From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1128: Together we will

  Chapter 1128 We are together

  Brother Xiao Ma’s enthusiasm made Boss Joe a little uncomfortable...

  After politely pushing Brother Ma away, Qiaojia stretched out his hand to a tanned "old lady" next to him, and said with a smile, "Hi, ma'am, it's an honor to meet you..."

  'Old Lady' Brigitte nodded with a smile and said, "Jackal, nice to meet you.

  I have talked a lot about you with Charlene, and you have accomplished incredible achievements in Afika! "

  Brother Ma’s wife is 24 years older than him. Brigitte, who is now 65 years old, still looks a little old despite careful makeup...

Brigitte's voice is not very nice, but her smile is sincere, and she is naturally calm and calm, and it may be because of her age that she has lost her aggressiveness, which makes her easy to be liked by people in contact .

Brother Xiaoma was in a very good mood. When Qiaojia greeted Brigitte, he put his arms around his old lady and said happily: "Jackal, do you know that because of Brigitte, I have become a firm feminist?" Activists.

  We should communicate more, I think there must be a lot of common language between us! "

  Brother Ma’s smile stunned Boss Qiao for a moment...

   Boss Qiao used to be like many boring netizens, thinking that this handsome man, Xiao Ma, was looking for a woman 24 years older than him because of her money or family background.

  But when he checked the information of Brother Xiao Ma and his wife, he realized that these were all speculations of boring people.

  Brigitta's family conditions are not bad, but a family of a chocolate macaron factory with only 7 branches can only be good.

  Brother Ma seduced Brigita, who was his teacher at the time, when he was 17 years old, and let Brigita, who was almost sixty years old at the time, marry him more than ten years later.

   What's even more bizarre is that Brigitte's ex-husband actually sent a blessing at the end...

Choja definitely couldn’t understand the French people’s emotional outlook. He even suspected that Brigitte’s ex-husband gave him generous blessings because of the fact that Brother Ma, the receiver, saved him a large amount of divorce compensation. After all, the divorce law in France Extremely unfriendly to men...

   Being affectionate in France is not a mistake, but Xiao Ma is a bit different. He had too many opportunities to get rid of the old lady during his struggle, but now he smiles naturally, not at all fake.

Seeing the enthusiastic smile on Brother Xiao Ma's face, Choga's mood improved a lot, so he nodded seriously and said: "I used to think that French people are unreliable in relationships, but you let me have a new one. know."

   While talking, Choga looked at Brigita who was always smiling, and said with a smile: "Ma'am, I am sorry that I have been prejudiced against you and your husband in the past.

  But when I really saw you, I realized that some love can really transcend age.

   You should smile more, you are very attractive when you smile! "

   Facing Boss Joe with a sincere expression, Brigitte showed a bright smile, she looked at Nice standing aside, and said with a smile: "A man who can talk can always find a good partner!

  Excellent women can always find the destination of their souls! "

Choga listened. He looked at Charlene who was wearing a navy blue dress, hat and black veil not far away, and Albert II who was talking to Kypras. Certainly, some **** occasionally make good women look away...

  Of course, Brother Ma and I are definitely not among the bastards..."

  Brother Xiao Ma glanced back, his eyes flicked across the widow-like Charlene, then he winked at Qiaojia, and quietly gave a thumbs up on his waist...

   It's not the first time that Qiaojia has faced this kind of ridicule. He has become numb to his scandal with Charlene.

   Facing Brother Xiao Ma's joke, Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "Dude, I admit that it makes me a little vain to have an affair with Charlene, but things are really different from what those gossip media say..."

   When Qiaojia was talking, Jiami who passed by gave him a hammer on his shoulder and said, "Whether those gossips are true or not doesn't prevent you from being a jerk..."

   As he spoke, Jamie hugged the pony brother whom he had known for a long time, and then pulled Brigitte and Nice to Charlene's side, saving the impatient princess.

Qiaojia watched Xiao Ma holding up his mobile phone to greet several ladies for a group photo. He shook his head emotionally, and smiled at Qiao Liang, who was beside him, and said, "You know me better than me here. Find me a conference room. You need to talk to brother Ma first, you are responsible for greeting other guests..."

  Qiao Liang is no longer the first brother a few years ago, he nodded and smiled freely and said: "No problem, I'll let someone arrange it.

  But brother, you’d better have a chat with Kipras, this guy is not bad, and now that the Left Radical Party occupies the majority of the Greek House of Representatives, he has the ability to carry out what he talked about.

