Fox of France

Chapter 332: ,ready

"Sir, other factories have also followed up. Look, this is a new contract for Anderson Textile Mill, and this is a new contract for Rhodes Textile Mill. They have followed up." An assistant put several documents in Lei In front of you.

"Haha, isn't this normal?" Rehn glanced at these documents and said, "Are the terms on this different from ours?"

"Mr. Lane, it's almost the same as ours, only a few words are different, but the meaning has not changed at all, especially in the legal sense, completely consistent." The assistant replied.

"Very well, Henry. Hehe, these guys, they want to take advantage, but they dare not be the first. Just wait for us to take the lead, and then they will follow up and take advantage. Hehe..."

"In addition, Mr. Lane, the business manager Hindley hasn't come to work for two days. His wife found it and said that he had gone to work early yesterday morning..."

"Oh. Didn't come to work for two days? Then fire him and find someone to replace him." Renn replied indifferently.

"By the way, let the people in the police department hurry up, it will be the'Battle Fair' soon. Don't let those rascals and paupers ruin our major affairs! Ask them to hurry up and do some personnel affairs. We give them so much money every year. Did you feed the dog?" Renn added.

The police's actions on this day were unanimously praised by almost all newspapers in the UK. They all praised the decisive and powerful actions of the London police, which effectively attacked those who tried to undermine the stability and unity of the British Empire and the hard-won economic development. only. The sacred order of England was restored.

As for the "Sevenpence League", they reported the incident in a slightly sympathetic tone in some unremarkable places, but they were also very small. However, the French newspapers still covered the incident in detail. Of course, the intention of this report is still to make French workers cherish the present blessings.

For the time being, the scale of the domestic textile industry in France is still limited, and it is limited to only a few aspects, such as lace or something, so for the time being, the French do not intend to vigorously attack the British textile industry.

"If it is the British steel and machinery manufacturing and shipbuilding sectors that are on strike, then we can help. As for the textile workers, well, we can only sympathize for the time being. Remember, in the report, we only need to show Well-intentioned sympathy is enough, and there is no need to provide them with any help. After all, we have to respect Britain’s internal affairs."

It is said that this was an instruction given by Napoleon's administration and Foreign Minister Talleyrand when he talked about the situation in Britain. If this was heard by the British, they would probably be ridiculing Napoleon's hypocrisy. Because is it not Ireland’s domestic affair?

The boss of Fagin also got in touch with Jager Goreng, but Jager Goreng told him that France did not want to have any conflicts with Britain recently, so he can only help them a little bit within his own ability. .

"I'm sorry, I can't help much. Because we people are not actually in power in France. And France is not really a country of working people. I can only help you provide some advice. Well, you know that in half a month, the Pakistan Fair will be held. The Pakistan Fair is very important to the textile industry. Last year, nearly half of the entire UK textile export contract to Europe was reached at the Pakistan Fair. This year The reason why Rennes and the others replaced the new contract at this time was to further reduce the cost, so as to win more orders at the Pakistan Fair. So..."

"So, if we can get a general strike for the textile industry in London before the Pakistan Fair, we will definitely force them to make concessions." Fei Jin said.

"Yes, Fagin. But, I want to say more than this, I want to say also, they must know this too. Therefore, during this time, they will be more cruel and crazier. Boss Fagin, the opponent you are going to deal with this time is stronger than any one you have encountered before. Honestly speaking, Boss Fagin, the London Police Department did not do anything to you before. That is because they did not spend How much strength is on you. Once they regard you as a real enemy, your situation will be very dangerous."

"Brother Jager, we've known this for a long time. How can you do things like this..." Feijin said dismissively.

"No, Boss Fagin, I think you should have learned the relationship between'preserving yourself and destroying the enemy' in Toulon. We want to destroy the enemy and save ourselves."

"Only by destroying the enemy, can we truly preserve ourselves effectively." Fei Jin replied.

