Friend System: An Implosion On This Wonderful World

Chapter 7 - 6: Yunyun's Birthday

Chapter 6: Yunyun's Birthday

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Thanks.)


Few days later, near the Tomb of the Evil God in the Crimson Demon Village.


Wolbach casted an Explosion spell.

"Amazing! Please do it once more." Megumin said while her eyes are twinkling.

Wolbach felt tired after she casted the explosion spell, she walked towards the big rock and sat on top of it. She glanced at Megumin and said,

"I'm sorry, Megumin, but explosion magic is an advance spell and is unrivaled in terms of pure destructive power. However, it consumes so much mana that even spell casters like me would find my mana more than half drained after using it once."

Megumin became a little sad, but Wolbach cheered her up,

"Don't worry, I'll demonstrate it again tomorrow, but for now I'll teach to how to cast the spell."

Megumin happily smiled and nodded.

While Wolbach is discussing the information about the explosion magic, Harukin arrived at them while carrying a slightly big lunch box covered in big cloth, he opened the lunch box and showed it to the two of them. Each box contains several kinds of cuisine like fried onion duck, rice with sprinkled sea weed, fried and chopped flying cabbage, jelly filled donuts (Onigiri), chopped lettuce with ketchup mixed with mayonnaise toppings, fried fish, tamagoyaki, several kinds of sliced fruits and berries and others.

(Pic here<<<)

"Please help yourself and enjoy eating." he said with confident smile on his face.

Wolbach made a happy expression and said with gratitude,

"Harukin, thank you very much as always. The food that you cooked for us are really delicious and delightful that even I really love it."

Harukin gives her a thumbs up and replied,

"No problem here, please take care of my twin sister."

Wolbach nodded as a response.

After that, Harukin took and cleaned their dishes, he said his goodbye to them and went back home.


While walking along the road of farm district, he saw the Village Chief house in the center of the village. Suddenly, he felt that he forgotten something very important, he opened his system by pointing his index finger in front of him then slid it down on something in the air.

A transparent screen appeared just like a window menu of computer in front of him that only he can see. It was like a gamers menu in RPG's games that also appeared in VR games, but it has limited options and others are locked.




Gender: Male

Age: 6

Race: Human




[Friend System <Locked>]

[Navigation System <Locked>]


Date and Time:

03/01/xxxx 2:44 PM


Harukin was scanning around the screen when he saw the date and time below the screen. A sweat appeared on his forehead when he remembered the important thing that he forgotten,

"Ah! I forgot that today is Yunyun's birthday... It should be February 29 but her birthday is a leap year and only happens every four years... Aaaahh! I have to rush now to get her some gift." he said while panicking.

He putted the empty lunchbox on his dimensional storage then directly sprinted towards the commercial district.

Arriving at the commercial district, he looked around and found a shop selling different kinds of staff toys, he went inside the shop and tried to look for a cute doll as a gift, but he found nothing but lame dolls. Even some of the dolls that they're selling looks creepy, haunted and scary.

"What are this things, they're are more like a cursed voodoo dolls than a staff toys." he complained.

Harukin pinched the bridge of his nose when he remembered that this is the Crimson Demon Village where weird things are made, happened and done.


After few seconds of thinking of what kind of stuffed toy or doll he's going to give as a gift, he decided to make one for her and said,

"Fine... I'll do it myself."

(A/N: One of Thanos quotes)

After that, he just bought materials for making a stuffed toy and then he directly went to his father's magic item shop.

He arrived in front of his father's shop and immediately opened the door, he saw his father and mother inside tending the shop.

"Welco... Oh. It was just you, Harukin." his father, Hyoizaburoo said.

Harukin hurriedly went inside and requested something from his parents,

"Mom! Dad! Can I borrow some needles used for sewing."

"Sure... but do you know how to sew, Harukin?" his mom Yuiyui answered then asked,

"It might be my first time to do sewing, but I think I can do this." Harukin willfully responded.

"Okay, then..." His mom agreed then she gave him the box of needles used for sewing,

"Thanks Mom,"

Harukin took the sewing needles then he glanced at his father,

"Dad! I'm gonna borrow your workshop for the time being."

"Okay, but be sure that you don't touch again the potion that I'm trying to create there." Hyoizaburoo responded.

"But Dad, your potions that I modified and turned into a delicious Health potion and Mana potion are sold greatly fast as it always goes out of stock." Harukin said with a proud smile.

"Harukin, as my son who learned fast from my skills and talents as magic item maker, I'm really proud of you... but, because of your innovations, archpriest jobs are becoming useless lately. The potion that you created has faster effects than a high level healing spell and is more cheaper than hiring a Archpriest. It has a delightful taste and more effective than the disgusting health potion made by others.

Also, the village folks really loves your Mana potions that they always come here on the shop to take a bulk orders." Hyoizaburoo explained.

Harukin just gave wry smile and replied,

"Well, about them becoming useless, it's not really the potion fault, they should learn more support spell other than healing spells."

Then he remembered what he should be right now,

"Ahhh! Sorry Mom... Dad... I have something very important to do. Let's talk about that later." He said as he rush towards the workshop.

Hyoizaburoo remembered the reminiscent of their children during the earliest period of the twins childhood, especially before the twins can even walk,

"Our children really grows up fast before we even know it. I felt like we're also getting old fast." he spoke.

Yuiyui became angry and pulled the ear of her husband with a menacing smile.

"Ou-ouch! Dear, that hurts." Hyoizaburoo reacted.

"Ara ara, Honey... Megumin and Harukin are only six years old... And your already saying that we're already very old... That's rude, I'm still on my twenties." Yuiyui spoke.

Hyoizaburoo tried to calm down his wife while apologizing,

"Ah... I'm sorry, Dear... I won't say it anymore... Please, let go of my ear... It really hurts."

Yuiyui let go of her husband's ears while still have a menacing smile on her face

"Ehehe..." she laughed.


Meanwhile, inside the workshop, Harukin put the box of needles in top of the table and opened it, he moved his right arm and pointed his palm towards the box,

"Trace... on!"

All of needles was covered green light a blue as a circuit-like light lit up on his arms. Using his projection and tracing abilities, he created a copy of needles in the box on his hand. When he used it, he gains all the skill and experience of his mother who always uses the needles for sewing and patching. He prepared the materials on the table,

"Okay! Let's gets started to work and make a handmade gift for Yunyun's birthday." He spoke then he started to craft.

(To be continued)

(I'll edit my mistakes later or tommorow if I have time)

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