"Little sister, don't go out and run around alone

..." "That..."

Dongfang Huaizhu muttered a few times, and pulled the quilt up again, leaving only a pair of closed eyes outside.

That's embarrassing... Asleep?

Li Han took this opportunity to take out the leech demon bracelet, and the light green fluorescent shining.

If you want to use this thing to treat, you can't separate too many things, such as the original Oriental Lonely Moon, in fact, it is just a thin layer of clothing, put it on, and the bracelet is close to the skin.

Now that the quilt is covered tightly, it is indeed a little difficult to start.

By the way, hands will do.

"Miss Dongfang, do I need to give you a pulse first, so that I can free my hand?"


Li Han stared at the delicate face that was close at hand, his eyelashes fluttering, as if he could even hear the sound of breathing.

Using this to test old cadres must be somewhat overreaching.

However, I saw the sickly blush on her face again, and her brows furrowed.

Li Han quickly collected his mind, his face was calm, and he took a slight breath.

"Miss Dongfang, offended."

He stretched out his hand, ready to pull the quilt down first, and then pull Dongfang Huaizhu's hand out.

As a result, a very embarrassing scene happened, and the quilt could not be pulled down, as if it was embedded in the body of Dongfang Huaizhu.

"That... Miss Dongfang, are you awake?

After pulling a few times, there was still no response, and Li Han stopped because of this.

Thinking that these are probably because Dongfang Huaizhu is sick, many things cannot act on their own will, and Li Han also guessed that she should not wake up next and see her leech demon bracelet.

So he gently rested the bracelet on top of her head.


The quilt was quietly pulled up to the eyebrows, leaving only a small piece of forehead outside, just covered by a jade bracelet.

Li Han saw that the fluorescence on the jade bracelet flashed slightly, and then returned to dim, only a few seconds, this disease should not be a big deal.

"It's no problem, maybe just get some sleep."

He muttered to himself, then took out the jade bracelet and walked out the door.

With a creak, the door was shut.

After a long time.

The quilt was slowly pulled down.

Dongfang Huaizhu's forehead was full of sweat.

She slowly opened her eyes, her face was still red, she first glanced quietly in the direction of the door, and only after a long time did she exhale, and then rested her hand on her forehead.

The heavy feeling on her body had disappeared, as if she was sick and squealed, and she blinked her eyes at the ceiling with a weak heart.

"I just didn't wake up..."

Li Hanfang had just come out of the backyard and saw the old housekeeper hurriedly walking towards him, his face seemed to be a little bad.


"What's wrong?"

Li Han frowned.

"The girl from the Dongfang family who just left the house had a conflict with the people of the Tianxian Courtyard on the street."

The old butler raised his head and looked surprised.

The relationship between the gang and the Heavenly Immortal Academy has always been subordinate, and basically even a person of the worship level like Little Old Master will not easily provoke those Daoist priests.

According to reason, this is obviously an extremely tricky matter, but now the old man does not seem to be in a hurry at all after hearing this, but smiles.

"Why is the master laughing?"

"I'm worried about who she provokes, but I'm not worried about provoking the Taoist priest, take me to see."

Li Han went out and found that there was already a lot of noise on the street, and beside the dark alley, several cowering gang members saw Li Han coming.


"Stand down, there's no more business for you here."


Li Han is also one of the top figures in Flying Dragon City at the moment, but the gang is still subject to the Tianxian Courtyard as a whole.

There is no way around this, mortals and self-proclaimed Taoist priests have an insurmountable gap, this is a problem of the system.

Therefore, none of these people on the street who were supposed to be optimistic about Dongfang Qin Lan stepped forward, and they all cowered and hid behind, looking helpless.

"Ichiki Dao Alliance? Oh, why hasn't my aunt heard of your name? Which family are you from? In broad daylight, he actually swaggered through the market with monsters!

"Be bold! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little spell, you don't go to this Flying Dragon City to inquire, what do we people do, no matter which family you are a child of, so block the way, specify that there is no good fruit for you to eat! The

middle-aged Taoist priest stood on the street, covering his arms heavily, his sleeves had been burned in half, and he was embarrassed, and the little Taoist priest with scars on his face on the side shrunk on the side of the carriage.

At this moment, the entire carriage was covered by sackcloth.

Standing in front of the two is a young girl who has not yet faded her childish appearance, her body is as long as a rolling pin, her hands are crossed at the waist, and her willow eyebrows are horizontal.

"Okay! Grandma wants to see what you can do with your aunt today! "

Dongfang Qin Lan is angry and does not fight anywhere.

Since she went out with her sister, she has never seen such an arrogant person, and she actually took a monster to swagger in the human city, which is absolutely not allowed to happen when it is in the rules of the Ichiki Dao Alliance.

This Flying Dragon City is really bold.

Whose children are these Taoist priests, so arrogant!


The middle-aged Taoist priest's face became more and more gloomy, and even the spasms on his face twitched a few times.

He quickly took his hand out of his arms, ready to take out one or two thunder burst talismans to chop this little dot to death in place.

However, Dongfang Qin Lan's speed was faster than him, just a slight look.

"Fire! It's on fire! "


The surrounding crowd of onlookers all looked at the scene in front of them in amazement, only to see that the little girl repeated the action of the next step again, and with a slight breath, a filament-like flame erupted from her mouth and flew towards the hand of the Taoist priest who was panicked.

In an instant, a flame burned from the Daoist priest's chest.

"Ah! Yes!

He screamed and slammed into his chest, flames burning his chest, and the surrounding crowd of onlookers were frightened by the scene and retreated.

Until the end, the Taoist priest bumped into the body of a figure.

"Master Dao, be careful when you go out, like this, it's easy to die."

That Taoist priest's body suddenly stopped, no longer struggling, only to be burned by the flames was just unbearable.


At this moment, he only felt that all his internal organs seemed to be mixed together.

His eyes widened and he slowly raised his head.

I only saw a young face, looking at him with an indifferent expression, until finally, the whole world was dark.

Li Han patted his back, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Fang Cai, a plan came to his mind.

Everyone in Flying Dragon City knows that the Tianxian Courtyard is a piece of fat and is the owner of the gang, and most of the money collected by the gang must be handed over to the Tianxian Courtyard...

This is equivalent to Li Han's money falling into someone else's pocket.

So, is this Tianxian Courtyard really necessary to exist?

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