"But preserving oneself is a necessary condition for destroying the enemy, and it is the purpose of destroying the enemy." Jager Goreng responded, "Boss Fagin, you know, France will have some secret activities in Britain. In fact, all countries in the world are doing it. Other countries have such clandestine activities. In order to ensure the safety of the clandestine personnel, in line with the principle that the cunning rabbit has at least three holes, we have quite a few safe houses in the city of London. I can now know what I know, as The safe houses prepared for my operation tell you that if the situation is not right, you can hide there first. In case, I mean in case it is very dangerous, you can just hide here."

"Safe house? I can accept this." Fei Jin smiled, and he reached out and patted Jager Goreng on the shoulder, "However, no matter when, I will not come directly to you. I am a criminal, really. It's actually difficult for you to do it when you come over. I understand all of this. However, I intend to let Oliver come to you. He is very stubborn, just like when I was a kid. Brother Jager, you must protect him. The best. , Arrange for him to go to France immediately, okay?"

Jager Goreng looked at his old friend, and after a while, he said, "Relax, this is not a problem. I will arrange for him to go to France immediately. He will get a good education and become a truly useful and beneficial to the people. Human!"

"Then I'm relieved. Well, I will have someone send Oliver to you in a while." Fagin said.

After saying this, Fagin picked up his hat, held it up to Jager, and was about to leave.

"Boss, you have to be careful. I'm still waiting to drink with you, be sure..." Jager Goleng couldn't help saying. Although he knew that at this time, speaking like this seemed a bit unlucky. Yes, there are actually a lot of superstitions in their business. I can't say that it's one of them. But Jager Goreng made some unlucky words in a ghostly manner.

Fei Jin smiled at him, and then drew a cross on his chest: "I have fought the good battle, I have run out of the way, I have kept the faith. From then on, The crown of righteousness remains for me, which the Lord who judges righteously will give me in that day; not only for me, but for all who love his appearance."

This sentence was said by the apostle Paul before his martyrdom, and when Fagin said this sentence at this time, the intention was clear. Fagin knew that, as Jager Goreng said before, the London police didn’t treat them well before, not because they really couldn’t do anything with them, but because they didn’t really regard them as their primary enemy. Now, the situation is different. Although Fagin feels that he is much better than before after studying in Toulon and Ireland, but even so, what will happen to him after this "good fight", Fei Jin is not optimistic at all.

Back in Petticoat Lane, Feijin called his brothers, gave them the location and keys of the safe houses, and told them to move there first. And asked the butcher to send Oliver to Jager Goreng.

"Boss, what about you?" the butcher asked.

"Me? I have a place." Fei Jin replied, "but we must first set the fire up, and organize the general strike before the ‘Battle Fair’."

"Understood, boss," said the butcher. "Also, boss, there are a lot of strange people here recently."

"What?" Fagin asked.

"They are wearing ragged clothes, but they don't look like farmers from the country. I think they should be police officers. Be careful."

"I see." Fei Jin nodded.

After arranging these things, Fei Jin left Petticoat Alley and went to another area where there were many workers in the Rhodes Textile Factory. Fei Jin wanted to discuss with them how to strike together.

After walking out of Petticoat Alley for a while, Fagin found two people sneaking behind him.

These two people have obviously received some tracking training. If they are following ordinary people, they may not be spotted. But Fei Jin is a veteran, and he has been in Toulon for a period of special training. Although the time is not long, but unlike ordinary people, Fei Jin has long been very rich in practice, but has not raised these practical skills to a theoretical level. So once someone has explained the truth to him from a higher perspective, he will immediately be able to use theory to guide practice. Therefore, although the time to receive special training is not long, Fejin's improvement is so great that he himself is a little surprised. Update the fastest computer terminal::/

Therefore, these two police officers with a little experience can't hide the fee.

Feijin deliberately went to remote places. These places are where the workers live. Now most workers go to work, and there are not many people here.

Seeing that there were no more people around, the two plainclothes followed closer. And also quietly slipped a butterfly knife from the sleeve to the hand. The purpose of the two plainclothes policemen is not to follow up the investigation, or to arrest whoever they are. Their task is very simple to find opportunities to directly kill those who seem to be Workers' representatives!

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