Fox of France

Chapter 350: , Counterinsurgency

Hungarian aristocrats have a lot more military virtues than Polish aristocrats. They first made a direct statement, accusing the emperor of trampling on the legal rights of the nobles, demanding that the emperor immediately investigate this, punish the officials involved, and immediately apologize to the victimized nobles.

Such an unreasonable request was of course rejected by His Majesty the Emperor, and the Hungarian nobles, who were full of military virtues, declared tax resistance. Refusal to pay taxes to the emperor's government.

At the same time, the French government suddenly announced that it would hold a joint military exercise with the Republic of Northern Italy. As soon as this news was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole of Europe.

The Republic of Northern Italy borders Austria and is very close to Vienna. So this area has always been the main point of competition between France and Austria. Of course, it is no longer possible for Austria to compete with France for this area. Therefore, the border of this area has become the most dangerous border in Austria. Once the French attack from here, as long as it breaks through the border, it can directly threaten Austria. The capital of Vienna.

At this time, the so-called "routine military exercises" of the French army were naturally regarded by the whole of Europe. The French were using this method to contain the power of Austria and support the nobles of Hungary and Emperor Franz II to make trouble. Many people even worried about whether there would be a war between France and Austria. For a while, the price of Austrian government bonds plummeted.

At this time, certain bankers began to buy large amounts of Austrian national debt at low prices. In a sense, one of the secrets of successful financial speculation is that a government with powerful violent methods is helping you.

At a press conference of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a reporter asked about the French government's views on the situation in Austria. Talleyrand even made this statement:

"You all know that our country has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs. So I shouldn't have expressed any opinions on Austria's internal affairs. However, we French businessmen have a lot of investments in Austria, and their legitimate interests should be protected. So we hope that everyone can exercise restraint, solve problems calmly, and not destroy the hard-won peace and tranquility..."

Talleyrand’s speech was widely interpreted as the French supporting the Hungarians’ actions, warning the Austrian government not to act rashly. So the Hungarians became more and more proud, and even began to organize the National Guard.

After Talleyrand made such a speech, Austria also responded quickly. At the press conference of the Austrian Embassy in France, when a reporter asked Metternich about his views on Talleyrand’s talk, Metternich replied: “As Minister Talleyrand said, today The anti-tax incident in Hungary is entirely an internal affair of the Holy Roman Empire. Other countries should not and have no right to interfere. As for Minister Talleyrand’s concern about the legal rights of French businessmen. I can assure you that we were in the past. , Now and in the future, we will work to protect the legal rights of anyone engaged in a legal cause in the Holy Roman Empire. Minister Talleyrand does not need to worry about this. As for the hard-won peace and tranquility, it is certainly worth it Everyone cherish it. But this cherishment must come from both sides. What I can assure you is that our government will do everything possible to maintain the hard-won peace and tranquility."

In the eyes of most people, Metternich's speech was a tit-for-tat confrontation with Talleyrand. So even the underground casinos began to gamble whether there would be a war between France and Austria.

On the third day of Metternich’s speech, the "Science Pravda" published a piece of news in a not particularly eye-catching position of the second edition: "Yesterday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently summoned the Austrian station in France. ambassador."

The whole news is just such a simple sentence, without any other description.

But readers who are familiar with "Science Pravda" know a feature of "Science Pravda": the shorter the news, the bigger the matter. This kind of one-sentence news with no cause or effect is often a sign that a major event is about to happen. So in the underground casino. The odds that the two countries will go to war within this month have dropped rapidly, from around 9.3 to one to two. Some newspapers have already written press releases about France's declaration of war on Austria, but they just emptied time. So when the war starts, fill in the time and get out of the number.

Some tabloids have already begun war deductions. They use a lot of space to discuss the comparison of the forces of the two sides, discuss the possible development of the war, and the changes that the war will bring to Europe. In short...there is a desire to come everywhere. The wind is all over the building.

Then, the Austrian government announced that the army had entered a state of combat readiness. So within this month, the odds that France and Austria will go to war have dropped to 1.5 to 1.5. On the following day, France announced the suspension of this year’s military demobilization. So the odds become one to one to one.

After receiving such "support", the Hungarian and Polish aristocrats became more courageous, and they simply united to issue an ultimatum to the Austrian government.

In this circular, they put forward a series of requirements, such as asking the Austrian government to respect their traditions, especially their traditional rights. In fact, they asked for the complete restoration of the feudal system (referring to my vassal The vassal is not the enfeoffment system of my vassal), it is necessary to drive the reverse of history.

Finally, they are quite conscientious in giving the Austrian government a relatively long consideration time limit to reply within 72 hours.

But in fact, it didn't take so long. The day after this announcement was issued, French Foreign Minister Talleyrand and Austrian Ambassador Metternich held a joint press conference together.

At the press conference, Talleyrand stated that what happened in Austria had severely damaged peace and stability in Europe, and the absurd and reactionary demands made by the rebels had shown that they must stand firmly on democracy and freedom. Especially the opposite of free trade. This is a reversal of history, to bring Europe back into the dark. This reactionary practice that goes against the tide of history must be stopped. At the invitation of the Austrian government, France will send military advisers to quell the rebellion with the Austrian army, restore peace and stability in Europe, and ensure that the whole of Europe can become a home for free trade.

Metternich stated that the principle of free trade is the most fundamental principle to ensure peace in Europe and the well-being of the people. For a long time, some reactionaries in Austria have prevented free trade and the formation of a unified European market for their own benefit. The crime is really heinous, causing businessmen from all over the world to complain. This situation can no longer continue. France and Austria are determined to unite together and create a free economic environment for the people of Europe...

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