Friend System: An Implosion On This Wonderful World

Chapter 173 - 165,: Esdeath Vs Lalatina 2

Chapter 165: Esdeath Vs Lalatina 2

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -

--- Inside the men's dressing room, Kazuma saw my daughters completely nȧkėd as they entered, looking for me.

As I about to swing down my claymore that I conjured,

"I'll castrate you!"

"Gyaaaah!!!" he screamed with paled face.

"Please forgive me!... Wait! Why would I apologize!?" he pointed at me.

"This is the men's bath. And they entered here all of sudden. Why would I be punish!? This is really unfair! Where's my justice!?" he scolded me.


Putting my sword down, making it disappeared to dispersing small light particles,

"Oh, trying to win against me with an argument? As expected of famous Kazuma who steal pȧntɨės from a girls."

"Hey! That was not intentional! I thought I can get something random!" he responded.

I picked up Kurē's towel and covered her body,


I squatted down then patted her head together with Nana,

"You two should go back on the other side."

"What about you?"

"Daddy will come there later after I finish dealing with the trash here."

"Who are you calling a trash!?" Kazuma retorted.

"Trash? Is it dirty here?"

"Yes... Yes... It's very dirty here. Cockroaches may crawl out if I don't clean here." I said, glancing at Kazuma.

"Hey! Did you just looked at me!? Are you telling me that I'm the ċȯċkroach here!?" Kazuma retorted.

My daughter's faces went paled,

"Kyaah! Kurē hate ċȯċkroaches! Let's go, Nana!" Kurē quickly ran away.

"Wait for me!" Nana followed.

"See you later, Papa!"

"Bye-bye..." I just waved at them.

Standing up,

"Now, I'll let you choose then..."

Facing him,

"Castration or I erase your whole existence?" I said with menacing tone.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Aren't both choices dangerous? Can you just spare me? It was an accident." Kazuma replied with desperate tone.

"Listen Kazuma... Once any guy saw my daughters nȧkėd... As of that moment... they no longer exist in this world."

"This guy is dangerous! Somebody help me!" Kazuma moved away from me as he screamed.

"You should be glad I gave you choice that spared your life with castration."

"Gyaah!! Please forgive me already!"

"Sorry, Kazuma... Peace was never an option."

As he moved backwards, he stumbled on the floor in fear.


I threw the knife hitting the floor close his crotch,



He passed out and his mouth became bubbly.


"This is why I don't want to bath in the men's bathroom. My daughters will come and follow me here. Well... it's actually my fault today so next time... I'll go together with them in the women's bath."

Imbuing my right hand with Hamon, I went towards him and touch his head.

"Sorry, Kazuma. But I have to erase the memory where you saw my daughters nȧkėd."


After erasing a part of his memory, I left him fainted in the men's dressing room and went to the other side of the bath where only girls are bathing.





"Kyaah!!!" They screamed, covering themselves.

They panic seeing me entered like nothing,

"Isn't that a guy!? What is he doing here?" a young woman saw me while soaking in the bath.

"Kyaah!!! A man! It's a man!" Another woman panic, covering herself with her towel.

I just ignored them.

Yeah. Yeah. This should be their natural reaction to me, entering here.

But in my home world, they're already used to me bathing in the women's bath that they are even the one who's inviting me to take a bath with them.

Right now, Komi-san was very shock, becoming flustered when she saw me.

"Eh!?" Maple reddened in surprise then she shyly covered herself with a towel.

"Sun-kun! Why are you here?"

"Don't mind me, Maple... Komi-san..."

I walked beside them.

"What is a man doing here?" a woman pointed at me.




"Huh?" All the women glanced at my daughters, running towards me.

Nana and Kurē called me while Diona was surprised,

"Dad! What are you doing here? This is a girls bathroom!" Diona became embarrassed.

"Looks like Paimon forgot his task. Fine... I'll do it myself."

Sitting on the wooden bath stool,

"Come here, I'll wash your hairs."

Nana and Kurē went towards me and I gently washed their hairs.

Diona shyly joined them too.

After I finish washing them, I glanced at Komi-san who looks very embarrassed,

"Do you want me to wash yours, Komi-san?"

She strongly shook her head.

"You, Maple?"

"I'm fine..." she shyly answered.


"Sun, you're here!" I heard Esdeath calling me.

When I turned towards her, I saw her washing her hair by herself.


But the seat she using is...


