From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1141: Elite Assault, Powerful Boss

  Chapter 1141 Elite Assault, Powerful Boss



   Several clear gunshots were heard after being processed by the silencer, and several Isis terrorists walking with guns fell to the ground not far away.

  Ronnie and Doctor Niao, who were close to Boss Joe, quickly went around and broke into the commercial street full of stalls.

  After they approached the terrorists, they quickly replenished their guns, and then bent down to separate the bullets from the terrorists' weapons.

  The Bat Team followed Boss Joe and the others, who had bypassed the surveillance and cover. Under the leadership of Memnon, they entered the commercial street on the side of Boss Joe and the others, and began to quickly check the shops along the way...

  Joga saw Ronnie making a gesture, and he reached out and patted Dorian on the shoulder, and then several people quickly entered the commercial street, and began to check along the shops on the left.

  The second bat team was the cover team. They entered last, separated tens of meters from the two teams in front, and acted as the tip of an inverted triangle, dragging behind to cover the rear of the two teams.

  At the same time, they also took three electric flatbed vehicles that drove almost silently, along the middle road of the commercial street, while paying attention to the front and rear directions, while clearing the locals trapped on the street.

  This commercial street is the periphery of the area controlled by Isis, not a critical location. The three teams advanced nearly 200 meters before encountering a new enemy at a crossroad...

  Because of the ambient noise during the day and the distance, Qiaojia and the others fired so many shots before, but they did not alert the remaining enemies in the market.

  The micro-drone provided enough vision for Choga and the others, just when Choga and Dorian wanted to do the same to deal with the enemies at the corner ahead...

  The radios on the terrorists who were gathering to smoke suddenly rang, and then they froze for a moment, picked up their guns and ran towards the intersection.

  The terrorists on the other street seemed to have received some orders, and they also began to gather on the street where the terrorists were.

   "Be careful that there may be snipers at the high point..."

  The enemy’s movement made Choja instantly discover the problem. When he looked up at the commanding heights around him and tried to find the position of the sniper, Ayou took off the bulletproof shield from his back with his backhand to protect his side...

   It is not difficult to find the approximate location of the enemy. There are not too many tall buildings around, and there are even fewer tall buildings that can clearly see the location of the market.

   Soon Qiaojia found the opponent's position...

  A sniper was in a business building next to Emina's hotel. In order to obtain a larger range of shooting and surveillance, the sniper simply smashed part of the glass curtain wall outside the building, so it was particularly conspicuous...

  That location was nearly 1,500 meters away from where Qiaojia and the others were, so the other party didn’t shoot at all, but notified the terrorists around the market to encircle Boss Qiao and his party…

  Boss Joe is not the kind of person who likes to be stared at. He patted Dorian on the shoulder, then took the initiative to retreat a few steps and handed over the task of blocking the enemy to others...

   And he himself pressed the radio and said: "Bat Team Two, activate the switchblade, release 4, search the nearby tall buildings, and shoot all similar snipers for me..."

   As he spoke, Choga raised his head and locked the sniper's position through the Telos system, grinning and said: "Spike missile, fire~"

  As a small missile shot up from the rear car, the terrorists on the side streets had already reached the intersection.

  When Dorian was sticking to the corner and preparing to sneak attack the terrorists who were about to approach the intersection, the 'Rhinoceros' who had been very silent on the road suddenly walked around to the front of the team.

  He squeezed Dorian away, leaned against the corner wall and looked back at Dorian, and at the moment when several terrorists appeared, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed the neck of the innermost terrorist...

  The terrorist subconsciously held the rhino's wrist with both hands and wanted to break free, but then his body felt a strange paralysis, and the muscles seemed to have lost most of their strength.

'Rhinoceros' seemed to be dead. He pinched the terrorist with one hand, turned around and used the enemy's body to block the terrorist's shooting range from the rear, and then swung his knife vigorously to cut off the neck of a terrorist who hadn't reacted yet. …

   Immediately after this burly man with a ferocious respirator, he raised his foot and saw a Spartan king kicking, hitting the chest of the last terrorist...

  With the muffled sound of 'click', the terrorist who was about to raise his gun felt as if he had been hit by a truck. He flew back a few meters and then fell heavily to the ground without moving.

  The rhino pinched the first terrorist and pressed him against the wall. The jungle knife in his right hand was naturally reversed, and then the fist holding the handle of the knife hit the terrorist's chest heavily.

   After a muffled "bang", the terrorist's left chest was obviously sunken, his eyes popped out as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and his body lost its vitality as if his bones had been pulled out.

Dorian watched the 'rhinoceros' throw the terrorist on the ground like trash, bent forward a few steps and swung a knife to cut the neck of the terrorist who was still alive after being kicked away, and enjoyed it Taking a deep breath, let out a pleasant low growl...