  Don't scare him into doing stupid things! "

  Choga glanced at Kipras, who was about to smile at Albert II, he shook his head and said with a smile: "What do you mean by such a prime minister?

  Wait a while, I will talk to brother Ma when I have some things to discuss with him, some things require the presence of three parties.

  This time Greece does not give me a satisfactory answer, and I will let him know that it is a huge mistake to be afraid of international creditors but not me. "

  Qiao Liang nodded and said, "I see, I will remind this guy, and then you can talk first, and I will give him a vaccination..."

  Speaking, Qiao Liang began to greet the guests who came here, and several waiters seconded by the hotel next door, led by a girl, began to guide the guests into the mansion.

  Joga saw the black-haired girl familiar. It wasn't until Dorian laughed and picked the girl up and walked around a few times when he landed that he realized that the girl was Dorian's punk sister...

  He still remembered that when the girl met for the first time, her body was covered with tattoos and decorative holes, but now she has changed a lot...

  Joga stretched out his hand to invite Brother Ma to go to the mansion together, and Brother Ma said curiously on the way: "Jackal, why do you need a Greek passport?

  I think France is more suitable for you!

   If you have a French identity, it can make a lot of things easier! "

  Choga was stunned for a moment. Naturally, he would not tell brother Ma that he spent money to get a real passport because Greek passports were easier to get.

  He could easily hear the implication of Brother Ma, that P·B's influence in Afika was so great that even France had to face it squarely. If Joe's boss were French, many troubles would disappear...

  But if Boss Joe is French and works closely with the French government on the Afica issue, his business in other places will be prone to problems.

  Taking a Monaco passport is already the limit of Boss Joe, and if you take a step forward, you will cross the limit.

  Seeing Brother Ma's earnest expression, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "Sir, whichever country I am a citizen of doesn't affect our cooperation.

  France is a great country!

  Although I have heard about the plight of France from some friends, I believe that for France, any difficulty is only temporary.

  As long as you have the heart, you can find a solution to any difficulty! "

  The handsome Xiao Ma naturally untied his tie and held it in his hand, making himself look a little more relaxed and the atmosphere between the two of them a little more relaxed.

   Facing Boss Joe’s cliché, Brother Xiao Ma smiled and said as he walked: “Pierre has talked to me a lot about your deeds.

   To be honest, I had some concerns about your development in Afika.

  But as you said, as long as you put your heart into it, there is a solution to any problem!

  The anti-terrorism situation in the Sahel region is very severe. The soldiers we deployed there have a very hard life. The worst thing is that the locals do not cooperate.

  We need a staunch ally on our flank, Jackal, would you be that man? "

  Joga knows what Brother Ma wants to talk about Afika first...

  Because it is the core interest area of ​​France, he can only decide the scale in the follow-up negotiations if he understands Boss Joe's views on the Afika issue.

  France definitely needs the order from Boss Joe, but the premise must not be to sell core interests, anything else can be discussed.

  Although Xiao Ma has been showing his toughness on various occasions since he took office last year.

  But Boss Joe knows that he is actually a leftist and slightly weak person, otherwise Alstom would not be dismembered by the United States and acquired by GM in his hands.

   There may be a certain exchange of interests, but the core of Xiao Ma's superiority is the political correctness that is guided and manipulated by humans. He easily pleases women because of his love.

   Moreover, the existence of the European Union and the Eurozone has actually caused great changes in the hearts of people in the European Zone.

  Being under the protection of NATO, military spending has been reduced, people's welfare has increased, plus more than 20 years of barrier-free exchanges with countries within the European Union...

  This has brought a new generation of Europeans under the baptism of the white leftist trend, and their thinking has undergone tremendous changes from the past.

   Compared with conservative England, France is obviously more open.

  Brother Xiao Ma came to the top position under this background!

   Facing Brother Xiao Ma who suddenly showed strength, Qiao Jia shook his head with a smile and did not speak. Instead, he walked to the door of a reception room led by the waiter...

   Qiaojia took a briefcase from the doctor bird, and then invited Brother Xiaoma to enter the reception room and sit down...

   Watching the waiter deliver coffee and cigars, he took out a few stacks of documents from his briefcase and put them on the coffee table, and slowly pushed them towards Brother Ma...

   While Little Ma was looking at the documents curiously, Choga picked up a cigar and cut off one end, then burned it with a lighter...

   When Little Ma let out a low cry of surprise, Choga reached out and handed over the prepared cigar, then smiled and stretched out his hand to signal him to continue watching...

