La Yue, Xiao Nian.

The golden Tianxian Courtyard is illuminated inside and outside, and the ceremony is magnificent.

The gilded plaque was replaced by a ladder, and then replaced with a more majestic plaque, the above three words of heaven and earth alliance, the aroma of wine and rouge that had lingered here were all swept away, replaced by a bright lobby, majestic high-rise buildings.

The disciples in black uniforms were lined up in two characters, holding the hunting black flag in their hands, the surnames of the above-mentioned one qi Dao alliance families, the seats in front, the left one day of the sword king power family, the second day eye Yang family, the three Taoyuan Li family... From here, down.

At the same time, in the huge courtyard, the plum is planted, and the frost stands proudly in the bleak season, and the city is full of red dust.

There are nearly 100 tables for banquets, which are used to entertain all the heroes and heroes who entered the city, and they were lively and full of people.

Everyone was talking about it, not to mention that the name of this Heaven and Earth Alliance was too dazzling, but also to invite the masters of the Dao Alliance, such a big source, who is this alliance master?

"Please! The thirty-sixth rudder master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Wu Shouyi. "


One by one, figures sit at the bottom.

Most of the people have a lively attitude, and many people who know the inside story can see that the predecessor of this Heaven and Earth Alliance is the Fish and Dragon Gang in Flying Dragon City, what kind of flag owner, but it sounds better, the predecessor is a scoop in the gang, this kind of gangsters are not on the table, and those of them who walk the rivers and lakes look down on it.

That's it? Heaven and Earth Alliance?

Finally, after the notification of the owners of the flags.

"Please! The eighteenth road hall master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, the eighteenth disciple of the Divine Volcano Villa, Xue Ge! "


The emcee stood on the top of the building, shouted this sentence with a serious face, and with the blessing of the magic weapon, the thick voice fell into the ears of everyone below.

"Kamikakuso? Lie to people! "


"My mother!"

Those who were originally unknown and laughed suddenly became serious, one qi Dao Alliance, Oriental family, demon extinguishing divine fire, pure Yangyan.

This is something engraved in their bones, and the feelings of this Heaven and Earth Alliance and the Oriental Family ah! Really fake?

However, the shock did not stop.

Among the hall masters of this Heaven and Earth Alliance, except for those who were in charge of logistics and operations, almost all of them were disciples of the Divine Volcano Village, a total of ten, wearing yellow Daoist robes and swords.

Finally, the emcee cleared his throat.

"Please! Vice Alliance Master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance! God Volcano Estate Lord Dongfang Lonely Moon! "



The crowd that watched the excitement could no longer be stretched.

Who has not heard of the four words of Oriental Lonely Moon? That is a famous old hero in the human world, who forged a great name after removing demons, and now he is actually the deputy alliance master of this heaven and earth alliance?

In the midst of everyone's attention, flames flew from the air, igniting the large lamps on both sides of the road, and the pure Yangyan of the Demon Extinguishing God Fire seemed to be reflected on everyone's faces under this dim winter scene.

The deputy alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Dongfang Guyue, flew from a distance in a spacious black robe, and the chess players who held the black flags of each family of the Dao Alliance below lowered the black flags in their hands, he stepped on the flag, his old face was majestic, along the way, the fire was scorching, the flag fluttered, over the tall building, the sleeve robe flicked, sat on the top of the deputy seat, looking down at the people below.

"Is that really the Oriental Patriarch?"

"Nonsense! Your eyes are blind! You can't recognize pure impotence, and you can't recognize the two hairs on your head? In this world, apart from the Dongfang family, who else can grow dragon whiskers floating behind the head!

"Where did this Heaven and Earth Alliance come from? Could it be that the branch of the One Air Dao Alliance opened in Flying Dragon City? This didn't say hello to all of us in advance. After

Dongfang Lonely Moon sat down, the noisy atmosphere became quiet for a while, no one dared to treat this Heaven and Earth Alliance as a joke anymore, so many disciples of the Dongfang family, plus the owner of a Divine Volcano Village came to the town, no one had lost their hearts and went crazy enough to think that this was a joke.

The emcee was silent for a moment, and then said in a loud voice.

"Please! Heaven and Earth Alliance Lord!

"Who is this alliance master?"

"Could it be that he is the head of the Heaven and Earth One Sword King Power family?"

"It's very possible, Dongfang Lonely Moon is only a deputy alliance master."

At this moment, a roar came from the east.

"What a heaven and earth alliance! Invite the old man to the banquet! How could the old man, the Taoyuan Li family, not prepare a generous gift, invite more than a hundred flying swords, and have a banquet with Er! "

A sword gourd flew up in the sky, gradually becoming huge, and then the golden light overflowed, illuminating a gray sky, more than a hundred golden rays flew towards the direction of Flying Dragon City, the sword buzzed, the ringing, and the sound of breaking the void.

At the same time, a figure flew out from the top floor of the headquarters floor of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, wearing a spacious black robe with a dragon fire emblem on his chest.

The appearance of a teenager, one person and one sword.

Suddenly, the sonorous sound in the sky was endless, crisp and abnormal.

Bang bang!

Flying dragon snow secretly hides the clouds, Aomei Lingshuang rushes to fight bulls!

The city is full of sword dances, who rises tall buildings on the ground?

A divine weapon that could be called the most well-made divine weapon of the Dao Alliance flew out upside down and was inserted upside down on the wall next to the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

The cold wind and snow continue, deep into the bone marrow.

The Li family master Yujian arrived, and his eyes were especially shocked, and he couldn't say anything for a long time.

In a moment, he broke more than a hundred flying swords of his Li family, even if it was the steward of Wang Quan Villa, it was impossible for him to be so comfortable!

His eyes widened and he snapped, "Junior! The old man does not talk nonsense with you! Who is your ally? Call him to see me! The

boy ignored him and just flew straight back to the top floor.

His clothes were still down, his sleeves flicked, and he turned around and sat on the main table of the Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Merry, a little, pompous, a little, skill, a little more.

There was silence here, and no one dared to speak.

In the distance, a group of family masters flew in, led by the royal power family feekeeper, a total of more than ten people, angry and monstrous.

He slowly pressed his sword against the table, and Tarzan pressed to the top without changing his color.

"No, the alliance master that the senior is looking for is me."

Who is the ally? A young man.


At this time, tens of miles outside Flying Dragon City.

A group of young people dressed in different costumes flew in the air, dashing and full of spirit.

Headed by the prince of the Heaven and Earth One Sword King Power family, a total of ten are the most outstanding children of many families of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and the heirs of the family head in the future.

These people are also members of the Mask Group organization privately established by the King Power Hegemony, who go in and out of the major demon domains on weekdays to collect information on the human world, and are recently plotting to go to an area they have never been to before.

Outside the circle of this world.

However, the arrival of one event disrupted the rhythm of these young people.

"Big brother, there is Flying Dragon City in front."


Wang Quan Hegemony nodded, his expression solemn.

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