Fox of France

Chapter 426: ,persecution

The carriage stopped again, and the front was noisy, as if it was back in 1993. Kano stretched out his head from the carriage and asked, "What happened?"

   "Sir, a group of people gathered in front of a bank and blocked the road." The coachman replied.

   After hearing this, Kano couldn't help but shook his head, and then said: "Ah, Butts, go around again, hurry up, I'm going to be late today. Do you know there is no bank on that road?"

   This morning, Kano had already detoured several times on the way to work.

  At this time, the crisis has already affected the banks, and once the crisis has affected the banks, the impact on the entire society will be obvious. A large number of banks closed because they could not cope with the run, and many small and medium-sized banks started to declare bankruptcy.

   Generally speaking, in order to attract depositors, smaller banks are always more willing to offer a higher deposit interest rate than larger banks. This naturally increases their operating costs. And in order to make enough money, they have to make some more aggressive investments and even speculation. Therefore, in this wave, these small banks engaged in radical speculation first began to collapse in batches.

   The bank closed down, and the money deposited here by depositors naturally disappeared in smoke. Many people have worked so hard all their lives. In order to obtain a higher interest rate, they deposited their life savings in these small banks. As a result, within a few days, these small banks closed their doors and went bankrupt. As for the boss, it is said They all went to America with the last bit of money.

  The coachman turned the carriage and was about to change the road. At this time, a voice came into Kano's ears: "What **** Jews, vampires, that's them, swallowing our hard-earned money!"

   "Damn Jews! We can't just let them go, let's kill those Jews!" someone shouted.

   Hearing this sound, Kanuo frowned. To be honest, Kano didn't have a good impression of Jews, and even Kano himself felt that some Jews should really go to the guillotine. However, it must also be after a trial by the court, rather than trying to use lynching as it is now. Once lynching spreads, the Republic will go back to the old path of 1993.

   At this time, the coachman had already turned the carriage around and was about to leave. Kano hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

   The coachman stopped the carriage. Kano opened the door and jumped onto the top of the carriage as soon as he turned over.

   "Citizens, citizens, please listen to me!" Kano shouted loudly at the citizens who were preparing to act.

   "Who is that?" someone said.

   "It is General Kano, the Minister of War."

   "What Minister of War, isn't it called the Ministry of Peace long ago?"

   "Don't make a noise, listen to what General Kano said."

   Seeing everyone gathered around, Kano calmed down, and asked loudly, "Do you believe in the first ruling?"


   "Believe!" people shouted.

   "Do you remember the chaos in 1993? Do you still want to live like that?" Kano continued to ask loudly.

   The crowd was silent.

"I know that in this incident, many people have suffered undue losses. I also know that some Jews have plundered everyone like vampires. But since everyone trusts the first ruling power, why should he violate his agreement with everyone? Use lynching to solve the problem? Why not let the first ruling party use the law to judge them fairly?" Kano asked loudly.

   "Yes!" someone said.

   "General Kano's words are reasonable, we should believe in the first ruling, he will definitely help us uphold justice!"

   "But those Jews, they might have taken the money and ran away."

   "If this is the case, we have no choice but to count on His Majesty Bonaparte."

   "Let's go to the government, go to the government, and pet your majesty." Another shouted.

   Then the crowd changed direction and went to the attached government.

   Kano jumped from the top of the carriage and said to the coachman: "We will go to the government immediately."

   When Kano rushed to the executive government, a lot of people had gathered on the square in front of the executive government. Napoleon also came out, stood on the steps of the ruling government, and gave a speech to everyone. He assured everyone that the government will do everything possible to help everyone tide over the difficulties. He also hopes that everyone can trust the government and trust him.

   The crowd cheered at Napoleon, and Kano stood and watched. When Napoleon finished his speech and the crowd dispersed, he went to the government and asked to see Napoleon.

   Hearing that Cano had come to see him, Napoleon frowned. Kano is his old superior, this person is somewhat circuitous, if he sees something in the current situation, it is not very good. But he still had Kano invited into his office.

   "Your Excellency First in Power." Kano said, "I see that many banks have problems nowadays. Many people have lost their life savings because of this. Now the situation is very dangerous. Do you plan to take any action?"