  When Qiaojia lit a cigar for himself, Xiao Ma was a little dumbfounded...

   What Qiaojia showed him were several contracts, the most important of which was that the African Union entrusted P·B to implement the long-stopped "Green Great Wall Project".

  Brother Ma didn’t have time to read the details of the contract carefully, but as the President of France, how could he not know about the Great Green Wall project that coincides geographically with the Crescent Dunes project?

   While Choga was smoking a cigar, Brother Ma looked through several other contracts...

  The United Nations also contributed to the Great Green Wall project, and they also signed a contract with P·B with a total price of only 500,000 US dollars.

  P·B will protect a group of volunteers from China, as well as the accompanying humanitarian supplies, and enter the Sahel zone together to sprinkle care from the United Nations.

   Then there is something even more surprising to Xiao Ma. Without his knowledge, Maurea, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and SD have signed the AU contract.

  And these West African countries have also signed a statement that allows P.B armed forces to enter their countries legally.

  Brother Ma is breaking out in a cold sweat right now. France has not received any news from such a big move. For the first time, he feels that France has lost control of West Africa...

  After flipping through several contracts, Brother Ma frowned and looked at Boss Joe, and said, "Jackal, what do you mean?

  You should know what West Africa means to us..."

   Qiaojia looked at Brother Ma with a smile, and said, "Sir, of course I know!

   Most of France’s uranium raw materials come from Niger…

   Mali is rich in gold and oil, but many coups made Mali lose trust in France, and he even began to introduce Wagner to fight against France's influence.

  If you cannot stabilize Mali, the spillover effect of Mali's rebellion will affect the surrounding countries that are also dissatisfied with France.

  For example, Burkina Faso and Chad have been purchasing chicken equipment in recent years.

  And Edoğan has been trying to penetrate the influence of the chickens into Senegal, Niger and Marie. Now the political atmosphere in West Africa is very unfavorable to you, but you can do nothing to them.

  Of course, I also provide ammunition supplies to Niger and Mali, but those are small businesses and have little impact on the situation.

   The Afica franc and the so-called free trade rights that belong exclusively to France are the core of France's control of Afica. Once these two points are shaken, France will completely lose control of Afica.

   Without Afika’s blood transfusion, the immigrants that France has accepted in the past few decades will become a huge burden. At the same time, the surplus agricultural and industrial products will only rot in warehouses because they have lost their dumping grounds.

  Farmers will go bankrupt, factories will close, unemployment will increase, financial turmoil…

  You just want to cut fuel subsidies, and the yellow vests have started to organize riots in the streets. If the above situation occurs, the situation in France will only get worse!

  A great country may begin its rapid decline! "

  Brother Xiao Ma was shocked by the future described by Boss Joe and sat up straight. He looked into Qiao Jia's eyes and said in a deep voice, "I won't let this happen..."

  Joga put the cigar on the edge of the ashtray, sat up straight, looked into Brother Ma's eyes, and said, "What can you do?

  You can't control the expansion of influence of Great Russia there, and you can't even control the local chickens.

  Greece is your traditional ally. We all know how difficult Greece has been in recent years. As a result, you asked Greece to stand up to the chickens, but you chose to turn a blind eye when the chickens tried to bully Greece. "

  Brother Xiao Ma and Boss Joe looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and finally he was defeated helplessly and turned his gaze, and said, "Jackal, what do you want?"

   Qiaojia smiled and clicked on the document on the coffee table, and said: "Sir, I don't intend to offend France, I think you should take a closer look at these contracts...

  The reason why P·B can get these contracts and have so much support is not because of how good we are, but because these are charity and the right thing!

  Assassinations, organized coups, and garrisons will not change your image, nor will it shake Mali's resolve to break free from your control.

   But charity can!

  sir, France has input a huge amount of financial support to Afica every year, but how much of that money has really improved people's livelihood?

  The western colonial method of controlling elites is outdated!

   Now is your chance to make a difference…

  Mr. President, join the Green Great Wall project, let the people of Afika, let the people of the world see the sense of responsibility of France...

  Let's create a Great Green Wall and organize the desert to go south...

  Let's create jobs together for the poor who have nothing to eat...

  Let's leave the name in the history of Afika together!

  You will be one of the greatest presidents of France, and I will be known as the 'good man jackal'..."

  Brother Ma subconsciously rubbed his sweaty palms, and looked at Qiaojia like a ghost...

  (end of this chapter)

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