Frenzy Troll
Midgard [Grand Chamberlain] Crystal
Frey opens his eyes, panting.
I can't see well around it. Smoke was rising from all sides. My throat was spicy.
I could see something coming at me in those dim eyes. Frey is bewildered by the thought of the enemy, but not by the outline.
Approaching Frey was a big dwarf.
“What is the situation now · · · · · ·"
Frey rolls around on the ground, not asking questions. A big Dwarf was about to punch him in the face.
And two kicks. I stepped on his back.
Frey rises from his seat to age. Then he was embarrassed to see who the big dwarf was.
“Roland? What are you doing? ”
“Shut up and hit two more. Jason asked me to.”
And then he punches both of Frey's cheeks.
Pain came late. In a terribly frown, Roland slaps Frey to the jaw this time.
“This is what I want you to do. ”
It was only by that shock that my vision recovered. You can see Roland clearly in Frey's eyes.
Frey is frightened to see Roland now.
Roland's body is burning with ashes. From your feet to your waist, Roland's skin burns to the ground. Now even the muscles are on fire.
Suddenly, Frey looked around. There were a few survivors. The warriors of Valhalla. They were fighting the last of the flaming giants.
In the meantime, Roland brought Frey back from the dead.
Frey notices the situation and decides whether to say thank you, or to pick up a sudden beating. Of course, I couldn't think about it for long.
At last, Lollang settles down with his lower half burned to the bone.
Roland looks up at the sliding fry, and reaches out a knife. It was a knife in a giant knife shed.
“Take it.”
Frey, who took the knife, had no idea. I just wanted to give you a new weapon because my Rune Blade was broken.
But after that, Frey opens his eyes wide.
“It's your knife. Something I blew up a long time ago. ”
Roland nods quietly.
Frey suddenly thought. If you get Leviathans back.
Frey was impressed with the analogy.
“You defeated the suit? How, you? ”
“That's why I'm like this. Anyway, go do what you have to do. ”
“Yes, even the rest of the giants."
Frey turns to face the warriors of Valhalla.
But Roland said,
“Not there. You know Odin's battlefield, right? Go there, find Penlor. And kill it. Perhaps it's already dead. Anyway, cut open Fenrir's stomach and bring back the ringed corpse that the wolf swallowed. ”
“What's that?"
“Bring Odin back to life. Frey. Bring back the father of the gods eaten by wolves. ”
“If Fenrir had swallowed someone, he would never have been able to revive them. You think that gastric fluid preserved the body? ”
“Not all of them. We can bring them back. I swear on Gunnir.”
If Odin's Great Warrior had sworn a vow of celibacy, it was true. Nevertheless, Frey had many more questions, but his body soon collapsed.
The sur's fire is now consuming even Roland's upper half.
Even breathing becomes difficult. But bear in mind, Roland said.
“Don't worry about the rear · · · · · · · · You see there? The body of the Sur is burning the world's waters connected to Asgard. The roads have been cut, so the enemy can't come for reinforcements. Now that Loki's monsters are isolated, you can go kill them all. To the Leviathan.”
Frey suddenly casts a spell on Leviathan.
The sur's flame is embedded in it. There was also the divine power that the gods had used to inflict on this sword.
Frey can once again feel the power the gods have in store to prevent the old apocalypse. Now, Leviathan was the most powerful weapon of all.
Suddenly he realizes that Frey is muttering.
“Is this why you left Odin's side and joined us? You're giving me Leviathan? ”
Roland doesn't answer, but he does.
Lollant was not willing to stop Odin's death or Frey's. However, it seemed possible to try to revive after death.
Old Roland wouldn't have made that choice. You let Odin die once because he had other plans.
But the reality in Roland was true to its purpose. The Korean claimed that in order to save Odin, he had to let him die first. Perhaps it was an assertion as a third party without any faith, or an assertion that resuscitation was closer to a free RPG sensation.
