Shen Volcano Zhuang is a demon eradication family with the same name as the Qi Dao Alliance and the royal power family, and it is naturally impossible to fall to the point of being acquired.

No matter how difficult it is to support, it is nothing more than a direct collapse, really want to be bought by others for money, it is an impossible thing, really want to be more real, there are many people who are willing to spend money in the One Qi Dao Alliance, Li Han's current these are really not enough to see.

Moreover, he still has to rely on the tiger skin of Shen Volcano Zhuang to pull the big banner, how can he really do that kind of thing, if he really succeeds, Shen Volcano Village will become a joke, and it will have no effect on Li Han.

Again, it is purely business, and it is normal to talk about a bargain, depending on who can finally take whom.

How can his old man be too shaft, the demon exterminator is a good hand, this talk about business...

"Your father's thing..."

"He just can't pull that face, leave him alone, wait for him to think about it himself."

Dongfang Huaizhu shook his head.

Some time ago, although her father cursed at what the Yiqi Dao Alliance did, in the final analysis, he still had a glimmer of hope for the Dao Alliance, thinking that they would not cause the Dongfang family to die.

Today, he came to Li Han to ask for an explanation, but in fact, he just wanted to borrow some money to turn around, and then he was embarrassed to find that he owed people a life, and there was no way, he could only take his daughter out to say something.

Li Han deeply agreed: "Master Yue Chang can see it clearly, knowing that I am a thief's boat, and I can't get off if I go up."

"Oh, you mean I'm stupid and can't understand?"

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled.

Li Han shook his head.

"No, the Oriental woman is smarter than him, and she can see better that I am a person who will have a great future in the future, even if it is a thief ship, it must be smooth sailing and rich and noble."

"Yes, Li Gongzi, then can you explain to me, how many people are on this thief ship of yours now?"

Dongfang Huaizhu gently pinched Li Han's palm.

"I'm not there for a few days, you brought two Tushan fox demons to settle in your own house, do you think that I am a very generous person and don't mind at all?"

Between words, he had already walked all the way to the backyard of Li Han's mansion, which was also the place where Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qin Lan collapsed.

As soon as the next person prayed, the old butler greeted him and raised his eyes slightly.

"Sir, ma'am."

"Ahem... Well.

Li Han nodded, and Dongfang Huaizhu, who was still pinching his palm, quickly hid behind him.

"Uncle Yun, it's not what you think..." The

old butler smiled and said, "Madam, after you left, the old man ordered that no one is allowed to enter the backyard except for the daily cleaning of us subordinates, everything has not changed, and the old man has always been very worried about Madame."

"Don't you miss me?" Kissing me along the way, I didn't care at all about the feelings of my future sister-in-law.

Dongfang Qin Lan poked out her head speechlessly, looking at these two people full of resentment, she didn't know when her sister got along with Li Han, but the only thing that was certain was that she had now inexplicably changed from Li Han's friend to sister-in-law.

From now on, eating and drinking a little on him, is that unreasonable?

"Second young lady, don't worry, the master has already ordered, if the second young lady returns to the house one day, the kitchen side will definitely not be neglected, go to the house, I will order people to get the few small dishes you love to eat."

The old butler said with a smile.

Dongfang Qin Lan did not rush to eat, but glanced at Li Han.

"Did he really say that?"

Li Han straightened his waist and nodded slightly.

The old butler smiled and said, "It's true.

Dongfang Qin Lan looked extremely naïve.

"Then he must not be bad at those two little vixens."

The atmosphere became tense in an instant, and Dongfang Huaizhu turned his face to look at Li Han, making him not move at all.

The old housekeeper replied like a stream: "The old man said that being good to outsiders is out of courtesy, and doing more may not be taken to heart, but Madame and Second Young Miss are different, even if they are not in the same place, the old man is always worried in his heart and looking forward to the reunion." "


Li Han raised his head with a sentimental expression, looking up at the sky at forty-five degrees, his eyes were hot and humid.

Dongfang Qin Lan was also embarrassed to ask again, and his eyes were a little moved.

Dongfang Huaizhu rubbed Li Han's palm and quietly rested his head on his shoulder.

Everything is in silence.

It wasn't until the two sisters entered the house that Li Han looked grim that he secretly took out a few ingots of gold from his sleeve and stuffed them into the hands of the old housekeeper.

The old butler looked stunned.

"Sir, this..." "

Don't say anything, Uncle Yun, don't be polite with me, you deserve it."


With the development of the times, the concept of the younger generation of disciples of the Dao Alliance is quite different from that of their predecessors, especially when the incident in the Yang family of Tianyan occurred, which caused many people in the younger generation to question whether the monsters were all evil.

Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qin Lan knew earlier that Flying Dragon City was unclean, and it was heinous to bring the business of abducting and selling monsters to the human territory, not to mention that the fox demons of Tushan had never reported any heinous and harmful incidents, and they had always stayed on Tushan in peace.

Therefore, they actually have some sympathy for the two fox demons saved by Li Han, but they don't know what Li Han's real purpose is for the time being, nor do they know the particularity of these two fox demons to Tu Shan.

"You're tired, go eat."

In the dead of night, Li Han touched Dongfang Qin Lan's head with a look of concern.

"Then my sister and I..." "

My sister and I still have something to talk about, you go first."

"Oh... All right.

Dongfang Qin Lan left very happily, and the old housekeeper ordered the kitchen to open the fire, she already smelled it.

Dongfang Huaizhu took off the big gun outside, and wrapped a green robe around her graceful figure, she turned around, and a puzzled look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"What's going on?" So solemn.

Li Han naturally closed the door, took her hand and sat down, and sighed.

"I've been sick lately."

"Huh? Where are you uncomfortable?

Dongfang Huaizhu approached with a concerned expression, and suddenly, inexplicably, she felt a hand restlessly wrapped around her waist, and her body suddenly stiffened.

"You come and sit, I'll talk to you."

"You... Where do you want me to sit?

Dongfang Huaizhu saw him sighing and pointed to his thighs, his face was hot and his head was almost blank, did he want that? Or is he really sick? Just sit on it, refuse? Promise?

So suddenly... She didn't have anything to prepare for.

She lowered her head, her slender jade fingers hooked together, slightly uneasy.

"Certainly... Does it have to be now?

Li Han swallowed his throat.

At this moment, an untimely knock sounded on the door, and the sound of the Eastern Lonely Moon came from outside.

"Boy! Don't you have to entertain, old man?

"My dad is here! Other... Don't touch it..."

Dongfang Huaizhu lowered his voice, shamefully pushed Li Han's hand away, and then suddenly retreated into the room inside.

The door was forcibly pushed open, the wind and snow whistled in, and Li Han looked wooden.

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