

"Master, the Fish Dragon Gang is coming over there."

A disciple knocked on the door.

The old worshipper dressed in white robes got up from the bed under the service of two young women.

"What's wrong?"

The disciple got up and greeted him outside the door.

Not long after, a thin figure like a bamboo pole nodded and entered the room with a flattering smile on his face.

"Dao Ye ancestor is good."

The old worshipper closed his eyes slightly, probably quite pleased with the word Dao Ye Old Ancestor, and smiled slightly.

"You're from the Ichthyosaurus Gang?"

"Yes, the villain ranks sixth in the family, and the person calls the sixth son, and has seen the ancestor of the Dao master."

Six sons and five bodies to the ground.

While he was kneeling on the ground, several disciples of the gang came in outside the door, one after another, carrying heavy boxes on their shoulders, looking heavy.

The old worshipper said lightly: "When you came..." "

Back to the ancestor of the Dao master, no one saw the back door when you walked."

Liuzi said quickly.

These Taoist priests cherish their reputation the most, even the Taoist priest who went to the gang today, he first disguised.

The old worshipper nodded when he heard this.

It's a guy who can get things done.

Liuzi then said, "The good ancestor of the Dao Master knows that our helper has already known about today's day's events, and the new worshipper who did not understand things and ran into your disciple, this is a reparation for you. "

Five large boxes were placed in the room, neatly arranged, and when opened, they were shining with golden light, and there were many jewelry items, all filled.

The eyes of the two young women who watched the old worship shone brightly, even in the Heavenly Immortal Courtyard where they did not worry about eating and dressing, they had never seen so much gold and silver jewelry.

The old worshipper nodded, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he immediately asked.

"The matter of the day, I heard that my disciple died, but what happened?"

Liuzi's face was shocked when he heard this, and he trembled all over: "Back to the ancestor of the Dao Master, there is absolutely no such thing!" That Dao Master just didn't catch his breath for a while, but now that he has improved after treatment, the gang master has tied up the troublesome woman and the offering, and will wait for your old man to fall. "

Seeing this person shivering, it doesn't look like a lie at all, and more importantly... This time the gift is thick enough.

This also let him know what kind of attitude the gang leader of the Fish Dragon Gang probably had.

"Why didn't my big disciple come back with you?"

Liuzi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "Ancestor Zheng, our gang master is really too guilty about the day's affairs, and he is currently leaving that Dao master in the gang to entertain him, so he sent me to send a gift first." The

old worshipper sneered, "You guys can be people."

Saying that, he propped up on the table and got up, and two maids supported his elderly body.

"Maybe, this time it should be your Ichthyosaur Gang that has this calamity, and it has brought a scourge back, fortunately it did not cause any disaster today, and it can be cut off in time, if it is placed in the future, it is difficult to say, I can also be regarded as a good thing for your Ichthyosaur Gang, don't you say?"

A trace of disdain flashed in the head under Liuzzi.

"What the ancestor of the Dao Master said is very true."

"In that case, you can go back for the time being."



Time passed quickly, and noon suddenly moved to evening.

The old worshipper who was still meditating and practicing in the room slowly opened his eyes, and seeing that it was almost late outside, he frowned and asked the boy on the side.

"What about Dust Repair? Why haven't you come back yet? "

Dust Xiu is naturally a big disciple sent by him to the Fish Dragon Gang this morning, and he won't drink until now?"

"Xu is the Fish Dragon Gang is too warm to entertain over there, the gang of hooligans see the sewing needles, this time the master brother goes, it is inevitable to please the mercy."

The boy smiled.

Looking at the few big boxes in the day, the devil knows how much benefit the master brother has received now, sure enough, the master's closed disciple is good, and if you go to this Flying Dragon City, it will be a lot of money.

The old worshipper sighed: "Fool, let people call him back, together with his two junior brothers, don't get involved with those rabble, greedy for money for a while, if you have a bad reputation in the future, how can you be looked at by the big family of the One Qi Dao Alliance?"

"Yes, Master, then I'll call Senior Brother."

The boy is eager to try.

How could the old worshipper not know this kid's thoughts, and he wanted to take some benefits, and squinted his eyes.

"Okay, there you go."


Another hour passed, and it was completely nightfall.

The old worshipper opened his eyes again.

"Come man."


A disciple knocked outside the door.

"Have the two of Dust Xiu and Qing Xiu ever returned?"

"Pray to Master Venerable, Senior Brother Dust Xiu and Senior Brother Qingxian have not returned."

The old worshipper frowned.

Can this Ichthyosaur Gang's wine be so delicious? Drunk, his two disciples still don't know where to go?

"! The two of them can't help but also plan to go where to spend the night, and then send someone to urge, this time explain it clearly to me, bring the person back, someone dares to mess with the gang in the gang again, and when I come back, I will expel him from the division!

"Yes! Master, I'll bring a few junior disciples over. The

disciple stepped down.


Another hour passed.

It was almost late at night, and the noise of the restaurant in the front yard was not as loud as Fangcai's.

The old worshipper frowned, and pressed his forehead with some doubt.

It shouldn't be....

Haven't come back yet?

He has already sent two sets of disciples in a row to urge, even if the gang wants to pay tribute again, prepare the carriage until now, even the people with the cart should be pulled back.

Something is wrong, something is wrong.

Looking at the dark night outside the window, the old worshipper felt a slight cool breath and got up and shouted.

"Come man! Come! The

door opened, and a disciple entered.


"Quick, get dressed for me, you, call a few junior brothers, and follow me to the Fish Dragon Gang!"

The old worshipper summoned the maid to dress, and instructed the disciples, and there was already some anxiety in his words.

"Why are you still stunned!"

Seeing that the disciple came into the door, he just kept his head down and didn't say a word, and the old worshipper angrily reprimanded.

For a long time, the disciple still didn't move.

The old worshipper narrowed his eyes, sensing that something was wrong, and he looked at the disciple carefully.


Has he ever accepted such a young disciple... No, this disciple looks so outstanding and handsome, he should not forget it.

"Are you..."

"Me? Master don't be alarmed, I am the one who came to send Master Zun on the road.

The man raised his head, a slight smile on his calm face.

The old worshipper looked horrified!

This is not his disciple!

Who is this!


The sword light highlighted the candle chaotic light, and the cold shadow shone on the night with blood splattered.

The head is separated and the party knows the hatred, and the one who came was actually a young man.

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