Friend System: An Implosion On This Wonderful World

Chapter 221 - 212: Second Match - Esdeath Vs Serafall

Chapter 212: Second Match - Esdeath Vs Serafall

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(3rd Person's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

----- In the midst of battle between Esdeath and Serafall on the arena.

Inside the contestant's room where Haru and others are watching,

"Sun-kun, is Esdeath going to be okay?" Maple asked beside Haru.

"She'll be fine. This match will end in her victory." Haru answered with confident tone.

Gaia went towards him with serious expression.

"Hm? What's wrong, Earth?" Haru glanced at her and asked.

"Sun-kun, do you want me to release the contract between you and Astolfo?"

Haru's eyes widened,

"Eh? You can do that? Please! I'm fine passing the contract to Kazuma."

"Okay, lend me your hand that where the mark appeared."

Gaia took Haru's hand and casted something on the mark, making it glow and disappeared.

Haru was very happy looking around his hand then he suddenly hugged Gaia.

"Earth, thank you!"

Gaia hugged him back.


She looks happy too.

"Sun-kun, do you want another servant? I'll give you another summon catalyst."

"No, thank you." Haru responded with a smile.


Serafall dodged her sword but a small pieces of hair were cut.

She gritted her teeth.


She quickly moved away from Esdeath.

"Stop running away and face me."

Esdeath was smiling menacingly.


Fear shook Serafall's heart as she face someone full of murderous intent.

It felt like Esdeath doesn't care if she kills her.

She casted a magic as a blue magic circle appeared in front of her, creating multiple ice shards.

"Take this!"

She launched the shards, raining it down towards Esdeath.

Esdeath crouched down, touching the floor with her palm and creating thick wall of ice to cover herself.

The wall blocked all the ice shards.


Suddenly, a giant horn of ice rose from the floor, reaching through Serafall.

Serafall was surprised but she was flew away to dodge the horn of ice.



Serafall was caught surprise again,

"What? So fast! I didn't felt any magic from it!"

She was about to hit by the icicles,


She suddenly disappeared out of nowhere and the icicles hit nothing but barrier.

Esdeath wasn't surprise and focus herself to look around for her opponent.

Her eyes widened when multiple magic circle appeared around her body.

Suddenly, ice quickly covered her body and became frozen solid.

"Finally, I caught her... Huh?"

Serafall was shock when the ice covering Esdeath got cracked and shattered.

Esdeath came out from the from the solid ice as nothing happened to her.

"Your ice magic is pretty weak compare Sun's ice magic which contained for few days." she said, cracking her neck.

Serafall glared at Esdeath,

"Did you think that's my all? I haven't shown you my real power."

Esdeath just excitedly smiled at her,

"Then stop running around and come at me! Your death shall be my entertainment."


She spinning in the midair and did a somersault kick towards Serafall.

Serafall immediately moved away to dodge the attack.

"Hehe... As long as I can fly, you'll never reach me." she said with proud tone.

Suddenly, multiple giant horn of ice rose from the floor, trying to pierce through her.


She flew around, dodging all the attacks.

"What are this? It looks like she can spam this attack whenever she wants. Is this really a magic?"



All of sudden, she covered in shadow but when she look above, she saw a humongous piece of ice falling towards her.

In panic,

"Tch!" Esdeath clicked her tongue.

Serafall was able to escape using her teleportation.

In the audience, Sona, Serafall's little sister was very worried.

Rias and others are very tense, focusing in watching the match.

The giant piece of ice crash on the arena, destroying one third of the ring.

Esdeath scanned her surroundings from the arena.


She noticed that her feet was frozen solid.

Esdeath was really annoyed when she glanced behind her.

When she saw Serafall, she was emitting a very strong demonic power then she transformed.

She was now wearing a purple dress which bȧrėly covered her body.


"You won't escape this time, Esdeath."

She was casting a very powerful magic while raising her right hand and a very large magic appeared above her.

Haru who's watching from the contestant's room.

His cheek was twitching looking at Serafall's outfit.

"What's the difference between her normal form and true form? She just changed her outfit into something very indecent. As expected from DxD World, nothing but ŀėwd."

"Hm?" Maple didn't hear what Haru was mumbling.

In the middle of the ring, Esdeath was able to escape but,

"Celsius Cross Trigger!"

The whole arena was turned into a frozen wonderland and which froze Esdeath quickly in a thick ice.


Few seconds of waiting, Serafall smiled at her,

"I guess this match ends here."

"Nee-san! Behind you!"

Sona yelled from the audience.


An ice pierced through Serafall's shoulder which shocked her.


"Nee-san!" Sona yelled in tears.

When Serafall looked behind, her eyes widened, can't believe what she seeing.

She saw a centaur soldier made from ice stabbing her shoulder behind with spear.

And there's an army of them.


"Since... when..."

The ice centaur soldier pulled the spear from her shoulder, making bleed a lot.

Serafall fell on her knees.

*Cough!* *Cough!*

She coughed some blood.

She noticed that she was surrounded by the ice centaur soldiers, preparing to stab her with their spear.

She now realize how merciless her opponent is.

She covered her shoulder to stop the bleeding.

The thick ice covering Esdeath shattered and she escaped from it like nothing.

When she arrived in front of Serafall, Esdeath pointed her sword on Serafall's neck which frightened her.

"Now, die!"

She was about to swing her sword to slice Serafall's neck,

Esdeath body froze, unable to move.

She frowned, remembering Haru's order on her.

She can't kill her.

"Tsk!" she got annoyed.

But suddenly, she felt her body losing strength and became unbalance.



She turned back to her younger form, making her ice calvary around all shattered and disappeared.

She stumbled down and fell on the floor.

Serafall went to check her when she noticed that Esdeath was not moving.


She was surprised when she saw Esdeath fainted on the floor.

"Winner of the second match... Serafall!"


The crowd was silent.

Suddenly, a loud burst of cheer showered upon her.

"I won?" Serafall pointed to herself, can't believe what just happened.


Inside the contestant's room, Krul was already back with them.

Haru stood up, completely shock.

"What's going on? Why is Esdeath turned back into her younger form quickly?!"

Everyone around him was silent.

Haru looked around and he noticed that Krul was sweating profusely.


"Hie!" Krul shivered.

Haru smiled at her with dark face.

"Do you know something? Will you care to explain to me?"

"I don't know..." Krul keep looking away from him, avoiding eye contact.


"Husband, I'm telling the truth..."

"Ah! I saw Krul and Esdeath in her ȧduŀt form together this morning before match. They were having fun sparring with each other." Maple said with a smile.

"Maple! Why?" Krul panicked.

"Krul! I'm going to punish you together with Esdeath!"

Haru pinched both of Krul's cheek.

"Now, it's my turn." Maple stood up.

Haru stopped and glanced at her,

"Good luck, Maple. Have fun. Think of this as a PvP just like in a game."

"Okay, Sun-kun." Maple waved her hand then she went out of the room.


"I felt really bad for her opponent." Haru said.

"Yeah, me too." Krul followed.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: The nightmare of dark souls begin.. I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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