On the day when the New Year was approaching, the housekeeper of Wang Quan Villa made a fuss with a dowry, saying that he was going to Shen Volcano Villa to raise his family.

The news within the One Airway Alliance spread quickly, and the views of many owners of the One Airway Alliance on this matter, whether congratulatory or jealous, one thing was recognized, that is, this steward Fei never did anything unsure.

It must be known that since Wang Quan Shou was seriously ill, the huge family has been controlled by the steward, not only has it not turned from prosperity to decline, but on the contrary, it has become stronger and stronger, further consolidating the position of the leader in the One Air Dao Alliance.

So as soon as Butler Fei's front foot left, someone came to the side of Shen Volcano Villa to say goodbye, and the stream was endless, very lively.

Today's Shen Volcano Zhuang is thinning down the West Mountain, the disciples in the Zhuang have been separated, the door is deserted, it is not as good as before, in the eyes of many people, the eldest lady of the Dongfang family can marry the son of the royal family, the fei butler's move is really sophisticated, the eastern lonely moon has no children, from now on, the Shen Volcano Zhuang and the royal power family are one, I am afraid that the power of the royal power family will reach an unprecedented heyday.


A dramatic scene happened, and the people of the Heaven and Earth One Sword King Power family full of dowry and beating gongs and drums were rejected by the Divine Volcano Village.

The Oriental family master, who was called a hero by the world, who had destroyed countless demons and had brilliant deeds spread all over the world, just bent his waist and respectfully said the word divorce to Butler Fei.

"What the hell does his Eastern Lonely Moon think? Sincerely teasing the royal power? The

head of the Taoyuan Li family slammed his seat, his face livid.

His Li family and Wang Quan's family have always been clothed with water, like brothers, and now the eldest brother is so humiliated by others, how can he be calm?

"This time the Oriental Family Master did too much, rumors spread outside, saying that the Wang Power Family was overpowering people this time and forced to marry the Dongfang Family, and also said that the Oriental Lonely Moon was not reduced in person, and no one would give face, his Divine Volcano Villa did not decline, but the King Power Mountain Villa may not be as prosperous as it seems."

The head of the Yang family in Tianyan patted his thigh, stretched out his hands to the charcoal basin, and the fire reflected the square face, full of solemn expression.

It's no small thing.

These masters of the One-Qi Dao Alliance have been twisted into a rope for a long time, with the head of the royal family, while the Divine Volcano Village is wandering outside, which is worrying, Dongfang Lonely Moon did a lot of absurd things when he was young, and everyone left him a little thin face for the stability within the Dao Alliance.

Then, fortunately, Dongfang Guyue has no children in this life, there are only two daughters under her knees, and now she has white hair, and it is probably impossible to continue the string, with Dongfang Guyue's temper, it is estimated that she can't give up that old face.

Everyone is quietly waiting for the demise of the Divine Volcano Village... To be precise, the fall of the Eastern Lonely Moon Era, after he died, there was no more Divine Volcano Village in this world, and what was left was just an empty shelf, and there was nothing to fear.

"Old Fei, Lao Yang is telling the truth, I have also heard a lot of rumors, now people's hearts are in turmoil, Dongfang Lonely Moon escaped from death this time, it is clear that the hero is short of breath, and also recognized the current situation of Shen Volcano Zhuang, only to discuss with you, marry his daughter to the royal family, and now suddenly changed his mind, not hesitating to laugh at the world, among them, I am afraid that there are some bad signs ah."

The head of the Wind Thunder Winged Ji family also nodded.


Hearing this, Steward Fei's always unpleasant face narrowed his eyes slightly.

Of course, the issue of face is important, but the reason why Dongfang Lonely Moon suddenly regretted this is also intriguing.

In his opinion, Dongfang Lonely Moon is not so old and confused to that point, thinking about things after less than a hundred years, whether it is out of consideration for the disciples in the Divine Volcano Estate or out of consideration for his two daughters, making Dongfang Huaizhu marry into the royal family is the best choice, otherwise those enemies will come to the door afterwards, but in the end they can't keep anything.

Could it be that he found a force that he could rely on more than the royal family?

This...... It's a little funny, looking at the entire Yiqi Dao Alliance, who can compare with the royal family?

Steward Fei shook his head and said, "I also guess he can't figure it out, this time he went to the face of the depravity, what about the stability within this airway alliance in the future?" Speaking

of this, all the masters present looked at each other.

"I make a statement, in the future, my Taoyuan Li family will no longer provide any magic weapons to the Shen Volcano Zhuang, including those circulating in the market, and will no longer sell them to any disciples of the Divine Volcano Zhuang, I see that the old man of the Oriental Lonely Moon has a demon destroying divine fire, but at that time, he can't even find a flying sword, how to kill demons and remove demons."

The head of the Li family snorted coldly.

The head of the Tianyan Yang family sighed.

From the point of view of practice, this is indeed a bit arrogant and unreasonable, but this is a major matter related to internal stability, there are more people who see the wind at the helm, and if their major families do not come forward to protect the royal power family, there will be people who dare to go to the Oriental Lonely Moon to openly confront the royal family, the past Dongfang Lonely Moon is not a group, but it is also frank, do not worry about who he is in the same stream, but this time the matter is backsliding, who knows what he is thinking?

Nothing said, sanctions must be taken.

"My Yang family will stop selling spiritual technique secrets to the disciples of the Shen Volcano Village from now on, and also order the disciples under the disciples not to have dealings with the disciples of the Shen Volcano Village from now on, and those who violate this order will be severely punished."

"In the future, my Ji family will refuse to pass on the message to the disciples of the Divine Volcano Village in the demon domain, and will not step into the gate of the Divine Volcano Zhuang again."

"In the future, my Qing family will deprive the disciples of the Divine Volcano Village of the right to fly in the air within the territory of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and it will officially take effect from today."


The families who are in the same clothes as the royal family have expressed their position one after another, they are the top group of families in the Yiqi Dao Alliance, each of them is there, and the ones outside the door are second-rate, third-rate and even the last stream.

The vermilion gate is engraved with the word king, which is the ability of the king power family of heaven and earth.

Steward Fei said with a calm face: "Since you all have expressed your position, then my royal power family will take the lead, and from now on submit a document to the obsidian supervision department, all the disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance, go out to hunt demons, raise taxes, reduce the income, and the losses of all of you will be borne by the royal family."

When all the family masters heard this, they all gasped.

What do these big families rely on to maintain on a daily basis? It is nothing more than the oil and water of the people at the bottom, as well as the income from hunting monsters.

There are not many disciples of Shen Volcano Zhuang, they have always lived by destroying demons, this time the tax has been raised, and these families still have some gray business in the account, and they can still maintain it, to the Shen Volcano Village... That's really not a penny.

This old fee is still an old fee, and it is pierced in the nest of the heart.

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