Roland follows his lead.
Anyway, it seemed to have succeeded so far. The future is up to Frey. Though it's awkward to leave the naked bastard with the latter.
Roland suddenly remembers Medea. A princess who was once obsessed with being snatched away by the naked god. And I thought of his descendants, his seed.
They and Odin needed him, too.
The flame soon filled my heart. Before the choir burns, Roland mutters to Frey's growing back.
“Frey? Be good to your wife. And I'm sorry I couldn't save your progeny, Queen of Mediah. ”
Suddenly, Frey looks back.
Roland shakes his hand and speaks.
“That's all I have to say. Now, go. Go do what you have to do. Save Odin, stop Ragnarok. ”
So give meaning to my death.
Give meaning to all those deaths around me.
I couldn't say it out of my mouth. The lungs are already full of smoke and flames.
Now Roland's upper half is burning halfway through. I was devastated. Death in sight.
However, Frey felt no more arrogance in his appearance.
Prideful aristocrat?
No, that was not arrogance. There was an article that flowed with true confidence more than ever before.
Frey bows his head and runs. Leviathan, who was in the stables, was pulled out by himself and wandered around Frey. When the enemy approaches, Leviathan will swing and burn the enemy.
* * * * * * *
The spark that Surt left behind swallows up the world's waters and the corpse of Jormungan.
The world's capital, the corpses of giant sea snakes, were also burned. The mountains crumble into ashes and scatter.
The flames continue to burn the world's water, despite burning all of Jormungan's huge bodies. The flame that seemed to consume all the world's waters was extinguished by the frost of Jotunheim.
* * * * * * *
After a long battle, people fall asleep in the deserts of Bifrost.
It was sunny and Bifrost was better than I thought. There are bodies everywhere, but the walls don't collapse except for the gate.
It was time to bring surviving troops to support Mediah. Follow the warriors of Valhalla who ran ahead.
However, the matter was not resolved immediately. It's a good thing to go to Mediah for support. But who is the representative of the reinforcements?
Jason, who was originally a representative, returned the oath and disappeared. The remaining commanders now had to choose a new oath, the general commander of the Bifrost expedition.
It wasn't easy. There were so many fighting commanders.
Someone claimed the election by voting, but the reasonable opinion was heard. Even the fate of the gods is at stake, since it is claimed that the General Commander is blasphemy to be elected by mere mortals.
I couldn't fight a duel or a match. However, because the election was urgent, the commanders decided to make a sacred decision.
A commander mutters indifferently.
“So when you draw his sword, you become the expedition commander and Earl Bifrost? ”
At that, Roland's followers shout.
“His knife? Lord Roland used the sword of King Arthur, the descendant of King Karl! If we pull out the sword, we can claim Lord Roland's heir. Odin's approval! ”
The sword fell from the sky not long ago. So on top of the world. Taking away the ashes and fragments that had fallen before, I saw that the sword was stuck in the rock.
All of them acknowledged the authority of the sword, so everyone who was qualified struggled to pull out the sword. If you were an oath of the human expedition, that authority would have been better served by Emperor Kahl himself. It was an opportunity to engrave its name and face on the church tapestry beyond the history books.
The commanders who are busy exerting their full strength to draw their swords, Amaric looks beyond the surface and is pathetic.
Amaric is in a hurry. Running to Mediah right now and helping Lord Jason out in the backyard is not enough.
Fortunately, Amaric was also given the opportunity to draw his sword. Along with Roland, the former janitor's men were left to Amaric. Thanks to this, Amalek was qualified as a commander in command of 2,000 troops.
“Your turn, Lord Amaric. ”
Amaric steps forward.
Everyone breathes and gazes at Amaric standing in front of the Dagger.
Everyone knew that the Masked Priest had performed all sorts of miraculous signs following Roland.
Fortunately, those underlings are worthless. If the priest draws his sword, he pretends to acknowledge his authority and takes him as a general commander with only his title.