"Mmmmmh!" the young woman she's sitting on mȯȧnėd.

She has a familiar blonde hair and well-endowed body.

"Stop moving around, you dāmn pig! It's making me uncomfortable!" Esdeath yelled with annoyed tone after she slapped her buŧŧ.

My face went paled looking at them.

"Isn't that..."

"Daddy, what are they doing?" Kurē asked me.

I immediately closed her eyes.

"Don't look!"

"Daddy, I can't see!"

There's no mistake. That young woman that Esdeath sitting on is Lalatina and she's my fiancee in my home world.

Currently, she was heavily breathing, enjoying what Esdeath doing on her.

This what happens when a barbarous sadist and complete mȧsȯċhɨst pervert meets together.

This is giving me a headache.

"Looks like you casted a curse on me Sun. My body froze all of sudden when I tried to attack or kill someone."

I looked at her with serious expression,

"Not a curse, it's my order. I ordered you to not hurt or harm the innocents."

She frowned at me.

"It's absolute and you can never go against it for the rest of your life. You lost became mine now."

She slightly blushed while glaring at me,

"Tch!" she looked away from me.

"Don't worry... if I have a free time, I'll go out with you somewhere and hunt some monsters especially goblins. I'll show some of my hunting skill to you."


She became silent for a moment.

"Is that true, Sun?" she asked me.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Then... I'm looking forward to it."


"Mmmmmh! Ugh... I'm being used as stool while they're having a romantic conversation? What a reward!" Lalatina spoke while enjoying her situation.

This girl is hopeless!

After getting out together from the bath, I gave everyone a milk bottle drink while I gave Nana a coconut milk.

There still no quest appeared today.

I wonder when will it come out.

Since we don't have any place to go, we came back to the guild and just eat there.

Sitting together on a dinning table, I suddenly remembered something and I glanced at Esdeath.

"Esdeath, Krul dragged you here right?"

"Yeah, but she suddenly disappeared when we arrived here."

Same as Maple.

Turning towards Paimon who's eating grilled meat,

"Paimon! Do you know something?"

Paimon swallowed the meat she's eating then she drunk some water.

I wonder where the food she's eating went? It's like there's a black hole inside her stomach same as Komekko.

"Ahhh... All Paimon knows is every world in the World Gate is frozen in time."

"What!?" I was surprised from what I heard.

"Then where did you went yesterday?"

"Paimon was in the Heavenly Realm, talking with Gaia-sama. She's the one who pulled Paimon there."

"Why did the time stopped in my home world?"

"Paimon doesn't know. Only the green cabbage can answer that."

"If that green cabbage doesn't show soon, I'll hunt her and turn her into a Okonomiyaki."

"That's delicious! Paimon wants that."



A holographic screen appeared in front of me and Maple,

"It's here!" Maple excitedly said.

"Huh?" I was surprised from the quest I have.


Gamer System Quest (2/3)

Quest Requirements: Must have Maple's best friend 'Sally' in the party to unlock the quest.

(0/30,000) Defeat 30,000 Goblins (Locked).

(0/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Veldia (Locked).

(0/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Wiz (Locked).

(0/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Vanir in Keele's Dungeon (Locked).

(0/1) Save Alcanretia and defeat the Demon King's General Hans (Locked).

(0/1) Defend the Crimson Demon Village and defeat the general of the Demon King's army named 'Sylvia'.(Locked).

Failure: Can't redo the quest.


Excalibur Sword

3 Random Friend Invitation

Elixir of Life

God's Tongue

Disguising Glasses

Large Jingle Bell Hair Tie

Gamer System Notice:

Hello! I love Maple, I hate Cabbages. It's me, Ai-chan!

All the World Gates on the Friend System will frozen in time except the new Random Gate to Maple's Home World. That's because that floating pipsqueak will bring all that harem guy's wives and wreck a havoc on the world.

In order to avoid that... I, Ai-chan will freeze the time on other worlds. Don't worry, your time in this world will also stop and you won't age no matter how long you stay here. You won't take 10 years to finish the quest, right? The quest events will all happen not more than 6 months.

To unlock the quest, the harem guy will kidnap Maple's best friend on her former world and bring her in this world. This is to avoid Maple from getting lost by herself because she always get distracted by something when she travels.

The Pipsqueak will come with him and do something useful.

I'm currently evolving right now so I can't show up to you guys.

Good luck, everyone!

By: Ai-chan




(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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