Chapter 1139 Salvation

   Not long after Choga hung up, Nice called his cell phone...

  Joga turned on the phone hands-free, and while removing the camouflage bandage on his body, he said: "I already know what happened to Emina..."

  Nice on the other side of the phone was silent for a long time, and said in a regretful tone: "Go and bring her out completely, Emina is very important to you!"

  Choga was stunned for a moment and said, "Nice, to me, you are the most important thing!

  It's a pity that Sangha Town needs you, and I also need you to help me attract attention, so that I can gain enough tactical advantage. "

  Nice listened, and whispered: "You should read the information on the Internet, your injury gave many people courage, and they are provoking us.

  Joe, the Lions need to prove that they are invincible in order to maintain the stability of the territory.

  GO, go tear up those terrorists, bring Emina back, and tell the world that our people can't touch..."

  Joga listened to the blind voice on the phone, he was slightly taken aback...

   This is the real true lover, she knows that what her man needs at this time is support...

  Although she herself was constrained by the problems around Sangha Town, and being unable to be with Choga made her very anxious, but she knew that some things had to be done by Choga himself, so she chose to support her!

This kind of love is especially inconceivable for people who grew up in a peaceful country. Qiaojia looked at Grace who was full of curiosity, waved his hand and said, "Don't look at me like that, go and turn on the computer, I want to see what is happening online. What are you talking about, it actually made the devil bird a little angry."

  Grace glanced at Boss Joe's sculpture-like upper body. She nodded appreciatively, then took out the computer and turned it on, and said, "Jackal, I don't quite understand. Why do you have to go?"

   Qiaojia took the computer and opened P·B's video website, a video with an IP address from Shah Medina was pinned to the top...

  I clicked on it and took a look, and found that it was a picture secretly taken by a girl wearing a headscarf on her balcony.

  There is no fierce confrontation in the picture, only gunshots can be heard from time to time inside a luxury hotel not far away, and then there are faint voices shouting on the street...

  The girl seemed to be afraid that the outside world would not know what happened. She squatted on her balcony and whispered what happened to the outside world...

"Princess Emina was trapped in the hotel, and people with ISIS banners were attacking them. There was a suicide attack at the main entrance of the hotel before, but Princess Emina's bodyguards were very powerful, and the people from Isis did not attack. into the hotel.

   It’s chaotic outside now, I heard that the National Guard and the National Defense Forces are confronting each other, I don’t know why they don’t go to support Princess Emina…

  God is above, I hope you will bless Princess Emina to be safe! "

   The video posted by the girl doesn't quite capture what happened in Medina, but there are many other links below the video...

  There are videos posted by other people in the city of Medina, there are threatening videos sent by terrorists, and some good Internet media anchors are there to gain popularity...

   "The jackal is injured, this time Emina doesn't have a knight, what will happen to her?"

   "Trial heresy! Princess Emina must die!"

  "When the male lion has no claws, there will always be a new male lion to replace him..."

   "Pay attention to P·B's special forces team, and pay attention to the movements of Knight Joe, we believe that he will not give up on Princess Emina!"

  All kinds of worrying, watching, gloating, hyping, and posting information to intimidate and threaten videos began to circulate on the Internet.

  The remnants of ISIS released a video of slitting a woman’s throat, and then challenged Boss Joe, who was “seriously injured”, and said that the next one would be Emina…

  Afika's al Qaeda decapitated a male lion, and then a group of people surrounded the lion's body and cheered for the camera, wishing the brothers far away success!

  The information on the Internet always has a strong personal perspective, and is often distorted, but the threats issued by terrorists are real...

Choga removed the bandages on his body, pulled out a box from under the bed, and while putting a flexible Telos exoskeleton on his body joints, he said, "This is why I have to go, I I don't have to go to the front line to fight, but I can't hide in the ward, I have to show up, I have to let everyone know that I went to Shah...

   Remember Namor?

  Its body is suffering from pain, but it still insists on patrolling its territory every day, because it does not want the animals around to see its weakness.

  Once the weakness of the lion is discovered, enemies like hyenas will spring up like mushrooms after rain, and even the fox will want to take some benefits from it.

  Grace, in order to protect family and friends, I must first prove to the world that I have the ability to punish bad people.

   But this is not enough, and more importantly, I want to give the most severe response when things happen, to destroy the courage of those people to stand up. "

  Grace handed Choga the black combat uniform, watched him get through the call from Brazil, faced the support from Kitten and Monica, and swore to take out the intestines of those terrorists...

