Fragrance Beauty

Chapter 102: purpose

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Tianxiang Beauty as soon as possible!

Xiao Yingxi held her hand and looked in front of her. I saw An Rujin's slender fingers red. Her complexion was white, and her swelling was like a petal falling on her finger.

He suddenly put her finger in her mouth. An Rujin was shocked, and watched his movements. The burning of his fingers gradually reduced the pain in his mouth.

She could feel the warmth in his mouth and the throbbing sound between his fingers.

As time faltered, she stared blankly at Xiao Yingying. By the time she returned, her face had become red.

"It's okay." Xiao Yingchen looked at her fingers again and said to her, "It's good to apply some oil. Fortunately, there are no blisters. It will only be good if you have to pick them apart."

An Rujin touched the electric machine and retracted his hand, and bowed his head: "Thank you, Emperor."

My fingers don't hurt anymore, but they don't seem to work anymore.

Xiao Yingyi glanced at her, it seemed at this time that he understood what he had just done. He coughed, "Why are you on duty today?"

An Rujin was silent for a while: "If the emperor does not like Rujin on duty, Rujin will call Qiuhe."

She turned and left.

Xiao Ying was a little stunned, annoyed in his eyes: "You are back."

An Rujin paused, turned back and stood quietly in front of him.

"What does the emperor command?"

Xiao Yingzhang looked at An Rujin standing in front of him, his face suddenly dimmed: "Did you let you go?"

An Rujin gave him a strange look and quickly bowed his head: "No, it's because Rujin is wrong."

There was a mess in Xiao Ying's heart. The woman in front of her was too quiet. He was so quiet that he hardly knew where to start. She is completely different from Nalan Yun.

Nalan Yun is delicate and sensitive, she will frown and cry even a little bit. Nalan Yun is a woman who can make men care for their thoughts. Spoiling her seems like she should be born.

But An Rujin in front of her was quiet and rational. She did so when the wind came and the rain came. Obviously something happened last night, and he hasn't been recorded in Tong's book yet.

Hearing Fu Tai said that the person who was still in bed also gave her a bowl of zizi medicine. Shouldn't an ordinary woman encounter such a thing be tears crying to him? Why is she calm? Don't mind at all?

Was she unconcerned, or did she never think of how harmful the bowl of zizi medicine would be to her in the future?

What kind of thoughts does this woman have near him? Even bold to the point of self-recommended pillows?

Countless thoughts came to mind, making Xiao Yingxuan's eyes more and more heavy.

He said coldly, "You know you're wrong?"

An Rujin nodded.

Xiao Yingji sneered: "Where are you wrong?"

An Rujin opened his mouth and was about to answer, suddenly shut up and shook his head. She didn't know where she was wrong. Nothing seems wrong, and everything seems wrong.

Maybe right or wrong, she could not tell right or wrong.

Xiao Yingjun saw her indifference, and her anger was even worse. He sneered, "It's absolutely impossible for you to stay in bed!"

An Rujin was silent.

Xiao Yingzhang saw that she was silent, and the unknown fire was more prosperous. He asked coldly, "Who taught you to do this last night?"

For a long while, An Rujin whispered, "No one else."


Raising her ice-cold eyes and staring at Xiao Yingying, she suddenly asked, "Don't the emperor like Rujin?"

Xiao Ying froze.

An Rujin slowly walked up to him, kneeling in front of his knees, and holding his hand: "Which emperor does the emperor like in the palace? The empress does not like the emperor, and the new emperor does not like it. "

"Is it wrong to emperor Jin Ai?"

Xiao Ying exasperated: "Excessive! Who tells you that I don't like the queen and those concubines?"

His voice was somber and furious. An Rujin looked at him quietly, and those clear eyes seemed to reflect his desolate heart.

"If the emperor likes them, they will be spoiled. But why does the emperor not want to set foot in other palaces except the queen?" She said softly. "Can a jade Ruyi finally seal their mouths?"

"You!" Xiao Ying grabbed her arm swiftly, Senran, "Don't think that you have served the Emperor of the Emperor. You can be so presumptuous when you serve the Empress Dowager. Presuming the divine meaning is a capital crime."

An Rujin suddenly laughed. She rarely smiled, and the smile was like blossoming flowers, and the spring breeze was blowing. She said softly: "If Jin is wrong, I hope the emperor will forgive him. Ru Jin will wait for the emperor to go to bed."

