Chapter 235: First Date

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

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(Harukin's POV)

- Date A Live World -

----------------Waiting for Fauna outside the abandoned building, I was juggling the empty aluminum can using my feet.


I kicked it towards the trash can and it went straight inside.



"Dad, I'm here!"

I heard Fauna calling me behind.

"What do you think, Dad?" she asked me while being embarrassed.


I can't say she's cute because she looks too hot and beautifully mȧturė in appearance.

"It's suits you, Fauna."


She just stared at me after hearing my praise.

I averted my eyes to her as sweats appeared in my forehead.

"Ara? Dad, I just felt that you lied to me. Now, look at me when I'm speaking to you."

Her stare became intense.

I sighed,

"You actually look gorgeous. That's what I wanted to say."


She's still looking at me suspiciously.

"What? You don't like it? Then tell me what kind of compliment you want to hear from me?"

I gave up.

"You actually want to say that I'm hot and sėxy that if I'm not just your daughter, you will date me and turn me into one of your lovers, am I right?"


I was surprised from she said.


She suddenly chuckled and laughed at my reactions.

"I'm just joking, Dad. You easily fell for it. Ufufu..."

My cheek twitched, seeing her making fun of me.

The differences in our real age is showing up. She might call me her Dad but that's because I'm reincarnation of Adam. She's been around watching over humans as Goddess for a very long time while Adam died and reincarnated after many years has passed which is me.

Having a daughter who's older than father feels really weird.

I'm 13 year old physically but mentally 17 years old. Fauna should be around thousand years or something---

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Fauna pinched my cheek while she pouts.

"Dad, you're thinking something rude about my age, right? I'm telling you this now... age doesn't apply to us deities. Though... I might appear to be a mȧturė girl but deep inside I'm still quite childish girl."


She let go of my cheek,

"Anyway, Dad... Let's start the date. I want to look around what's in the city."

Scratching the back of my head,


Fauna grabbed my hand, excitedly pulled me.

"Let's go!"


I sighed,

"Yare yare daze."

She dragged me going around the city.



(Harukin Ver2's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba -

------------Decided to rest under the tree near the lake, I gently placed down Megumin on the ground full of green grasses.

She looks daze as glanced upon me. She was staring at my crimson right eye and the barcode birthmark under it.

"That barcode tattoo under your right eye. You're a Crimson Demon, right? Just like me?"

She decided to break the silence between us by asking me.

I have no choice but tell her the truth since it's not a big deal to me if it's her.


"Why are you hiding it?"

"Personal reasons."

"Do you live in Crimson Demon Village?"


"Why didn't I known someone like you in our home village?"

"I always left the village for business trip."

"If you're really Crimson Demon, why is your hair blonde? Also, that blue left eye of yours... why is it different from the other?"

"My hair is formerly dark brown hair but due to some kind of magic, my hair turned blonde permanently. And my left blue eye, it was already like this when I was born." I answered without telling the whole reason.

She frowned at me, trembling in anger.

"I'll ask you just for confirmation if you're telling me the truth. Tell me... who really are you?"


She's trying hard to suppress herself.

"Megumin, I already told you... My name is Haru--"

"Not that strange name! What I'm asking is your real name! Aren't you Crimson Demon?" she bursted in yelling at me.


I clicked my tongue becoming annoyed of her.

"Hey! Did you click your tongue?"

"Why would I tell you?"

A vein popped up from her temple,

"Damn you, Haru!"

She became furious and tried to stand up as she grabbed me from my collar.

She became violet towards me.

As she was about to hit me with the back of her fist, I caught her wrist and I grabbed her other arm to stop her.

"Let go of me, you bastard!"

Struggling with each other, I pushed her down with me restraining arms from the top.


"Megumin, you tend to forget I'm a guy and your a helpless girl who only knows explosion magic." I smiled conceitedly, touching her chin as I move closer to her.


She gritted her in anger and suddenly, bumped her head onto my face.


It hurts because I'm just a thought projection without sunshine magic.

I guess my Nee-san is more gentler than this original Megumin and acts more girly. I'm now more aware how is she different because of me.

Nee-san and I might quarrelled a lot in the past but we make up quickly.

This Megumin is not being cute. She's too aggressive and violent.

I was just teasing her.


She was fiercely glaring at me as growls like dog.

I prefer teasing Nee-san more.

Now, I want cancel this thought projection body and return back to my real body.

Letting go of her, standing up.

"You womanizer! Not only you have wife, you also have a lot of mistresses? You have a lot of daughters! Now, you're targeting me too?"

"You're the one who asked me to accompany you on your daily explosions. It's not like I'm hitting on you or anything. I was just teasing you in return because you annoyingly asked a lot of things about me which is I'm trying to conceal. Now, you're becoming violent towards me?"

"Ugh... That's because you keep mocking and making fun of me for being a crimson demon even though actually you're one of us."


I chuckled.

She became furious.

"What's so funny about that?! You're really annoying!" she yelled at me.

"Nothing... Just forget about that, I'm just doing it because I want to see your cute angry expression. But looks like I overdid it."

She looked really pissed with her eyebrows twitching.

She emitting menacing aura hearing what just I said.

"Then how about this, Megumin... If you shown your best explosion magic and made me impress, I'll tell you my Crimson Demon name."

"What? Just for your name?"

"Don't tell me you can't do it? I thought your gonna master the art of explosion? I guess that was your limit. How lame..."

"Fine! I'll do it! I shall make you amaze of my explosion magic! I swear I'm gonna master explosion magic and make you eat those words. Prepare yourself!"

She looks excited, pointing her magic towards me.

Her mood really changes fast when it comes to explosion magic.

After that, we walked back together to Axel town.


