
Tu Shan Honghong punched out, and the boulder hanging under the tree cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fell apart and fell into the snow with a bang.

At the moment of falling, the silver bell tied at the end of the long orange hair sounded crisply, and the bare little feet under the red and white robe fell steadily into the snow, like exquisite crafts.

"Wow! My sister is so great!

Tu Shan, who was sitting under the eaves of the porch, applauded happily.

"It seems that it has almost recovered."

Tu Shan Honghong squeezed his palm, and then asked, "Rong Rong, how is your demon power recovering?" When

Tu Shan heard this, he shook his little feet with a smile, and a burst of turquoise light flickered on her body, and then turned into a young man in a blue shirt, looking like he wanted to say nothing.

"Ahem, it's good, it's very powerful, you will definitely be able to become a fox demon on your own in the future."

The corners of Tu Shan's red mouth twitched unconsciously.

"Rong Rong, can you stop talking like this?"

"Sister, I don't think he is a bad person, but sometimes he cares about us very often, why do you always think of him as a bad person with a plan, sister?"

Tu Shan's face changed back, holding his chin with both hands.

At first, the two were still very careful when they lived in the mansion.

Lying in the warm and comfortable bed two nights before I arrived, I couldn't even sleep nervously, and I gradually found that this worry was superfluous.

Unless it is the old housekeeper in the house to deliver three meals a day, no one will come to this courtyard on weekdays, through the high wall you can hear the sound of the human city on the street, the bustling scene of traffic also emerges in mind, the sisters will also go to the door of the backyard when they have nothing to do on weekdays, and squeeze the crack of the door to observe the situation outside.

Different from what they imagined when they came down the mountain, the human city is not so chaotic, most of them are very quiet and peaceful, no different from Tu Shan, occasionally there are human children kicking shuttles in front of the backyard, Tu Shan Rong always can't resist the idea of going to play with them, but all of them are stopped by her sister.

"Fengqi said that the humans under the mountain are all bad people, especially the males of humans."

Tu Shan Honghong turned around, his tone calm.

Whenever her heart subconsciously gave birth to the idea of wanting to trust human beings, her mind was always inevitably pulled.

The scene on Tu Shan would automatically come to her mind, the man and woman stroking her head, her eyes were full of love, she hated humans, just as Tu Shan also hated humans, their arrival always brought misfortune and disaster.

"That's right, the power of the fox demon comes from the most affectionate, where the love goes, where the power is born, the human world is too complicated, emotions will make you stronger, but at the same time it will become your weakness."

"Rong Rong..." Tu

Shan Honghong turned her head to find her sister's hands pressed outside, smiling innocently.

Standing next to her was Li Han, who was tightly wrapped in a thick robe and felt hat, grinning, holding up his hands, two very fat rabbits.

It didn't take a while.

A black cauldron was hoisted in the firewood room, the firewood crackled and burned underneath, and the little face of Tu Shan's face was fluttering, and his bright eyes stared at Li Han cutting pieces of radish into the hot pot full of soup rabbit meat, and the oily hot pot gurgled and tumbled, and the fragrance was overflowing, filling the firewood room.

"What do you know about our Tushan?"

"How is it too much, how is it less?"

Li Han looked puzzled, took a spoon and scooped a bowl of meat, and naturally handed it to Tu Shanrongrong.

"Thank you, Brother Li Han."

"Well, that's good."

Li Han's smile narrowed, and Tu Shan's face reflected each other, and there was a sense of indescribable similarity.

This did not cause Tu Shan Honghong's disgust, because for the past ten days, Li Han has probably looked like this, and when he is not too familiar, he will not say to deliberately approach the two sisters to give them enough space.

On weekdays, he rarely asks them questions, and most of the time he can't even see him.

The only thing he knows is that he is currently looking for a way to send the two sisters back to Tushan, her simple sister Tushan Rong is convinced of this, Tushan Honghong, it is not good to say anything, probably her heart also wants to believe, after all, like this in the human city, they can rely on Li Han now.


Li Han put another bowl and handed it to Tu Shan Honghong, she didn't want it, but the fragrance stimulated her body.

Goo goo.... "I heard from the housekeeper that every day when you have nothing to do, you will fight in the courtyard, at first you broke a few walls, and then he found out about this and asked people to bring stones back from the mountain to give you practice, this is also considered physical work, strenuous, eat more."

Tu Shan Honghong turned his face slightly when he heard this, and his expression could not be seen clearly on his face under the orange hair.

However, Li Han is very familiar with this set, this aspect is very similar to Dongfang Huaizhu, when he really feels embarrassed, he can't pull his face to apologize, and he won't forcefully talk back to people, so silently pestle, can't let go of the stubbornness of the woman.

After taking the bowl, after a long time, Li Han was even asking Tu Shan Rong if he had encountered anything interesting today, and the two chatted a little lively.

"Thank you."

Your Tushan Fox Demon's reflex arc is a bit long, will it be arrogant at such a small age?

"It's okay."

Li Han smiled.

This is the first time that Tu Shan Honghong has shown a more polite side to him, and he has not cared much about these two little foxes in the past ten days, but this is an unexpected and reasonable thing.

"What's going on outside the city in recent days? Can you find a way to return to Tu Shan? Tu

Shan Honghong raised her face, she naturally didn't like this kind of life under the fence, this time she was caught by accident, and when she returned to Tu Shan, there was still a way to repay Li Han's kindness.


Li Han looked embarrassed and shook his head.

"No, I've worked very hard to get around, but the people on the other side of the ferry just refuse to let them go, but more and more fox demons have been caught selling in the human realm in the past few days, and this airway alliance, ordinary people, really can't afford to provoke ah."

Ichikido Alliance.

Tu Shan Honghong gritted his teeth slightly, and wrote down these four words deeply in his heart.

Invading the territory of Tushan, plundering Tushan's resources, and abducting her compatriots and brothers, this account will have to be repaid sooner or later!

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