However, the commanders, meaninglessly, were unable to pull out their swords after a short period of time.
Amaric makes every effort, but it's only a matter of wiggling the hilt. In fact, the other commanders couldn't.
Everyone sees Amaric's departure, feeling relieved and disappointed for some reason. And that was when someone tried to seduce me.
A shadow falls over the commanders.
The shadow of a horse. It's as big as a shadow from the sky. Eight Shadow Horsehooves, two Horses?
The commanders who looked up couldn't breathe for a moment.
There was an old man in heaven, riding on an eight-legged horse. The old man with the red spear. Lots of souls were following the old man and the new horse.
Everyone knelt down on the ground as if they had promised. After all, everyone bowed down to that old man.
Odin opens his mouth from the sky.
“Are any of these Amalek? ”
Amaric raises his head. Odin comes down toward the man in the mask.
About a meter off the ground, Odin looks down at Amaric.
“What business do you have with me, Great One? ”
Odin mutters in his words.
“Wait · · · · · · ·"
Odin rolls up his sleeve and pulls out a golden, glittering apple.
The golden apple swipes at Amaric and throws it away.
Odin says, as the apple gleams from Amaric's hand.
“My great warrior asked me to give it to you. ”
“Lord Roland? ”
“Yes. That was an empty wish in exchange for my rescue. But there was a battle in Midgard, and I didn't know when you'd die. I was afraid that it would be too easy to grant my wishes. I had no choice but to show my kindness. ”
Amaric is unable to speak for a moment. I raised the golden apple in front of my eyes with trembling hands.
Suddenly I looked around. Everyone on the left is staring this way as if distracted.
He remembers how this golden light in the old world made people abnormal. So I decided to get rid of it quickly.
I cut the golden apple and asked. Odin watches as he eats the apple.
After finally eating all the apples, Amaric takes off his mask. And I realized that I didn't have to wear a mask anymore, because I had groped my face. According to a legendary article, 'itchy skin disease’ disappeared completely.
Amaric has always wanted to express his appreciation. But Odin asked first.
“But what are you trying to do now? Are you trying to pull out that sword? What are you doing without pulling? ”
Amaric stutters.
“to pull · · · · · · · · · failed. ”
“It might be different now. Pull it out again. Come on. ”
That said, Amaric takes his hand to the sword. A feeling of fulfillment, a new filling of divinity gave me confidence for some reason.
After seeing the sword drawn, Amaric cheers. And Odin smiles, and even the commanders shout. Happy or not, we're all in this together.
Finally, a new heir to Roland is born. Given that the expedition commander and Roland were the monarchs of Bifrost, Amaric was now the monarch of Bifrost.
Amaric suddenly asked, soaked in joy.
“Archangel Odin, may I ask? ”
“Bite it.”
“Our humble guess is that heaven is at war now. And Lord Roland."
“The war is not over, but it is. Loki and his sons and the giant Surt of the Apocalypse are dead. What is there to be afraid of? And Lolan, he died. Honor.”
Through that commitment, I decided not to reveal that I was resurrected. It must be embarrassing for him.
Meanwhile, his smile disappears from his face. Now that the mask is off, Odin's eyes can see that dark expression clearly.
“If so · · · · · · · · · · · · Revived · · ·"
“No. All flesh was burned by the original flames. ”
Tears fill Amaric's eyes. And Odin spoke.
“So · · · · · · · · we have to rebuild. Just as I turned your ancestors into vines and ash trees a long time ago, I will carve up my completely burned Great Warrior again. My son Baldur, who died in vain, will also give his flesh again. You've all met the end of the world once, but you will have a new life. ”
“Is that possible? It's impossible for the gods to do that.
“No other gods. But I am Odin. Don't you know what that means? I am the father of the gods. She can give birth! ”
The moment Amaric smiles again, Odin grunts.