--------------Arriving back to the Adventurer's Guild, I treated her some lunch.

"Still concealing your right eye, Haru?"


I sighed,

"You know, Megumin... In our village, the people over calls me weird. There's must be something wrong when weird people calls you weird. Am I right?"

"I don't care..."

"But by wearing this eye patch and use a new normal name, I felt normal at least outside the village."

Megumin glanced at me with serious expression.

"Haru, do you hate our village?"

"Nope, it's actually the opposite. I actually love our home village. It's the place where I can act silly and do stupid things sometimes. It's a fun village and I like that place a lot."

Better than living on those dark world and merciless world. Traveling from world to another world made me realize how fortunate I am.

"You said to me that your always go on a business trip. Why are working at such your age?"

Remembering the reasons.

I just looked at her with stiff smile.




She looks at me with pitiful expression.

Don't look at me like that. It was our father's fault.


(3rd Person's POV)

- Date A Live World -

-------In a certain park around the city, Kurumi and Gaia was sitting on playground swing together.

Kurumi was wearing a black dress while Gaia has a long blue hair and still wearing maid uniform.


"Oh, there they are..."

Kurumi smiled glancing to a certain direction to her side.

Suddenly, a portal opened near them hidden behind the tree.

"Paimon will help the others to prepare, you two can now go ahead. Gaia and Kurumi are waiting from the other side."

They can hear Paimon's voice from the portal.


Esdeath in her ȧduŀt form came out from the portal.

She still wearing her military general uniform.


Following her,


Krul was yawning when she came out of the portal.

She also still wearing the same short black, frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles of the skirt.

"Esdeath... I'm still a half vampire, you know? I should be still sleeping during the daytime."


Esdeath frowned at her,

"Aren't you also sleeping during the night?"


"Tee-hee... I've been found."

They noticed Kurumi and Gaia approaching them.

"We've been waiting for you two."

Kurumi smiled at them.

"Where's Sun?" Esdeath asked immediately.

"Shouta-kun is currently busy having a family bonding date with his daughter Fauna right now. It seems like its a part of his quest in this world." Kurumi answered.

"He promised me that he will take me on a hunting. What is he doing?" Esdeath looks annoyed, complaining.

"Well... It can't be helped. You saw how busy he is that he has to split himself and create a thought projection to deal with things. All we can do is to wait for him." Kurumi replied.

"Husband really had it hard. I wanted to help him but a lot of ridiculous things are happening around him. But that tournament was really interesting though, I had a lot of fun fighting in that match." Krul pitied their lover.

Esdeath has a bitter expression, remembering her match while Gaia looks dejected.

"Anyway... how about we hang out together just the four of us. I'll show you girls around the city. There's lot of interesting things in this world that you haven't seen yet in your home worlds." Kurumi suggested to them.

"Fine..." Esdeath agreed.

"What about the others?" Krul asked.

"Akane, Erza, Mirajane, Akame, Chelsea and Wiz returned back already to their respective home worlds because they have something important to do while the others will be arriving here later. Reginleif brought Eris and Aqua back to the Heavenly Realm since Fauna went down here in this world to bond with her father." Gaia answered.

"I guess it will be just the four of us." Krul grinned.

"I don't really mind." Kurumi followed.

"Okay then, let's go!"

Gaia initiated then followed by others as the four of them went off together.


-------Few minutes later in front of karaoke snack bar, the four of them looks annoyed at the group of thug guys looking at them with perverted gaze especially at their ċhėst.

"Look dude! Are they cosplayers? That tall woman in military uniform looks hot."

"I want the maid one. I bet she's submissive in the bed."

"I want the Loli."

"Your sick dude "

"It will be fine."

"That cute girl with black hair looks tempting."

They're gossiping as they approached them.

"Hey, girls! How about you hang out with us?"

"Yeah, it's going to be really fun."

The group of guys are hitting on them.

"Sorry, we already have a boyfriend and we're waiting for him." Kurumi responded to them with a smile.

One of the guys approached her closely.

"Don't be like that. Just joins us for Karaoke and it will be our treat."

"That's right, forget about your boyfriends today and have fun with us."

The others just nodded with him.

"These pigs." Esdeath mumbled.

"Livestock." Krul was trying to maintain her composure.

"Glorified Monkeys." Gaia followed, looking down on them.

Kurumi slightly bowed at them,

"I'm sorry, but we have to refuse your offer."

"Hahahahahaha!" the guys behind him laughed loudly.

"Shut up!"

They stopped.

The guy in front of Kurumi grabbed her wrist,

"Hey, girl... do you know whom your talking to? I'm the leader of the gang around here. Forget about your wimp boyfriend and come with us. If you don't, you already know what's gonna happen." he whispered on her ears with threatening tone.

"That's right, just like the puppy we shot this morning. You girls should know how bad things will happen." followed by someone behind him.

"Hey! Don't tell them something pointless! It's not increasing my reputation with that. These girls might afraid of me even more."

"Hahahahahaha!" All of them laughed.

The people around are avoiding them, trying not to join the trouble.

Kurumi turned towards Krul, Esdeath and Gaia.

Krul smiled menacingly at her, waving her thumb close to her neck.

Esdeath was grinning excitedly, nodding to her.

"Let's have fun with them. Leave the aftermath to me and enjoy yourselves." Gaia said with a beautiful smile but the aura she's emitting is terrifying.

Kurumi smiled to the guys,

"My friends agreed to go with you guys. Please take care of us."

The guy in front of her was delighted.

"Of course, we will. We'll be gentle with you girls."

All of them went together inside the karaoke snack bar.

After that,

[NEWS: 8 Young Men went missing after entering the Karaoke bar.]

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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