Fox of France

Chapter 316: , The danger of Mexico

Soon, the Holy See received a reply from the French parish. The French parish believes that it is the responsibility of the Holy See to determine whether a religious sect is heresy. The French parish has no opinion on this.

This means that the French gave the green light to the Holy See's judgment of "revolutionary theology" as heresy. Although speaking of it, when the Holy See exercises its own power in theory, it must first look at the face of the French diocese. This is really shameful. But this kind of thing is not the first time in the Holy See, especially in matters related to France. Wasn’t the case of the Knights Templar heresy at the time that the King of France said who was heresy, the Holy See claimed who was heresy?

Therefore, after receiving the reply from the French diocese, the Holy See did not feel much humiliation, but was very happy, because it meant that they were free to make a ruling in their own interests.

The Rome tribunal immediately launched an investigation into this incident, and things quickly became clear. This "revolutionary theology" discovered in Spain was passed down from the Americas.

"What the Mexican referees are doing! They didn't even discover this kind of thing, and they didn't take action. You must know that when such heretical remarks cross the Atlantic and travel back to the Old World, it must not be one or two problems on the New World side. It’s like if you find a cockroach in a room, there will never be just one cockroach in this room, but cockroaches everywhere." Cardinal Domingo himself is a Spanish, he Of course, I understand how threatening it is to Spain when such ideas appear in the Americas.

So Cardinal Domingo immediately proposed to the Pope, declaring "Liberation Theology" as a heresy, and immediately sent special envoys to the dioceses to urge them to check the related heretics in order to protect the "God's Flock." In particular, you should immediately send a special envoy to the Americas and the Mexican court, otherwise, there may be a big problem in the Americas.

In addition to the headquarters in Rome, the Inquisition has two vital branches. In fact, in terms of history, these two divisions are actually earlier than the courts in Rome.

The first branch is the Spanish Inquisition. This was established in the time of Queen Isabella. With the support of Her Majesty, the Spanish Inquisition and Her Majesty worked together to change the color of a green area for the first time in history.

The other branch is the Mexico Tribunal. It has the same long history, appearing even earlier than the court in Rome. In the process of Spain's conquest of America, the Catholic Church and the Mexican Inquisition helped a lot.

In a sense, the interests of the Holy See and the interests of Spain are deeply bound. This is especially true after the revolutionary moth came out in France.

So Cardinal Domingo’s suggestion was immediately accepted, and the Holy See quickly passed a resolution declaring "revolutionary theology" as a "cursable heresy" and immediately sent special envoys to the dioceses.

The most important of these envoys are those sent to America. This is because in other dioceses, it is estimated that there will not be many such heretics; or even if there are heretics, the Holy See will not be in charge.

The special envoy sent to the Americas was Bishop Carlos. He was the nephew of Cardinal Domingo. He came from a Spanish noble family. He had worked in the Diocese of Mexico before and had a relatively good understanding of the situation there.

After receiving the task, Bishop Carlos immediately left for Mexico after consulting Cardinal Domingo. He knew that the fastest way to travel to the Americas was not to take a ship from Spain to the Americas, but to find a cargo ship from France that was willing to take people.

So he went straight to the port of Le Havre, where he could find the flying shears to America.

For ordinary people, the flying shear boat is very unsuitable as a boarding boat. Because it is really dangling too much. However, the Holy See was very worried that the heresy would cause too much damage in the Americas, so it requested Bishop Carlos to arrive as soon as possible. And Bishop Carlos himself very much hopes that through this matter, he can gain a higher status for himself and his family. So he is also willing to endure hardships. In addition, he has been out to sea many times, and he can hold it by himself. I thought of such a way.

However, although there are many flying shears going to America, it still takes time to find a reliable and suitable one. If you accidentally board an unreliable thief ship, and the sea will be vast, then it will be really...