She said to retreat, and soon the maid came up with the toiletries. Xiao Yingzhang stared at An Rujin. She advances and retreats properly and asks two female officers to smoke gooseberry for the dragon bed.

The sweet aroma is relaxing. An Rujin ran out of incense with Qiu He and Yao Yan, and Xiao Yingzhang had removed his robe.

Forte came for a routine inquiry. Xiao Yingzhang suddenly said: "You all step back, An Yu's bed is just that."

The people in the palaces were choking. Forte even stared at the quiet An Rujin aside.

After returning to God, the concubine jade book in his hand was simply put into long sleeves. Inquiringly, he looked at Xiao Yingzhang: "Emperor, how is this sleeper going back?"

Xiao Yingzhang's eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He said indifferently: "Writing in Tongshu."

"Yes!" Fu Tai smiled, and quickly pleased An Rujin, "An Yushi worked hard."

The palace people retired completely. An Rujin was standing blankly in the corner of the hall, and the incense burner in his hand was not put down. She looked at Xiao Yingying. The latter looked unhappy and didn't seem to really want her.

"Come here." He reached out to her.

An Rujin put down the incense burner and walked slowly.

The hall was very quiet, every step was like a loud noise, exploding in my heart. She came to Xiao Yingzhang and bowed her head without saying a word.

Xiao Yingxuan sneered: "You think you're going to be mad, and you can be fooled?"

An Rujin shook his head: "Don't dare, but what Jin said is true."

Xiao Yingxuan's face became a little colder.

fact? !!

What he hated most was the fact she said!

"Look up!" He ordered.

An Rujin looked up, a pair of cold and dark eyes facing him.

Yes, these eyes are too cold and transparent. His heart was so imperceptible in her eyes. He stroked her eyes and felt the coldness under his palms a little.

She was too cold and too cold, as if the person was not real.

But obviously he could feel the fiery heat of her body last night, and the power from the depth of the soul almost melted him all. If not, how could he be in love with her until dawn?

He yanked her into his arms. An Rujin leaned softly and obediently on his chest and said lowly, "Does the emperor like Rujin?"

She is so stubborn that she must ask for an answer.

"Why do you like it?" He asked back, the hot breath already in her ear.

This question really made her frown completely. Xiao Yingzhang looked at her deeply, the fiery body has made him unable to let go of her. This woman is a poisonous incense. After smelling it, she can't shake it.

The physical response made him obsessed with the brief joy of last night, and he couldn't let it go for a long time.

He looked at her deeply, his voice gradually hoarse: "Is it so difficult to answer? Is it really important to like or dislike?"

An Rujin whispered: "Maybe it will make people less disappointed."

She stroked his face lightly, this was the cold face that made all the women in the harem crazy, but who could have thought that his heart was so deep that he knew it.

Her too cold eyebrows suddenly became charming in front of him. She whispered: "Ru Jin is already the emperor's woman. Isn't this what the emperor said himself? Jinkou has no jokes. Since the emperor can't like them, why not spoil Rujin?

Xiao Yingxiong took a deep breath and kissed her cool lips. The familiar warmth made him instantly addicted. Her small and delicate, every trembling in the body is his unsolved mystery. He would rather search for a long spring night.

Sure enough, I like it. The body and the comfort of the body are real, so that people will not be disappointed with this hard reality again and again.

The long night is silent, the long night has just begun ...


Early the next morning, when An Rujin opened his eyes, it was still dark. There is his presence around him. She tried to move but found her whole body weak. The gap between the body and the body is so tight.

She would touch his burning chest when she tried to move. She didn't know how she tried her best last night before falling asleep. But the thought of his vitality made her legs feel sore.

"Awake?" Xiao Yingjun's sleepy and hoarse voice came from behind him.

"Um." An Rujin replied nicely.

With his arms tight around his waist, he had turned her over, and his face appeared above her in the dim dragon tent.

An Rujin wasn't used to looking at him so directly, and could not help lowering his eyes.

"You really know how to anger me," he slowly said, "but your purpose has been achieved."

An Rujin's fine and long eyelashes trembled gently, like the wings of a butterfly.

Beauty is full of pity.

"The emperor ..." She frowned, wondering why he still had such energy.

"Scream," he said hoarsely. "Isn't this what you want? Make Saw you so enamored of you."

An Rujin wanted to evoke a smile, but for some reason she was powerless.

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