“So, what are you guys doing? You're really at war, aren't you? Then march, all of you! Go kill your enemies! I'll take the lead, everyone run behind me! ”
Then Slafnir, who burned Odin, begins his flight. The commanders stare blankly at the shrine that is escaping with so many souls, recalling the order and hastily gathering the soldiers.
Then he began marching towards Mediah.
* * * * * * *
As he flies through the sky, Odin sees ghosts wandering the earth. Those who followed Hell and lost their purpose.
Odin gestures at them. Then the spirits bowed down to Odin without a word, kneeling down and sacrificing their souls.
Odin flew away with so many souls.
I've finally reached Mediah.
There are dead bodies everywhere. I saw horseshoes on top of it, and it looked like a group of guards had been roaming the land all night and killed themselves.
However, since it was originally a dead ghost, there were still sighing spirits. Odin has recovered all of their souls.
Odin and the souls continue to fly.
There is no way to see Midgard in Asgard now that the Throne of Spilled Spirits has been destroyed from afar. So Frey asked Odin to take a look at the kingdom of their descendants.
Normally, I would not listen, but this time I decided to follow. After all, the naked god ripped the wolf's belly open and brought himself back to life. Though it was according to Odin's Grand Warrior's instructions, the work was commendable.
After a while, Odin looks at Mediah Castle.
He seemed to be doing well. It's because I've been keeping it safe all night. However, there was no way of knowing when another army of spirits would come. I was even worried that the dragon Needhog of the Underworld might escape through a hole drilled into the ground.
A watchman stands on the wall, guarding both the sky and the earth.
Odin looks at the watchman's face. Odin's familiar face draws him to his side.
“Heimdall? I thought you were dead. ”
Heimdall, the size of a human, sees Odin. I revealed my surprise, not looking out for the dead.
“Father? How? Is that why you came looking for me? ”
“No. Like I said, I just thought you were dead. But if you can't see the soul, here you are. Is that the soul that transferred to that little alter ego? ”
“Yes, I did. If there's a way to get your body back, ”
“It is possible, but it is more important to rebuild the bodies of the other warriors. It'll be your turn to survive as you get smaller and smaller soon. Until then, stay in Midgard. ”
The gods are as loud as their bodies. The voices of the two conversations resounded.
So, two people who were in the palace came out the door.
Looking up at the sky, Jason and a girl opened their eyes wide. It was Jason who opened his mouth first.
“Yes, it hasn't been that long. Jason.”
Odin turns to Heimdall again. Then he said,
“While you're on the ground, don't give Jason the authority as a god. If you want to stay on the ground, you have to stay with him. Maybe as a human being. ”
Heimdall exclaims in an unfair voice.
“You're leaving me here? ”
“Are you imprisoning me for what I did? I fought bravely. Take me, Father! ”
“It's hard to get to heaven alone in Slafnir. Hang in there. It'll only take a few years, though, right? If you want to be a pussy, don't be a pussy. Although it is a noble god, sexual desire is an instinct, and in the end it will relate to the women of the earth. And his descendants will spread to the earth. I don't know if your descendants will build a country on the ground, just like Frey did. It will be a good experience. ”
Then he throws a punch, and Odin looks at Jason.
“I owe you one. I want to thank you, Jason. ”
“Wait! Where's Roland? ”
Odin recites a poetic verse and grumbles.
“There is no flesh, but the spirit is eternal. Once burnt, only what will be reborn will remain. ”
It was the car that said that. The girl next to Jason opens her mouth.
“Are you Odin? ”
Odin turns to the girl. And she didn't answer, but she kept saying whatever she wanted.
“Did you just say Sir Roland can come back to life? So we can meet again? ”
Odin tries to ignore it. I didn't want to talk to a human child without any business.
Odin takes matters into his own hands.
“Where are the descendants of Frey? ”
The girl just answered Odin's question.
“It's me, Odin. I am Queen Osma. ”
Only after hearing that did Odin look carefully at Osma. Despite the commotion, you look fine. Apparently Jason stayed by his side all night.
