From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1137: Ghosts and snakes grab attention

  Chapter 1137 Bull ghosts and snake gods grab attention

  Choga sat on the hospital bed and was interviewed by several big-name reporters...

  The content of the interview is random, and occasionally some harsh questions are raised, and Boss Joe can deal with them calmly.

  Because P·B's current fighting is concentrated in Yemen, and the current situation there is definitely a bit bragging, but there is really nothing to blame.

  Commanding the combined battalion is the command group of several big brothers' families...

  Advertising mercenaries are even more self-cleaning. They carry Tintin mobile phones and sports cameras to fight, and post the battle process on the P·B video website for everyone to enjoy...

   As long as the mercenaries of the major companies face the camera, they all behave like modern knights. Although they always greet the commanders behind with dirty words, they are absolutely meticulous when doing things.

  Motion cameras are equivalent to law enforcement recorders. Because of the advertising needs of major manufacturers, the discipline and organization of the Yemeni coalition forces completely surpassed the NATO coalition forces of Afghanistan.

  Those big-name mercenaries are holding extremely high salaries, enjoying pain and happiness in Mukalla, but they unexpectedly fully bring out the justice of P·B...

  The distribution of humanitarian supplies that had plagued the United Nations for many years was easily resolved in the hands of P·B.

  The Houthi armed forces and the Yemeni government forces are as honest as quails. As long as the United Nations material convoy has a lion flag on the front of the vehicle, it can move unimpeded inside Yemen.

  Food, medical supplies, and living supplies flowed into the dry central and western Yemen like clear springs, filling the lives of ordinary people, allowing the people there to regain the feeling of modern civilization.

  Several reporters represent several major media groups in Europe and America...

  French First Television, British BBC, American CNN.

   And then there's online media represented by freelance journalist Wallace.

  Every interviewer has a different standpoint and concerns, but they all got satisfactory answers from Boss Joe...

  Because Boss Joe is really honest enough!

   This is what Boss Joe learned from the early Princess Emina incident...

  As long as you are worthy of your conscience, it doesn’t matter even if you do something wrong, just admit your mistakes openly…

  Because when your status is improved, the perspective of others looking at you will naturally increase, and then some insignificant problems or black spots will become interesting embellishments in your life.

  For example, Boss Joe’s wife and two lovers, for example, his scandal with Princess Charlene, for example, he is a **** but becomes a feminist...

   And such a person has become the "Knight Joe" in the eyes of the ladies, which makes many people feel funny and helpless at the same time!

   Then the interview inevitably slid into a more funny and gossip direction...

  Finally, when a reporter from CNN asked a question about LGBT groups in the United States and asked Boss Qiao to express his opinion, Qiaojia suddenly realized that his "feminist career" might be facing challenges.

  Watching Wallace shake his head slightly to signal himself to avoid this question, Choga adjusted his sitting posture with 'difficulty', then spread his hands and said: "I've heard of LGBT, I don't know how the United States will define them...

   You want me to say something about this group, I don't know because I haven't been exposed to them...

   But after all, this is a coalition of minority groups!

  If what they seek is fair and just treatment, then there is nothing wrong with it, it is everyone's right.

  But I think that before solving the problems of the minority, should we first solve the problems before us?

  Up until now, Europe and the United States have not even been able to achieve equal pay for equal work for men and women. Capital’s oppression of women and pleasing consumption concepts are both contradictory and shameless.

  Because they are squeezing women's labor while inciting women to objectify themselves!

   Men and women are opposed to each other, and society is torn apart!

  If European and American societies can’t solve the problem of men and women, I don’t think they have the ability to solve other problems.

  I don’t know what the LGBT group thinks, I just want to tell them that the world is a pyramid, and any demands should be obtained from above.

  Never fall into the trap of vertical cutting and divide yourself from the people of the same class around you.

  The world is diverse, everyone should have the right to make their own voices, they can be like those great feminists...

  To speak out, to pour care, to fulfill one's responsibilities, to win people's praise, to speak out for the same kind of people who have the same situation, to seek sympathy, to fight for the rights that should belong to oneself...

  Like Princess Emina, do something truly meaningful, so that people can face up to their existence! "

   After hearing Boss Joe's statement, Wallace covered his face in pain...

   Recently, the media situation in the United States is very strange. Since Lopesi became the speaker of Congress, the LGBT group has become a favorite.

  The rise of the LGBT movement in various places and the large-scale media reports, coupled with some media's distorted reports on women's rights, made this veteran reporter smell a little weird.

  In the upsurge of women’s rights set off by those lionesses with P·B as the core, a large number of self-objectified women who advertised themselves as feminists were pulled in front of the media to make a fool of themselves.

   Then the LGBT group took advantage of the situation and jumped into people's eyes with the attitude of "I am weak but I am reasonable".

  ‘If such a **** can call herself feminist, why can’t we ask for more? '

  This topic is not mainstream yet, but Wallace understands that this is the beginning of a shift within the American media!

   It is hard to judge exactly who Wallace they want to target, but LGBTs with rainbow flags will inevitably seize the right to speak of feminist groups.

  CNN reporter’s question is a bit malicious. Boss Joe’s words of encouraging self-reliance will inevitably be distorted and used to attack LGBT groups, because the so-called ‘freedom’ that those people want will inevitably infringe on the freedom of other people.

  Of course Boss Joe knows about these things, but he also knows that this is a problem he must face in the future...

