Friend System: An Implosion On This Wonderful World

Chapter 228 - 219: Kurumi's Request

Chapter 219: Kurumi's Request

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

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(Harukin's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

----------------After losing the match, I walked out of the arena together with Reginleif.

Ahead of us, we saw Gaia together with Hinagiku and Kurumi.

Esdeath behind them was leaning on the wall with her arms folded.

She doesn't look happy with the result of my match based on her expression.

Hinagiku still looks angry to me.


"Hinagiku, is your body okay now?" I asked her with a smile.

"As you can see I'm fine now..." she responded.

"Then I'm glad--"


She became teary-eyed and pointed at my right shoulder.

She looks very worried.

"I should be the one who's asking you that! How can you make such kind of happy expression when you just lost an arm?" she asked while scolding me.

"Umm... Hinagiku? It's fine... My right arm will regenerate back for few minutes."

"Huh? Are you some kind of reptile?"

"No, it's my Titan regeneration ability that heals any fatal injuries or wound on my body. It can even regenerates back any limbs I lost just like my right arm right now." I explained.

Frowning at me as she shyly moved away from me.

"I got worried for nothing..."

But I'm happy that thinks of me that way already.

She's slowly becoming honest with me now.

I smiled then moved towards her,


She became embarrassed as I hugged her suddenly.

"Haru? ...Fine..."


I moved back, staring at her eyes.

My head moved forward, giving her a kiss.

"Haru? Stop! Everyone is watching."

I didn't mind and just went for her lips.


It taste really sweet that I might become addicted to it.


While kissing her, I noticed Gaia watching me with a smile on her face.




When she noticed my gaze,

"Don't worry, Sun-kun. I'm waiting for my turn."

When our mouth separated from each other.

Hinagiku looks adorable as she slightly looks away from me with embarrassed face.

"There's now a baby in my tummy and you're the the father. You have to take responsibility, okay? You promised."

I kissed her forehead then said with a smile.

"Of course, I'll swear to protect the two of you."

"Same with everyone."




When I turned around to my side, I saw Yunyun together with others.

She looks mad at me while wearing a white dress which made her look beautiful.

"What's wrong?"


"What have you been doing? You just--"

She's wearing a modern dress consisting of red coat with grey shirt as an inset and yellow skirt below.


It really suits her.

"What do you think, Harukin?" she asked with proud tone.

"It's cool, Nee-san. You look stunning right now. It's captivating me!" I responded, praising her a lot.

She glanced at Yunyun, posing in front of her.

"Ku ku ku. See, Yunyun. Harukin said that I look beautiful."

"Megumin... He always means that you're cute."

"Also Yunyun, you look beautiful in that dress. I like it." I said with a smile.

Yunyun looks shy and became embarrassed.

"Anyway, Harukin... Why are you nȧkėd? Did you fight in the tournament in that attire?"

Nee-san asked giving me a weird look.

Looking at myself,

Well I actually fine walking around nȧkėd but...

Glancing at my daughter's innocent eyes.


I became afraid that they catch my disturbing habit and imitate me.


Summoning my clothes from dimensional storage to my body while turning my body back to my teenager form.

I changed my attire to my ȧssassin outfit.


"Wow! So cool!"

Nee-san was amazed together with Rikka and Sanae.

"My name is Sun of Night Raid, we lurk in the shadows, and we hunt the shadows. That's our sole purpose." I said, taking a pose.

"You look so cool, Harukin!"

Nee-san excitedly jumped into me, hanging on my neck.

"Nee-san, that's dange--"

She suddenly kissed me on my lips.


"Kyaah! Megumin!" Yunyun screamed, getting jealous.

It feels good as ever.

I wrapped around my left arm on Nee-san's back, trying to suck her tongue from her mouth.

I really want to push her already on the bed and do a lot of perverted things but now is not the time yet."

"Sun-kun! That's not a simple kiss anymore!" Gaia went between us and complained.

"Hey!" Nee-san got angry of being interrupted.

As I put Nee-san down, Gaia grabbed my cheeks and turned my face towards her.

She didn't hesitate and kissed me on my lips.

"What!?" Yunyun was surprised.


Letting go of my lips,

"Don't forget I'm pregnant also your child, Sun-kun. It's going to be a healthy baby girl just with Hinagiku."

"Yeah, yeah. I understand. I'll take care of the two of you."

Gaia looks excited,

"Hehehe... Fauna is going to be really happy when she heard that she's going to be a big sister soon."

"Huh? Fauna?"

"No! It's nothing!" she became flustered.

She's hiding something again.

"Now, It's my turn."


Erza suddenly pulled me.


She wrapped her arms around my neck then kissed me.