That's how Odin got the job done. Odin decided to accept the girl as her companion.
“Did you just ask if I could see Roland again? Maybe later, maybe. If you ever come to Asgard. ”
And Osma asked.
“Can you take me now? I think I can go to heaven because I'm a semi-conscious person · · · · · · · Because I'm small · · · I don't think it will be difficult to ride behind · · · · · · · · · ·. ”
“Why are you already in heaven? You have a kingdom here. ”
“I don't need a throne! ”
It was an immature young queen's word, but as Odin, it stuck in my heart.
Osma, Odin's silent tea, continued.
“Everyone around me is noisy, and there's nothing I can do about it. Yesterday, a very loyal servant burned all the knights in my library. Except for the Amadis of Frenzy. I heard that knights and novels don't help me improve my femininity. And don't you wear a corset on my body, and kiss my wrist with a beautiful king when you meet me with boys · · · · ·”
On second thought, Osma trembles in horror. Osma kept shouting.
“Yesterday, I chose the queen's pillow in the palace, and I had it monopolized with a pig who whispered love to me. This place is disgusting! I liked it best when I was traveling with Sir Roll. Seeds better than queens! I'll do anything hard in Asgard. Renovation or whatever. So please. ”
Osma began to weep. He patted his little shoulder and tried to calm it down. It didn't work out.
Odin watches them quietly and opens his mouth.
“Is life miserable now? ”
Osma replied:
“Yes · · · · · · · ·. ”
“That's how it's always been. Life is always war. And Asgard does not welcome those who flee from war. If you want to come to Asgard, fight and come. Come back after you've put down a war, a war with weapons, or some other way. My Great Warrior will greet you when the time comes. ”
Odin's words were clear. He said he wouldn't take me there right now, and that he would decide whether to accept it after he died.
Osmar's frustrated head bows.
We're done here. Odin greets Heimdall and kicks his horse in the side.
Then Slafnir rises high. Along with countless souls, Odin vanishes beyond the sky.
At that moment, the three people left on the ground looked at each other differently.
As Heimdall looked up at my father's back, young Osma wept and looked down at the floor. And Jason was watching that poor girl.
* * * * * * *
Ashes have been pouring down around Bifrost for days.
It was part of the water of the world, part of the corpse of a sea snake. Literally a pile of ashes.
The ashes covered Bifrost and the surrounding area. As a result, ash was mixed in the dry soil depleted by the root of the world water.
The ashes were mixed into the soil and breathed in nutrients. With this, farming became possible near Bifrost, and the area of the city grew wider and wider.
As a result, the Holy Land of Bifrost became a kingdom.
Amaric was the monarch. Bifrost Change Bag, the knowledgeable heir to Roland.
The king of the Amalekites made his choice and gave birth to a son. Before I ascended to Valhalla, I gladly gave the throne to my son.
And we don't know the pathway to infection, but neither does the leprosy.
Thus, Bifrost's second king became famous as the leper king and died at a young age because he did not overcome the disease. At the last moment of life, the leprosy king was able to declare his succession. The leprosy king was famous for his achievements and specialties other than the disease, so no one could ignore his authority.
The leprosy king left a note in the bottle: "I must draw the sword that will succeed Bifrost." The Knight of Eternal Legend, Roland's legacy, must be acknowledged.
As the leper king, it was obvious that even my son died of leprosy early. Everyone knew that. However, the decision was not overturned, and King Bifrost's position remained vacant for decades.
I could not declare that anyone would take his place. Bifrost's predecessors, the leper king and his father, were too legendary. The work and achievements gave two leprosy patients mythical authority.
After all these years, a man was walking through the kingdom with pilgrims who said, "I will be king by the sword."
The man is from the island. Finding the sword that once belonged to him, from a close friend.
* * * Completion * * *
End of Midgard Revision
⁄ Blacksmith
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