"This incident is really out of my surprise. This is simply another tulip bulb trend." Napoleon said, "I have decided to suspend the stock market for three days to avoid excessive panic. At the same time, I also ordered the police. The Ministry is stepping up to hunt down and crack down on those who absconded with money. In addition, we will temporarily cut taxes, hoping to stimulate the economy. But Lazar, you know, the government can do very little in terms of economy."

   "What about Bank of Rome? What are they not doing?" Kano asked again.

“The Bank of Roma is buying some of the more dangerous banks. But this will also put a lot of pressure on the Bank of Roma. More importantly, Lazar, you know that the bank’s problem is not just the problem you just mentioned. Banks. It is also implicated in the factory, and the factory is implicated in the jobs of more people. This is the big problem. If a large number of corporate failures do occur, then we..." Napoleon said, paused here, "Then we may only Can expand the army."

   "Your Excellency, do you plan to start a war?" Kano was taken aback.

   "No, Lazar, I don't want to. But sometimes, the situation will push us away, I hope we will not get there...these **** Jewish speculators!" Napoleon gritted his teeth.

   "We should really fight those Jewish speculators!" Kano also said. In the fight against Jewish speculators, many hapless innocents will surely suffer, but this is better than war.

On the second day, the "Science Pravda" published an editorial entitled "Strongly rectify the financial order to ensure the stable development of the country's economy". In this editorial, the "Science Pravda" attributed this trend to some Malicious speculation by illegal businessmen. The editorial also pointed out that these malicious speculations have not only harmed the market, but also violated French law. What awaits them is the severe punishment of the law! And below this editorial is the state of emergency order issued by the executive government. According to this order, the French stock market will be suspended for three days in order to carry out comprehensive rectification.

   Immediately after the "Kommersant" also published news, exposing the criminal activities of some illegal businessmen-and most of these illegal businessmen are Jews. Kommersant also pointed out that the famous Jewish banker Rothschild was the first to short the stock market. Of course, "Kommersant" also admitted that Rothschild did not carry out any illegal operations. In this turmoil, the damage was only minimal and no black-hearted money was made. But the practices of other Jewish merchants are really hateful.

   Then the State Council put forward an urgent motion to authorize the establishment of a special court to combat economic crimes to combat various illegal speculations.

   This bill was passed quickly, and then a special court for combating economic crimes was established. With amazing efficiency, the court hung up fifteen Jewish merchants on the first day of its establishment, and sent more than 60 Jewish merchants into the mine.

  At this time, the economic crisis that started in France has swept across Europe, and the practice of attributing this economic crisis to the Jews has also formed a trend throughout Europe. From Petersburg to London, there are fires for lynching Jews everywhere. Horrified Jews have fled to Turkey or France for refuge.

   Yes, fled to Turkey and France. Compared to countries that believe in Christianity, Ottoman Turks are much more generous to Jews. Apart from not allowing them to build churches higher than the height of mosques and requiring them to pay a poll tax, they hardly discriminate against Jews, and there is basically no persecution of arresting them for barbecues.

   As for France, France is the starting point of this persecution of Jews. But France is still a civilized country compared to other European countries. At least they have to persecute the Jews and pass the courts. And to be honest, the death penalty imposed by the French court is less than those in other countries. The rest is hard labor and fines.

  Considering that it is almost impossible for Jews who fled to France from foreign countries to participate in illegal speculation in France, as long as they arrive in France, they may not even be sentenced to death or hard labor. At most, they will be fined for illegal entry. Considering that it is very inconvenient to reach Turkey because it has to cross a series of tightly guarded borders. In contrast, it is much simpler even to sneak across the border into France. Therefore, France, which was clearly the first to take the lead in persecuting Jews, became the number one refuge for Jews in Europe during this wave.

   Of course, there is a better refuge, that is, North Africa under the control of the French. Staying in France, you will still be rejected by the locals, for example, you will be scolded or even slapped on the street. In the North African regions jointly controlled by the French and Turks, there is even less discrimination. So many Jews went to North Africa soon after arriving in France.

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