  Grace realized that she and Boss Joe might really not be in the same world, because women who can walk into his inner world are not normal people in the eyes of ordinary people.

  Indifference, enthusiasm, honor, and fanaticism flow in their blood, but there is no 'ordinary' and 'timidity'!

  Seeing that Boss Joe had put on the black combat uniform that was obviously made of special materials, Grace shook her head slightly and said, "You don't look like you just want to show your face!

  If Shah’s Crown Prince Salman chooses to negotiate with the opposite side because of fear of civil war, your appearance may become an obstacle to peace talks...

  I can call Tom and ask him to go out in front of the media, support the crown prince, and give him a little confidence! "

   Qiaojia heard this, waved his hands in a funny way and said, "Never pin the fate of your family and friends on careerists!"

  Speaking, Qiaojia tidied up his combat uniform, and said: "I have a task for you, take a mobile phone to help me shoot a video, and then send it to the Internet 4 hours later..."

  Grace subconsciously took out her phone and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

   Qiaojia glanced at the time and said with a smile: "I want to surprise everyone!"


  In the air base north of Mukalla…

  'Cerberus' rushed out of the command room, and while walking quickly, he notified several other teams by radio...

   "Here is Cerberus, Jazz and Ferryman gather in the equipment room, we have a mission..."

  The "monkey" who was eating heard the order, he frowned and looked at the captains of the goat and hammer teams, "Ginger Head" and "Duke", and then stood up together and walked towards the equipment room.

'Cerberus' ran into 'Monkey' at the door of the equipment room, he nodded slightly, swiped his card to enter the equipment room, and said: "The boss ordered us to board the plane in four hours and **** Baia Go to Shah Mecca with the technical team to meet the boss..."

  'Monkey' leaned against the door of the sharp knife squad's equipment room, and said in a deep voice: "The boss is injured, why did he go to Shah?

   There are simply not enough people in your three teams!

  Why don't you call us? "

  'Cerberus' waved his hand and said: "We don't ask the reason, the boss always has a reason!

  As for you, it is estimated that there will be a mission soon...

  The remnants of Isis have made several videos of beheading women, and the bathtub has located the location where the videos were released, which is about 200 kilometers away from us. "

  'Monkey' heard that he also had a mission, although it was only a mission to strangle terrorists from the outside, but this shows from the side that his boss really has a plan...

  So he nodded slightly and said, "Then let's make some preparations in advance!"

  'Cerberus' glanced at the thinking 'Monkey', he nodded and said: "Help me stab those sons of **** a few more times!

   Make them scared! "


  P·B's star special forces have experienced a series of battles, including Libya, Iraq, Syria, and now Yemen...

   No matter how hard those advertising mercenaries work, they are still one level behind the star special forces of P·B.

  Princess Emina is trapped, the most concerned must be Boss Joe, and then these special forces.

   When the sharp knife, jazz, and the ferryman boarded the plane four hours later, those who followed Princess Emina on the Internet cheered.

  When Grace sent the pre-recorded video of Qiaojia to the Internet, the number of visits to the P·B video website suddenly increased exponentially...

   "I will board the plane to Shah Mecca soon, I need to understand the situation with the Shah authorities, and then no matter what the result is, I will go to Medina to bring Princess Emina out.

  I don't know why you want to hurt a great woman, I just want to tell you that I will find you and kill you..."

  A trapped princess, a knight who was seriously injured but resolutely went to rescue, and more coincidentally, the background of the whole thing is actually a movie called "Saving Princess Emina"...

  Emina in the movie has been struggling in the sea of ​​bitterness, and it was not until the appearance of Knight Joe that she regained her confidence and life.

   Now when Emina took the film to the place where she was once trapped, trying to appeal to more women to stand up and pursue their own lives, danger found her again.

   And the knight who once rescued her from the bitter sea appeared again!

   Ordinary people who followed Princess Emina couldn't help, and queues began everywhere around the world where the movie was showing.

  Many people watched the second scene immediately after watching one, not because of how good the movie itself is, nor to contribute to the box office, but to put themselves in it and wait for a happy ending.

  Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait…

  The movie theater has become a collective prayer place for those girls. They want to wait for an ending with Princess Emina!

   What could be more dramatic than this?


   Then, when everyone’s hearts were hanging with the Global 8000 taking off from Tobruk Airport, Boss Joe had already arrived in Shah, and was only 80 kilometers away from Medina...

  Just under four hours!

  (end of this chapter)

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