"I'm actually pretty good at it.

Li Han grabbed Dongfang Huaizhu's hand and smiled slightly.

Dongfang Huaizhu was stunned for a moment, and only after a long time did he stunned his face with a hot face.

"You're really not an honest person."

"Miss Dongfang said and smiled, too honest, not long to live."

Li Han looked slightly sentimental.

Dongfang Huaizhu sighed faintly: "You, did you remember the intersection with Jin Renfeng in the past?" Li

Han treated Jin Renfeng so sincerely, but he never expected that he was a villain who deceived and destroyed his ancestors behind his back, and he must be very sad when he learned the truth.

"Yes, since saying goodbye to my golden brother, I haven't seen such a bold and generous person."

Li Han nodded and sighed.

He is a person who seeks truth from facts, never exposes people behind his back, and his brother Jin Renfeng really doesn't say ah, the kind that goes to the soup in the real sense.

Dongfang Huaizhu, who was held by his hand, who was originally a little restrained, seemed to be relieved when he heard this, and said helplessly: "You, only remember people well, not bad people, Jin Renfeng was so kind to you at the beginning, it was nothing more than ..." Dongfang Huaizhu

is naturally not easy to say, Jin Renfeng just wants to be diligent in front of her, this point is not so stupid, can't see it.

Fortunately, he died quietly.

When her father Dongfang Guyue learned of this, he was not angry, but just sat in the hall for one night, and on the second day he gave a death order not to spread it, and then he didn't say a word about Jin Renfeng, as if he was old again.

Shen Volcano Village does not need the truth at all in the matter of the golden phoenix, there are many people with evil intentions in this world, the fair ones will say that the golden phoenix wolf heart dog lungs, unfair ulterior motives more, will poke her father's backbone, but will be yin and yang strange Her father is not unfair to others, make a big deal, spread out, is it good?

Jin Renfeng's death method is equivalent to retaining the last fig leaf, one step away, destroying it, it can't work.

Until now, Dongfang Huaizhu recalled it with palpitations, as if there was a providence in the underworld to help her Divine Volcano Zhuang.

Li Han, who knew nothing about this, was full of pure liang in his eyes, and he looked very curious.

"Nothing more than what?"

"I... Don't want to say. "

Dongfang Huaizhu, don't overdo it.

She always felt that this person was very bad and had been lying to her, she really couldn't understand, how did Jin Renfeng deceive Li Han and him to be brothers and brothers?

"Anyway, you can't just look at the surface."

"Well, yes, anyway, I believe what Miss Dongfang said."

Li Han nodded thoughtfully.

It's not serious again.

Dongfang Huaizhu's eyebrows curved slightly, and he looked at Li Han with deep meaning.

"Li Gongzi, don't you think that a woman from a deep mansion compound like me is very scheming? In the future, if I am angry, I will not say it explicitly, you have to guess, I have been wandering since I was a child, I have never had any piano and chess calligraphy and painting, but I have raised a quack, and I will not accommodate you in everything..."

Or are you thinking about it far-reaching, even thinking about things for our whole lives.

Li Han admired it very much.

Dongfang Huaizhu raised his fist and came to his chest, throwing off Li Han's hand, and his face suddenly turned cold.

Li Han stretched out his hand to shake it again, and was thrown off again, and when he held it again, he was thrown off again....

He repeated such a thing, and only after a long time did he smile: "Look, just like this, I have always felt that it is nothing more than between husband and wife, or between couples with the same heart, it is inevitable that there will be times when they are angry, there will be times when they don't understand each other

, but..." Li Han held Dongfang Huaizhu's hand, she didn't shake it off again, but two lines of tears slipped down her face.

"Why don't you get out of the way!"

Li Han's palm was scalded with several blisters by the last pure yang yan, obviously puffy, and his face was still smiling, looking happy.

"How can you let go of the hand you hold?"


Dongfang Huaizhu's body trembled slightly, and he choked and lowered his head.

The heart is like a flood bursting the embankment, and the emotions of the past few days are vented.

Blame him for leaving in a hurry that day, without nostalgia.

Blame him for living comfortably in this Flying Dragon City, as if he never thought of himself.

Blame him for always looking dashing, asking her to open her mouth in everything for a daughter's house... All blame him!

"This look, it doesn't look like a woman at all."

Li Han smiled and wiped away the tears on the side of her face, pear blossoms brought rain, beautiful and dusty.

When he thought of Dongfang Huaizhu, he always thought of the misty drizzle filled with mountains and mountains, he could see it, stretch out his hand, but he couldn't touch it, it was ethereal, if he left, he couldn't explain the melancholy of the unknown way.

"You know to bully me!"

Dongfang Huaizhu sobbed with red eyes, and carefully wrapped a handkerchief around his hand.

It is herself who is distressed to say two words, it is she who is distressed twice, and in the end she is sad.

"I should have promised my father a long time ago that I would marry the royal family, and I shouldn't have come to Flying Dragon City to find you, if you think the door is the most important, then I will show you the door!"


And this one?

Li Han suddenly panicked when he heard this, and he leaned aside and said.

"Huaizhu, don't be fooled, the housekeeper of the royal family is old and bad, the people are old and fine, and the sons of their family, the children of the family play the most messy, the devil knows what it looks like, not at all like a clean person like me."

Dongfang Huaizhu saw that he finally panicked, and snorted: "Why do you tarnish people's innocence, their hegemonic son is different from ordinary family children, he is a hero of the world, don't you know that a heroine like me is a hero her favorite?"

"Hmph! This hero has been practicing martial arts hard in recent days, and the eighteen kinds of weapons have long been secretly familiar with him, he uses a sword, well, I also use a sword, if you really want to start a fight, you may not really be afraid of that hegemonic son.

Li Han held his head high.

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled.

I didn't know before, but this person is really... She slowly put her head on Li Han's chest, looking at the dark night outside the door, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Li Han, heroes are short-lived, Huaizhu likes you, not a chivalrous woman, so I don't like heroes either."

At night, quietly, candles flickered, reflecting the furnishings in the house.

After a rain, it swept up with a little dust.

The fresh wind did not enter the hall, a little moist, a little sour.

There are many heroes in this world, and their deeds have been passed down thousands of miles and become famous all over the world.

However, she especially remembered that on that day, many masters of the One Qi Dao Alliance gathered together to criticize the Divine Volcano Villa.

The disciples in the Zhuang were like clouds, and no one dared to come forward.

Only one person stood up and said that sentence to many family owners, there is always a sword puller when there is injustice in the world.

It's not that she doesn't like heroes anymore, but no matter how good other people's heroes are, how can they be compared to their own?

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