  The core is not those grotesque ghosts and snakes, but the capital headed by the top leaders of the American establishment, which deeply divides the crowd by supporting LGBT, resulting in the loss of women's right to speak...

   Choga has always admitted that he has received unprecedented support from feminist groups!

   This makes him always invincible at the network level!

  If the discourse power of women’s rights is dispelled, it means that P·B will gradually be at a disadvantage in future media confrontations.

  He has nothing to do about it, he can only set the threshold for those monsters through interviews...

  If you don't have a representative like Princess Emina among you, then you are not qualified to sit on an equal footing with women's rights.

  Boss Joe doesn’t care if his words will be distorted. He is willing to make himself a feminist, because he always thinks that women’s self-reliance is very friendly to men.

  Although those female freaks who obviously self-objectify but refuse to admit it are disgusting, but the three views have a natural circle effect.

  When there are freaks in your circle and there are still people who agree, the first thing you want to think about is not to hate the other party, but to try to escape from the existing circle and find a suitable partner in a circle that can accommodate the correct three views.

  Boss Joe likes real feminists, and can even turn a blind eye to the disgusting parts of those feminists, because those things don't even have a chance to show up in front of him...

  But he absolutely does not allow himself or his family to associate with those LGBT ghosts and monsters, rubbing their heat is as disgusting as going to the toilet to find food!


  Boss Joe’s live broadcast appearance earned him a lot of attention...

   On the second day after his appearance, Mukalla's war machine started again.

  The two synthetic battalions marched 15 kilometers north, like sweeping machines, sweeping some of the terrorists who entered the battle zone into the garbage dump.

  Then the mercenaries found that their Tintin system suddenly issued a prompt. They had to shave their beards clean and put on handsome paint, and then took the weapons provided by the sponsors and stepped into the battlefield again...


   Qiao Liang, who was far away in Greece, finally breathed a sigh of relief...

He glanced at the local news on his mobile phone, and found that his wife led a group of princesses and a group of construction workers. The conflict with those environmentalists had been going on for half a month. They gradually developed from spitting each other to Throwing stones and even dung bags at each other...

   Thinking about the strange eyes of those policemen when he was fishing for people from the police station in Crete, Choga lamented and dialed the phone number of the Crete MP...

   "Arrest the troublemakers, there will be lawyers to sue them, and a sky-high claim will be sent to the district court."

After getting an affirmative answer from the other side, Qiao Liang took out the phone and was about to call his elder brother to tell his brother about the pressure he had been having to keep a secret for him recently, when Jamie next to him shook his head in disgust and said, "Liang, as a A man, watching his wife fight with others but not daring to stand behind her, is very rude..."

  Qiao Liang was taken aback by being scolded. He exchanged glances with Said next to him, and then wisely chose to shut up...

  Recently, this financial female shark is in an extremely bad mood. Several Middle Eastern princes who use their funds to cooperate with him have been shocked by Jamie's lust. Now anyone who sees her will be terrified.

  Facts have proved that ability can indeed transcend the limitation of gender. When ability can bring abundant money, even these Middle Eastern princes who discriminate against women in their bones forget about gender issues and put her in the same position as themselves to cooperate.

Qiao Liang was also a little worried about this Swedish eldest sister, because this eldest sister suffered a lot from her elder brother, or she was shocked a lot. Now facing Jackal's younger brother, she has a strong sense of "being a teacher". Feel.

  Especially at the stage when Boss Qiao’s life and death are uncertain, compared to the people in Sangha Town and P·B who have Igor as the core, the people in the peripheral financial system of P·B regard Qiao Liang as the heir.

  Jamie wished that Qiao Liang would grow up quickly, so that he could adapt to the operation of the international financial system as soon as possible.

  Qiao Liang knew Jiami’s kindness, but when he knew that his brother was fine, sometimes Qiao Liang couldn’t accept Jiami’s kindness...

   Facing Sister Jiami's lustful power, Qiao Liang spread his hands helplessly and said: "Sister, Said's bodyguards and I have changed into work clothes and passed away. In which conflicts in the past did the opposite side suffer a big loss?

  Before every time I went to the police station, I felt like a bully...

  What's the point of bullying a bunch of environmentalists? "

  Gami gave the overly kind Qiao Liang a disgusted look. Just as she was about to say something, the satellite phone next to her suddenly rang...

After answering the phone and listening for a while, Jamie threw the phone on the sofa with a complicated expression, and then said to a group of traders staring at the computer: "Place an order in the secondary market and take over grams at one-fifth of the price. Ritter Island Development Bonds…”

   Talking about it, Jamie ignored the curious expressions of the others. She hugged Qiao Liang vigorously, and said, "Those who shorted bonds surrendered...

  FUCK, although I don’t know how your brother got there, he saved nearly 1.5 billion euros in exchange payments for P·B Bank.

  As long as Said and the others continue to hold the bonds and are not in a hurry to pay them, the development funds for Crete will be available.

   Inform the police to go to the construction site later, I'm going to find someone to beat me up a few times...

  I like that little **** Tong Tong, if you don't help yourself, I'll help her..."

   Qiao Liang widened his eyes in surprise when he heard this, and said, "This saves 1.5 billion euros?"

  Jamie rolled up her sleeves, pulled out a club from a golf bag and swung it around. After feeling more comfortable, she walked out and said: "There are more, you stay and wait for the call...

   Your brother defeated a giant, and France will hand over part of P·B!

  shit, come get a driver and help me drive, I just want to fight someone now! "

  (end of this chapter)

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