However, Bishop Carlos successfully found a reliable ship. This is a flying shear ship belonging to Stephen Girard. This ship has been traveling between France and Mexico for a long time and is relatively reliable. More importantly, Carlos recognized Lopez, the captain of the ship.

Captain Lopez’s ship will not go to sea for two days, so Bishop Carlos has to wait. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bishop Carlos and Captain Lopez talked about things in North America today. In the conversation, Bishop Carlos mentioned "revolutionary theology".

"Ah, I know this thing." Captain Lopez said, "It was made by the lunatics of Louisiana. Well, priest, you may not know that the French passed a "Homestead" in order to develop Louisiana. Law, any man who can speak French, the standard of speaking is so low that everyone on my boat can be regarded as speaking French and willing to swear allegiance to France, he can apply to the French government for a piece in Louisiana That’s a very large piece of land, more than 100 acres! As long as you cultivate it for a few years, or pay a small amount of money at once, you can get the ownership.

It is said that the French also gave the prisoners in prison a choice, whether they would like to go to Louisiana to be a farmer or feed rats in the prison. So many criminals of all kinds were also thrown to Louisiana. I heard people say that some extreme Jacobins were also exiled over there.

They came up with such a ‘revolutionary theology’ right there. And it is said that there are many lunatics who believe in this kind of "revolutionary theology." They gathered in the northern part of Louisiana, bought a piece of land from the boss, and established their own village. I heard that they established their own church organization there, called the "God Tabernacle". That means, ‘God’s tabernacle is to be built on earth’.

To say that their practice there is really similar to the situation of the early apostles recorded in the Bible. All of them donated all their property to the church. Inside the cities they built, it is said that no money is needed for meals or anything else, and all are allocated by the church. The members of the church are democratically elected by them. Well, these guys really know how to play. "

"Are many people joining them?" Bishop Carlos asked.

"No, not much. Everyone can get land from the government. Why must you give up your personal property and join them?" Captain Lopez shook his head. "Who believes in serious people? But I heard they pulled from the Old World. A lot of people came. In addition, some Mexicans who were not alive were willing to run to them. They could give them French to speak, and then arrange for them to pass the test and swear allegiance..."

"Then join them with the land?" Bishop Carlos laughed.

"Not necessarily, it depends on them willingly." Captain Lopez said, "As far as I know, there are not many volunteers. But there are still some. Because they really have some advantages compared to doing it alone. For example. , They can pool their money to do things that other guys can’t do. For example, the irrigation of their land is the best. Well, when I came, I heard that they were planning to build a power plant. It may be the first power plant in North America. In addition, I also heard that they had a lot of contacts with the Indians and made a lot of money. I heard people say that their life is pretty good."

"These **** heretics!" Carlos thought in his heart.

"Captain, don't these people go out to preach?"

"Of Have you ever seen any church that doesn't preach outside? But in Louisiana, not many people are willing to pay attention to them. But I heard that there are many Indians in Mexico. And the poor are willing to listen to them."

Carlos couldn't help but chuckle when he heard it. He asked again: "Then the Inquisition doesn't care about them?"

The Inquisition mentioned here of course refers to the Mexican Inquisition. Compared with those tribunals in Europe that have been forced to civilize. The Mexican court still has a lot of coercive forces. In the Americas, Spanish rule cannot be separated from Catholicism, and Catholicism also relies on the Spanish authorities to obtain a status that is impossible in Europe. Although theoretically, Mexico’s courts have also been civilized and no longer have the power to directly sentence others to imprisonment or even the death penalty. But just as Calvin did not rely on the religious courts in Geneva, but used the municipal authorities to burn Servetus, the Mexican Inquisition also influenced the secular courts, allowing them to deal with heretics and heretics according to their own wishes. s method.

"Mexican Inquisition? What can they do to the French?" Captain Lopez sneered. "Although the guys in the'God's Tabernacle' are unwelcome guys in France, but in any case, they are French, religious Does the referee dare to do anything to them? At best, they target the following guys who listen to these French preaching. But how can the effect be better by doing so?

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