Finally willing to speak?

Originally expected that with this hostile situation, it would take some time to grind, Li Han's heart had already made up many stories, but he didn't think that this was a good food and drink for a few days before he spoke.

"Let's take off the demon charm on your body first, it's not very convenient to speak."

"You, is what you said true?"

A trace of doubt appeared in Tu Shanhong's red eyes.

What the hell is this human being? Didn't he know that after lifting the demon charm, his demon power would recover somewhat?

The Taoist priest who arrested her that day suffered a lot.

"Let me teach you one more thing, in our human realm, only Taoist priests dare to shout and kill monsters, and other people, flat-headed people like me, are basically very afraid of your monsters, if it weren't for the relationship with your Tushan fox monsters, do you think I would do this kind of thing?"

Li Han shook his head and approached slowly.

"Besides, after taking off the demon charm, you have some self-preservation ability, and you will believe what I say a little."

Tu Shanhong was half-convinced, and the nerves in his body were tense, staring at the movements on Li Han's hand.

He started very cleanly, there was no unnecessary movement, and he said that picking a charm was picking a charm, and he pulled it down with a slight.

As the spell dissipated, a steady stream of demon power returned to Tu Shan's red body, making her feel that her strength had returned a little.

After solving Tu Shan Honghong, Li Han stretched out his hand to pick Tu Shan's face, and seeing that she subconsciously shrunk her head, he smiled and said: "It's okay, all of a sudden, if this spell is taken by her, it will definitely be hurt, and you don't want to see this scene."

Tu Shan's face looked scared, and he nodded immediately.

Since going down the mountain, she has not met such a talkative human, most of the time is with her sister in the wilderness, from a distance to see the bustle of the human city, if she bumps into, it is to run away, she doesn't know why humans are so afraid of their fox demon, obviously she is also afraid of death.

"Okay, you guys try to move, if it's uncomfortable, I'll be here..."

At this point, Li Han paused.

He realized that his bracelet seemed to be the treasure of the leech demon clan, and the patriarch of the leech demon clan seemed to be working as a doctor in Tushan, so in order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, it was not convenient to show it.

"I'm also a medical student, maybe I can help you treat."

"No thanks."

Tu Shan Honghong shook his head.

Her younger sister Tushan Rongrong studied under the patriarch of the Leech Demon Clan, Jade Yuling, and could do some healing spells.

Moreover, there is an essential difference between the bodies of demons and people, and they will not be harmed because of such a small injury.

About ten minutes later, the door was opened.



Li Han nodded, he walked in front, followed by two figures in cloaks, like children

, under the robe revealed Tushan red turquoise eyes, with vigilant eyes carefully looking at the surrounding scenery, sure as she guessed, close to the river, she didn't expect that when she felt that the room was a little bumpy these days because she was staying on a big boat.

The tide undulates and hits the bottom of the big ship, and the iron cable crosses the hull of the ship and connects with the reef on the shore, which is very spectacular, since ancient times, it has been a demon good force but not good wisdom, people are good and not good at power, and the ability of human beings to create various tools is unique.

And the human named Li Han, who rescued them from the Taoist priest, seemed to have a very prestigious appearance among this group of humans, and he walked all the way down the deck of the ship, and everyone he met along the way bowed their heads to him respectfully and greeted.

Until a few people walked away.

Several people on the boat were talking.

"Eh, the two who followed behind Han Ye are..." The

older steward frowned, and a backhand slapped the person's face, and the new member who spoke up had a large swollen face, and he was immediately stunned.


"You call Lao Tzu a brother, brother will teach you one thing today, mix here, do more and talk less, if you want to die Lao Tzu sink you now, otherwise shut that dog's mouth."

"Yes... Got it, brother. "


"What do you do? Why do those people look scared of you? Tu

Shan Hong was very puzzled in his heart.

She didn't fully trust Li Han, but as far as the current situation was concerned, she also wanted to know Li Han as much as possible, find out what kind of plans this human race had, in order to deal with it, but escaped but she didn't think about it, this is already a human city, and the ghost knows if there will be any Taoist priests halfway.

"I am a langzhong, people, there are three plagues and six diseases, I believe you can also see it, most of these are people who practice martial arts, they are not afraid of me as a person, but my medical skills, you monsters will not offend the doctor rashly."

Li Han nodded.

Seeing Tu Shan's red eyes glanced at his waist.

"This, ah, I am walking in the rivers and lakes, it is inevitable that I will encounter danger, it is normal to wear a sword with me."

Tu Shan Hong was half-convinced.

The moment they left the big ship and really stepped into the human town, the two sisters stayed in place.

"Rong Rong, have you heard it, this city seems to be different from other places we have seen before."

"Well, there's a demon spirit."

"Follow him first, and then see if you can find another opportunity to return to Tushan."

Tu Shan Honghong hesitated for a moment, and then took a firm step.

The three of them walked through the crowded street together, this day seemed to be very lively, many people dressed in black stood at the front door of many dart bureaus on the street, with fish and dragon patterns sewn on them, and they seemed to be very respectful after seeing Li Han.

This also made Tu Shan Honghong have some guesses, if Li Han is really Langzhong, then presumably the medical skills are also very smart, just like Jade Spirit, in their demon world, prestige often comes from their own skills, which itself is a world where the strong are respected.

"Hanye, what are your orders?"

"You used to be in charge of the ferry?"

"Yes, the villain is specifically responsible for sending ships to those big lords."

"The road from Flying Dragon City to Tushan is currently guarded by which disciple of the One Qi Dao Alliance?"

"This... It is the people of the royal family.

Li Han nodded and motioned for the man to continue to negotiate with the Dart Bureau, the gang organizer was very sharp, and once decided, the transformation of the gang began quickly.

On his side, the status of these two little foxes in Tushan is not as good as that of ordinary people, which is like a country's public body falling into a foreign country, and it is definitely enough as a condition for negotiation.

There is only one problem, and there is no such condition as to be able to catch the Tushan line for the time being.

"The royal family?"

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