Li Han in the sky was the first to lean down and rush down.

At this moment, many masters of the Yiqi Dao Alliance who had already gathered together did not dare to slacken, and launched a counterattack at the same time under the leadership of Steward Fei, and the front yard soon turned into a battlefield, the roar was endless, and the damage caused by the flying sword magic weapon was gorgeous and terrifying, just like the immortal fighting method.

Many of the people eating the banquet on the other side of the backyard had all withdrawn to the streets outside in advance, and only the insiders of the Heaven and Earth Alliance were still inside.

"Lao Li, his sword technique is too weird, don't rush in, you use the sword gourd to assist me, I will try it with the king power sword technique, and the rest of the people will take the opportunity to attack his weak points."

Steward Fei reminded in a deep voice.

In terms of techniques alone, this young man is really better than these people, among the three points of body, technique, and heart, the first point is actually not much different from each other for humans, because their lifespan is limited and they cannot accumulate demon power through long years like monsters.

The main thing is to compete in the last two points.

In terms of technique, it was obvious that this young man had completely defeated them, and choosing to compete with him within three feet was tantamount to sending him to death.

Then, there is only the last point left, the heart, that is, using the magic weapon that these old guys brought by each other, organizing defense and attack through the magic weapon, no matter what, that young man is just a person.


As soon as Steward Fei saw the figure in the air move, he immediately gave the command, the leader of the Obsidian Supervision Department of the One Qi Dao Alliance and the head of the Taoyuan Li family, the first craftsman family, one left and one right, at the same time, the sword gourd and the golden rope flew together.


Dongfang Lonely Moon is even heartbroken.

His mother's, so many old immortals, the skill is not as good as others, use magic weapons, put on such a big battle to bully a little doll, do you want to nod your face? Can he still watch the future hopes of Shen Volcano Village and his two daughters being ruined by these old things?

The sky-rushing flames swept over, and the Demon Exterminating God Fire Pure Yang Yan revealed its extremely domineering side at this moment, roaring and devouring the Li family's sword gourd and the golden rope that was ready to bind Li Han.

A moment later, the two magic weapons as a whole appeared pitch black in the burning, fell down weakly, and were completely refined.

"Extinguish the Demon Divine Fire!"

Butler Fei looked grim.

The head of the Li family obviously expected this situation for a long time, and immediately threw out another gourd, and the whistling wind was inhaled, collecting all the flames in the air.

It's just that with the inhalation of the demon extinguishing fire, the gourd also became hotter and hotter, and the whole showed a strange bright color, obviously it can be sucked, but it can't suck too much.

Thank you, old man, your meal money will be free of charge in the back house.

Li Han's heart palpitated, Fang Cai he was also pondering whether to invoke the Demon Exterminating Divine Fire, in addition to poisoning the Golden Phoenix before, he still absorbed the pure Yang Yan fragments in the body of the Golden Phoenix, as for the others... There were only a hundred people in Shen Volcano Zhuang, and at that time, he didn't think about the complete version of the Demon Extinguishing God Fire, offending the God Volcano Village to change a demon extinguishing God Fire is very profitable? That's picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

Now it also proves how correct his previous choice is, extinguishing demon divine fire does not mean invincible, and a large part of the success of the created Heaven and Earth Alliance depends on the prestige of the Eastern Lonely Moon, there is an old family, if there is a treasure, the reputation is outside, it can really solve a lot of trouble.

"Not good, old Xiao! Lao Li! Steward

Fei drew his sword and stabbed, but it was too late.

This time, Li Han caught this gap and completely ignored him, who was more mature in close range swordsmanship, but chose the head of the Li family and Xiao Wancheng who were standing in front of him.

Mixed round hood in one go!

The head of the Li family reacted quickly, and immediately activated the mixed circle cover to cover the main parts of the body, this cover is gradually enlarged, and at least the chest and neck area can be protected at the moment of opening.

Xiao Wancheng also took out another magic weapon at the same time, binding the immortal net.

However, he miscalculated.

Li Han did not use his mana on the broken cover, the sword body rotated for a while, and then passed through the two and the family masters, and the imperial sword escaped the bombardment of other people's magic weapons.

Rip and pull!


Xiao Wancheng and the head of the Li family let out a scream at the same time, and their bare arms and legs outside the mixed circle cover were all cut off, and in an instant the two collapsed on the ground and bleeding, and the picture was once very cruel and bloody.

"This can't be! Why is his body so strong! Steward

Fei's eyes were full of disbelief, so many magic weapons bombarded wildly, even if Li Han could dodge, he also needed to consume most of his mana, and there would definitely be times when he couldn't dodge, but this young mana's mana was too fierce, and he could urge mana to dodge every time, and he didn't show a completely consumed look, which was not so much a person, but more like an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years.

Where did the blue stripe come from?

Remember the body of ten thousand poisons? Although it is not as perverted as Huandu Qingtian's tens of thousands of years, but in terms of the normal cultivation progress of the Ten Thousand Poison Body, Li Han's current progress is equivalent to the blue bar that he has hundreds of years more than others for no reason, and with sword techniques alone, he is like taking a dollar to buy something that others can buy for hundreds of dollars, and it is simply inexhaustible.

The various patriarchs contracted the battle line and formed a circle, encircling the injured Xiao Wancheng and the Li family master.

Of course!

This is also Li Han's intention!

There is a chance that he will not kill these two people, do you know what it means to drag two burdens on this kind of battlefield?

Butler Fei's heart was cold.

There is the Lonely Moon in the East... Most of the breakthrough magic weapons cannot be used, and the powerful attack magic weapons must be used to defend Li Han in the sky, which means this piece of the ground...

Outer courtyard.


Seeing this, the helmsmen smiled sadly, drank all the wine in the bowl, and threw it on the ground with a crisp sound.

In the entire outer courtyard of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, I don't know how many figures appeared in the streets and alleys, and Yuguan generally moved quickly towards the direction of the headquarters.

Claw hooks, crossbows, poison darts, gold wire fences, jars with corrosive liquid... It can be said that there is everything, all of them are affixed with the charm of the Daomen, and it is roughly estimated that these things have smashed at least hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

This is the unwritten rule of the Fish and Dragon Gang to attack the city before the establishment of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, you can't just play stunned, they are all reckless rivers and lakes who come out to mix, all of them have unique skills, no matter how powerful the hero is, it is also two shoulders and a head, if you can put cold arrows, don't go up and fight hard, if you can poison, don't go up and fight with others.

There is the original fish and dragon gang enshrined, and the current leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance does personal guidance, and does not teach swordsmanship, nor fists and feet.

Just teach how to sneak attack, how to make poison and use dark weapons.

This is very useful for those who claim to be decent people, often they like to talk a lot before the war, when the leader of the gang is responsible for the technique, and the younger brother is responsible for the ambush next to him, and suddenly the people are killed and injured before they can react.

In the long river of human history in the future, the disciples of the Heaven and Earth Alliance gradually grew, and the succession of talents also continued this fine tradition, which greatly affected the subsequent pattern of rivers and lakes, and the open and secret struggle between sects... Of course, that's an afterthought.

What happened to the punks? The big guys are all two shoulders and one head.

Now, it's time to teach these high-ranking lords a lesson.


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