"Eh?" Yunyun froze.


When she let go of my lips,

"Akane, your turn!"

She suddenly pushed me.

I arrived in front of Akane.

She willed herself and grabbed my collar.

She smiled then said,

"Thanks for everything, Harukin."


She slightly tiptoed, reaching for my lips.

She finally kissed me.

Yunyun's jaw dropped.


When Akane slowly let go of my lips.

She gave me a beautiful smile.

"Hehehe..." she giggled.

I noticed that Yunyun was already about to cry.

I turned and went towards her.

"I already told you that you don't have to hesitate with me or nothing will be left for you."

I moved, kissing her lips.


She was surprised.

She grabbed on my neck and pulled me harder.


She doesn't know how to kiss!

As I expected from my innocent Yunyun.

She's choking me instead.

I tapped on her arm.

Give up! Give up! Give up!

When she let go of me,

*Pant* *Pant*

I was already breathing heavily.


She looks really happy.

I grinned,

"Glory to the Soviet Yunyun!"

"Shut up!" she quickly got mad at me from my teasing.

My fiancee Lalatina went towards me.

"Is it my turn?"


"No, you're dead last."

She hugged herself becoming turned on.


She mȯȧnėd,

"Looks like I've been abandoned already."


I sighed,



I grabbed her head, roughly pulled her head because she's actually taller than me.

I forcedly kissed her lips without making her take a breath.


Letting go of her, she fell down in her knees, breathing heavily.

"Hehehe... As I expected from my Fiance. He's getting more rougher lately to me."

I felt tired dealing with her.

Suddenly another one grabbed my shoulders and turned me around towards her

It was Wiz and she looks embarrassed.

"Harukin, as your wife, I have to do this too."

She willed herself and kissed me.


Drawing back, she gave me a beautiful smile which bewitched me.

"Like hell, I lose to Undead!"

Another girl pulled me and it was Aqua,

I just let kiss me.


Her mouth taste like wine.

At least she doesn't stink.

After that, Eris followed but she looks really embarrass and only kiss me on my cheek.


Maple willed herself and came towards me but Ai appeared out of nowhere kissed me on my lips.

Maple can only do now is kiss me on my cheek.

She was really embarrassed.


"Watch and learn, Esdeath!"

Krul jumped very high and grabbed onto me.


She suddenly kissed me on my lips.


She jumped out of me.

"Sorry, Husband! I forgotten my turn."


"Tsk! How childish..."

Esdeath looks annoyed and went towards me as she transformed into her ȧduŀt form.

She moves at me and kissed my lips.


She good!

As she moved away,

"That's how you do it."





Behind me was Mirajane.

"I'm telling you this now, I love you Harukin and I won't lose to everyone at your affection."

She kissed me too on my lips.


When she drew back, she smiled, slightly tilting her head.


"Take this as my declaration of love. Kyaah! I finally did it!"

She became excited.

Akame clung to me on my right side while Chelsea is my other side.

"So as your wife, I have to do this too."

Akame was about to kiss me on my lips,


Her face became red then she halted.

She just decided to give me a peck on my cheek.

Chelsea did the same as she kissed me on the other side of my cheek.

They did it at the same time.

Akame was a little embarrassed,

"Sorry, Sun... I'm still not used in this kind of things. Please bear with that for now."


"Hehehe... Take that as my thanks for saving my life, Harukin. When you grew up and became more manlier, I might consider joining your Harem--Wait! Aren't things happening just like Aqua said? How terrifying this inevitable is? Well... who cares? I don't really mind becoming your wife too now in the future." Chelsea said while eating her lolipop.

Suddenly, I felt something intimidating behind me.

"Ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki~~~~" she rapidly saying while trembling.

When I slowly looked behind, I saw Komi trembling.

*Thud!* *Menacing*



"You know, Komi-san... You don't have to force yourself to imitate them since we decided to take our time." I said, calming her down.

Her trembling stop but she looked at me with serious expression.


She closed her eyes and moved her face close to me.

Kissing my cheek, she became embarrassed, covering her face.


She immediately went away from me, hiding on the corner.


She became a little courageous.

In the distance, I saw Karen, Menma, Bocchi, Sanae and Rikka. Their faces are red from watching us.

Risa looks angry at me but her face is red too.

But someone was missing.

"Wait! Where's Kurumi?"

I asked them.

They glanced at each other.


Most of them shook their head.

"Oh, that's right!"

Hinagiku remembered.

"She told me that she wants to talk with you alone."

"Alone? Why?" I asked confusedly.

"I asked her the same but she just told me that she has a request from you."

"Okay, I'll go meet her now. Where is she?"

"She's in the garden right now."

"Thank you... Everyone, let's go back."

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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