Fox of France

Chapter 465: , The railway raid

About three hundred independent troops swaggered past McGidi and their outpost. All the people in the outpost came out of it. They all had their hands free, showing the innocent and honest smiles to the soldiers of the Independence Army who passed by them.

The soldiers didn't even look at these black dogs, they continued to pass in front of these black dogs without a sound. They knew that these black-skinned dogs looked at the harmless appearance of a human being. Once upon a time, they harmed the common people, even more fierce than the English devils. The reason why they seem so docile now is only because the revolutionary people have guns in their hands.

"If the people don't have shotguns in their hands, they are vicious jackals; once we pick up the shotguns, they are all pugs. Therefore, without the people's army, there is no people's everything!" Looking at those who wandered their tails and begged for mercy. Many soldiers of the security army in China couldn't help but remember this sentence they learned when they were studying politics.

But this is not the time to express emotion, there is a combat mission ahead.

The soldiers of the Independence Army kept passing by the guard post of the "Security Army". Only a few people left the team and walked towards the "security army" standing there.

Roy, the outpost commander, saw that it was Edward who was the leader of the area team.

"Captain! Why are you free to visit today?" The outpost commander Roy hurriedly greeted him, nodding and bowing.

"Have you seen it?" Edward said, pointing to the passing troops.

"Yes, yes." Roy didn't understand Edward's meaning, but based on his experience with the British, whether he understood it or not, it was right to say "yes" first.

"What is it! Yes, yes." Edward said, "I know what I'm just doing?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know, I dare not know." Roy said quickly. Can such things be known casually? If you know too much, isn’t that a problem?

"I don't hide it from you, we have important military operations. We are worried that when we leave, you will immediately report to the British..." Edward said.

"Captain, how can I, brother, I am also Irish. Don't look at me wearing this black dog skin, but I have an Irish heart in my heart. How can we do such unconscionable things? Everyone said yes. ?"

The other "security forces" soldiers naturally hurriedly said together that they are all true Irish people who support Irish independence.

"Captain, you see, you are not dealing with us once or twice. You still can't trust me, brother? Brother, when did I lie to you?"

"Come less, I just can't believe you. The batch of gunpowder you gave to Lao Tzu last time is totally wrong! So today Lao Tzu and his brother are staring at you here. Don't go there, just stay here. When it starts over there, I naturally let you go." Edward said.

"That's it? What's this. Everyone is sitting here, we will never make trouble." Roy said to the soldiers under his hands. Then he turned around again and said to Edward: "Captain, the gunpowder thing, it's really not mine. How dare I? It's really the British guys who gave us, but td is a defective product. This thing is really not. Blame me. But Captain, I can't watch you lose out, right? Next month, I will give you two more guns. You think this matter is even out, okay?"

The troops of the Independence Army continued to advance, and soon the railway line appeared before them. Along the railway line, there is a barbed wire fence at a distance of a hundred meters on each side. Inside the barbed wire fence is a minefield. Every distance there is a fortress. These forts are relatively simple, and their main function is to delay the offensive of the Independent Army and buy time for the arrival of reinforcements.

As for reinforcements, the fastest response is naturally armored trains. Generally speaking, as long as the British troops in the fort can stop the Irish for half an hour, the British armored trains can arrive. Each armored train has four artillery pieces and can carry more than 300 infantry. This is enough to turn the tide of battle most of the time.

At this time, once the British in the bunker spotted the Independence Army, they hurriedly dialed the nearest station and asked them to send armored trains to support them.

The Independence Army immediately launched a formation to prepare for a tough battle. They first fired smoke bombs at the British fort with a grenadier to block the sight of the British. At the same time, the combat engineers used the cover of smoke bombs to quickly destroy the barbed wire with blasting tubes.

At this time, the British's grenadier came over. Although the smoke bombs affected their aiming, the British had already checked in this area and conducted a test fire. In addition to this fortress, in fact, the British have one or two hidden observation points farther away from the railway. Through these observation points, the location of the Independence Army can be reported, and then the British can use the grenadier. Perform a blind shot. Therefore, although the smoke bombs caused some interference with the British firepower, the British firepower was still quite effective.

So this throw of bullets knocked down an independent soldier. But the power of the grenadier is limited, so it still cannot suppress the independent army.

After the barbed wire was destroyed the Independence Army fired mine-clearance rockets and quickly opened a channel in the minefield. Since the French used bumper boats to open the way, the level of weaponry of the Independence Army is obvious. The sesame blossoms are rising steadily.

At this time, the five cannons were also ready for shooting. The range of these cannons is significantly longer than that of grenades, and their penetration and destructive power to bunkers and the like are also significantly greater than recoilless guns. So when they started shooting, the British bunker was immediately suppressed.

The Independence Army took the opportunity to rush up, and then the British in the bunker used a stick, tied a white shirt and lifted it out.

After taking down the bunker, everyone started to dismantle the railroad tracks—these things are very useful when taken back. On the other side, the artillery began to change the barrels of the two cannons and moved them farther back. At the same time, some people also used leaves to camouflage the cannons. At this time, a black plume of smoke rose far away-it was the British armored train coming.

"Comrades, don't worry, that thing is just looking good, it can't stand our cannon at all. If you don't teach them a lesson, they really think how good they can fight. Well, I will emphasize it again for a while. When the train slowed down, No. 1 and No. 2 fired power cars, and other artillery fired armor-piercing anti-personnel shells at the troop carriage."

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