Fragrance Returned

Chapter 590 A moment of carelessness

Xun Qianli said that Lu Guogong's family was still angry, and Zhang Shangshu didn't like to answer them. Only the Bai family expressed their understanding. Ding Zhuang was not only a blacksmith, but also a street gangster. It was normal that he couldn't spit out ivory from his mouth...

The Duke of Lu and Zhang Shangshu will ask Sun Laohou to mediate in the future.

Just as he was talking, Sun Yumu arrived.

He went to the Princess Mansion first, and then followed him here.

Xun Qianli asked someone to buy a pair of bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses.

Sun Yumu said regretfully, "Old Man Fan, who had dinner with Grandfather Ding that day, accidentally fell into the river and drowned the night before yesterday."

Xun Yiqing asked, "Killed to death so quickly?"

Sun Yumu said, "After interrogating his son, Mr. Fan usually likes to gamble. He was very lucky a few days ago and won two hundred taels of silver in one night.

"Our people went to check the gambling house again, and he did win two hundred taels of silver there. Old Man Fan died by chance, and all the clues were broken. The person behind the scenes was hidden deep enough, and his work was perfect."

It was Old Man Fan who invited Ding Zhuang to eat at that restaurant, and it was he who mentioned the "Four Beauties" that aroused Ding Zhuang's competitive spirit.

Xun Qianli snorted coldly, "You know it's a game even if it's broken."

The night was dark, a cool wind blew, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Gao Dezhu finally entered the city at Guancheng Gate and rushed back to Prince Duan's Mansion at the end of Xu Shi.

She went directly to the outer study room.

There was only King Duan in the study, sitting behind some desks writing.

The words are written slowly and neatly. This is a release of his suppressed emotions, which he has done since he was a child. When I stop writing, my emotions are completely released.

At this time, King Duan's facial features were not deliberately distorted, he looked peaceful and handsome, and more like Emperor Qingguan.

He put down his pen only when he saw his daughter coming back.

" is Dongyang doing?"

Gao Dezhu whispered, "Last night Princess Dongyang had unbearable pain in her left arm. The imperial doctor couldn't diagnose any disease, only said it looked like paralysis. She stopped wearing the rosary and replaced it with the rosary given by Master Mingyuan."

Prince Duan said softly, "She only wore it for more than three months, and it's not time yet. It's a pity..."

"Father, Xun Xiang and Xun Yibo both went to see Dongyang yesterday. They won't find any problems, right?"

Duan Wang said, "Probably not. Neither that person nor... us have left any flaws. In the eyes of everyone, Master Mingyuan's things are definitely... better than those of other eminent monks. She is sick. Replacing it is... normal.

"Even if someone suspects that I have an agenda, they won't contact us with that person. What we have to deal with now is not Dongyang. Just in case, don't make any more moves in the near future. Talk to that person, don’t contact that... person."

I still stutter a bit when I speak, but it’s much better than outside.

Now he practices speaking when he has nothing to do at home.

Gao Dezhu responded, "Okay."

King Duan said regretfully, "Oh, I was so careless that I accidentally cut off my left arm."

Tears welled up in Gao Dezhu's eyes again. No matter where he was cut, it hurt.

She choked and said, "Father, my daughter can help you with everything else, but I can't help you with this matter. Thinking of my father's pain, my heart aches..."

Prince Duan looked at her gently, "This is what a father should bear. For... to avenge the shame, and for your two younger brothers and you."

There was perseverance in Gao Dezhu's eyes, "For the sake of her father and brother, my daughter will sacrifice anything."

Prince Duan patted his daughter's hand on the table and said, "There are some things you can't do. If you want retribution, let it be retribution on your father and you...mother and concubine. If you have a glimmer of hope, you must fight for it. Only if you are strong can you... ...people dare to bully.

"What my father wants to support for you and your two younger brothers is not only...a piece of sky, but also great rivers and mountains."

Gao Dezhu forced back the tears in her eyes, "Xunxiang wants to present any good things to Queen Ye or even the Emperor. I don't know why the string of beads was not presented."

King Duan was also extremely regretful, "Xunxiang has... great wisdom. She is even... unfathomable than what the emperor said. She is also on good terms with Master Mingyuan and Abbot Hui Ren. We must... guard against her. Even if she is... unfathomable. Now that we are in power, we can only win over others, not... we cannot offend them."

King Duan looked at the daughter in front of him. She was as beautiful as a spring flower, beautiful and intelligent. She took the best qualities of him and the princess and was better than her two younger brothers.

"I asked you to marry Ding Lichun not only because I wanted to win over Xun Xiang, but also... because I really fell in love with the Ding family. Don't just... look at family background, as my father came from a royal family, and there were too many vicissitudes and blood and tears.

"Although the Ding family... came from a rural background and their appearance is not impressive, the men are clean and self-loving, have a harmonious family, and a harmonious husband and wife. They are much better than those men from a wealthy family. As a father, I don't want you to have a child... …Half a lifetime of suffering.”

Gao Dezhu rarely felt shy.

"My daughter knows. Prince Ding has always been in love. He can't forget Miss Yang yet, so he won't talk about marriage for the time being. As for my daughter, she can't be high or low, and she can't find a suitable one for the time being. She plans that matter slowly and can't let them see it. Clues emerge.

"My daughter wants to be friends with Xun Xiang, not only for this purpose, but also sincerely envies her for growing up in the Ding family and having a good father like Xun Xiang.

"It's just that, except for the emperor and Gao Ping, Xunxiang and Queen Ye don't want to get close to anyone in the royal family, and they reject me."

King Duan said gently, "Don't rush those things, take your time...plan."

Gao Dezhu took out three ripe golden apricots from the food box and said, "This fruit offering from Abbot Qingji has been washed and my father has eaten it."

King Duan smiled bitterly and said, "After you have done all those things, it is useless no matter how much fruit you eat. My father has treated me well in this life. I hope that you three siblings will be rich and powerful and will no longer be oppressed."

Gao Dezhu's eyes were red, "If God had eyes, he would definitely be able to see my father's suffering and not blame him."

If God punishes me, add her to the list. I hope my brothers will be well and never suffer the same pain as their father...

Seeing his daughter looking at him helplessly, King Duan had no choice but to eat all three offerings in front of her.

Gao Dezhufang showed a satisfied smile, stood up and said, "There are a few left, I will take them to my mother and my brothers."

The eldest brother Gao Zhen lives in the outer courtyard, not far from the outer study, which is convenient for his father's teaching.

Gao Zhen is reading a book.

Gao Dezhu was very satisfied with his brother's diligence. He watched him eat the offered fruit, and even took out a handkerchief to wipe Gao Zhen's mouth, which made Xiaonian blush.

Gao Dezhu encouraged his brother a few words before going to the inner courtyard.

The mother-in-law and her younger brother live in the main courtyard.

Prince Duan was very disciplined. Not to mention not going to his concubine, he rarely even came to Princess Duan's yard.

It started to rain lightly at night, and the raindrops pattered on the tiles, making King Kang, King Ji, and King Jing unable to sleep well.

It's really raining.

That idiot, he said he likes to read books on heavenly arts, and he is indeed quite capable in this regard.

Xunxiang didn't sleep well either. She fell asleep late at night with her thoughts on her mind.

The rain stopped in the early morning. At the beginning of Mao Shi, Xunxiang went to the outer courtyard to have breakfast with her little brother, and then sent her little brother to the car. (End of chapter)

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