ethereal, and once someone stepped into that range, they would inevitably fall in an instant.

One person and one sword, one sword and one life, until no one around dares to go up.

At this moment, there was only one right worshipper holding a large knife beside the gang leader, and in front of him was a corpse that had fallen on a deck.

That right offering does not laugh angrily.

"Hahaha... Good, very good! I have been chasing Yan Dao Tong Hu for many years, and since I joined this Fish and Dragon Gang, I have never seen someone who can practice foreign kung fu so brilliantly, and your sword skills are much more clever than that waste with the same name as me in the gang!" Saying

that, he glanced disdainfully at the left offering, which was nailed to the cabin and was not blind.

"Brother, I see that you are also a character, it is better to replace this one with a sword, this fish and dragon gang is also a good home, in the future, you and I will be left and right, and no one below will dare to say anything."

When the gang leader heard this, he also trembled and laughed: "Yes... Yes, strong man, it is wrong for me to be the leader of the gang, I offended you, your two brothers are both serving in my gang, and now Zuo Feng is dead, if you come to my gang, you will definitely be a guest with you. "

Although this Ichthyosaur Gang is the leader of the gang, it is the biggest on the surface.

However, the big and small affairs in the gang, but all the left and right offerings to open, he a gang leader also has to obey, after all, he invited two great gods to come to see the field, although there is nothing to do on weekdays to have gold and silver treasures to serve, but once something happens, there is an offering, they can also be guaranteed.

What is an offering? No different from the ancestors.

The coldness in Li Han's eyes when he heard this subsided a lot.

This made Tong Hu, who had been holding the copper-ring big knife tightly, slightly relieved, and his hands were full of sweat at the moment.

However, the next moment, a flying sword flashed.


"Whew..." The

right enshrined Tong Hu, the body of two hundred pounds flew out in an instant, the same throat was pierced, nailed to the right deck, his copper ring big knife known as meeting Buddha and beheading ghosts fell in place without even using it.

The last moment of sight.

The boy's eyes were full of contempt.

"How can a thousand horses and bad horses eat the same trough? Are you also worthy of being called brother and brother to me?

Everyone present gasped, the sword in his hand was far colder than the breath on the river near the middle of winter.

No one dared to shout again.

However, with the skill of a cup of tea, half of the elite members of the Fish Dragon Gang were killed and injured, and all the left and right protectors were crucified on the ship.

The gang leader looked horrified, sat on the chair with his butt, and it was not to run, nor to run.

Li Han stepped forward, and he reached out and pulled out two swords on his neck.

The gang leader was frightened and fell directly from his seat.

"Eh..." Li

Han sighed and said, "Don't be alarmed by the gang master, you also saw it, I came here today just to find a suitable matter in the gang, begging for food, and I didn't mean to provoke, just... People in the rivers and lakes, it is inevitable that there will be some bumps, and now they can be regarded as not acquainted, right? When

the helper heard this, he quickly nodded.

"Yes... Right! If you don't fight, you don't know each other, you don't know each other. The

two of Xiongzi and Liuzi on the deck had already got up, raised their faces, and looked around at the people around them coldly.

Li Han smiled and said, "Well, then the matter of this position..."

Oh no! Great offerings, unknown Your Excellency's honorific name. The

helper quickly got up, his face still shocked, full of sneer.

"Li Han."

When the gang leader heard this, he didn't say a word, stood in front of everyone, spoke righteously, and waved his big hand: "Have you ever heard?" In the future, there will only be one offering in our gang, or a big offering! That's Li Han, Li offering, quick! Call! "



Under the leadership of all the helmsmen, the gangs under him also spoke out in unison.

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