  Because of the unique structure of the respirator, the low growl of the rhino gave people the illusion that it was an ancient monster...

  Dorian, who originally wanted to blame the rhino for disrupting the team's rhythm, rolled his eyes and looked back at Ronnie, who also had a strange expression, and said, "FUCK, this **** freak!"

Speaking of Dorian, Ronnie, and Doctor Bird, the moment the spearhead missile hit the sniper's position, they raised their guns sideways and rushed to the center of the intersection. Cooperating with the bat team on the right, they attacked the enemy that appeared at the far end of the street on the right. Accurate shooting was launched.

  100 meters, 4 enemies...

  The first bat team showed extremely high quality. The opponent obviously already knew what happened here. The moment they appeared, the AK in their hands rang...

  The enemies on the high ground obviously didn't have time to inform Dorian of their actions, and the bullets all went towards the bat team in the corner.

  Three people suppressed one person carrying the RPG on his shoulders, and the four cooperated to try to beat Joe Boss and they were caught off guard!

   But the two forward shooters in the Bats didn't give them a chance at all...

  Two capable black boys squatted and stood, and the double-charged 9mm subsonic bullets fired by the special AS special assault rifle in their hands found the enemy's chest in an instant.

  The two terrorists following behind had no time to brake. The moment they rushed out of the street, Dorian and the assaulters of the Bat Team opened fire at the same time...

   It’s also a subsonic bullet. Dorian’s gunshots are actually a little thinner than that of the Bat Squad. The performance of the AS special rifle within 100 meters seems to be more practical and concealed.

Memnon, the captain of the first bat team, grinned at the surprised Dorian, and then patted his comrades in front of him on the shoulder, leaving them standing guard, and rushed over with three other comrades. Passing by, set up cover on the opposite side of the street...

  The tactical quality of the bat team exceeded Boss Joe's expectations. He gave Memnon and Kuba a thumbs up and said, "Elephant, let's cover and let the second bat team go first..."

  The moment Dorian heard the order, he turned around and joined Qiao Jia Ayu, and the three raised their guns to the shops along the commercial street on the left to prevent undiscovered enemies from rushing out.

   Rhino is obviously not suitable for the rhythm of Team A. The wildness and casualness engraved in his bones make him have the swiftness of a beast in a battle.

  But if you want him to follow the rhythm of the wolf like a wolf, you need the wolf to show a strong enough ability, so that he can safely hand over the initiative...

  Boss Joe is very powerful, but the reason why he is invincible is his marksmanship and various high-tech equipment. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, compared with old Kaman and these old monsters, he is indeed almost meaningless!

  However, Rhino’s loyalty to Boss Joe is unquestionable. When he found that he didn’t seem to be in tune, he took the initiative to step aside and cross the street first, and then began to wait...

  Joga doesn’t mind the little problem with Rhino, they are veterans who have experienced many battles.

   Kaman sent the rhino to replace him as a vanguard, so the rhino's fighting habits should be respected.

   "When did this guy become so powerful?"

Qiaojia looked at the fallen corpses on the ground, especially the unlucky ghost whose chest was sunken by the rhinoceros' punch. He said, "This guy's fist is made of iron? I feel like it's stronger than King Kong... "

  Ayu put away his shield and squeezed his left fist and showed it in front of Boss Joe, and said, "Boss, it's not that he has become stronger, but the function of the flexible exoskeleton of Tylos..."

   Talking about it, Ayou saw all the members of Bat Team 2 pass by, she reached out and patted Dorian on the shoulder, and said, "GO~"

   After crossing the street, several people formed a row again. This time, the rhino was the vanguard. The three teams occupied the left, middle and right positions of the street respectively, and began to rush forward quickly.

  The surrounding terrorists began to mobilize on a large scale when the missile exploded. Originally, they wanted to wait for the information from Mecca, but now they thought that the Shah’s army had started to attack against water, so they chose to storm the hotel...

  For a while, the gunfire around the hotel became denser!

Choga wasn't particularly worried about Princess Emina's safety, because besides a group of Kurdish female soldiers, there were GIGN recruited by the Iron Wall Mercenary Corps as bodyguards beside her, and there were two Blue Sword 7 missiles overhead. The rainbow drone hovered for cover.

   GIGN, as France's top combat force, may not have much advantage in field battles, but with favorable terrain in the hotel, it is no problem to resist terrorists in a short period of time.

During the march, Choga stretched his head to look at the rhino's fist, then compared his palm with the tactical glove, and said to Dorian: "I gave up the support on the palm for the flexibility of my fingers, but you are also full set Telos flexible exoskeleton, why are you so far behind?"

  Dorian was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: "Boss, Rhino and the others are freaks, why should I compete with them?

   I can shoot more accurately than them! "

  The medical officer bird who followed the team at the end saw that Dorian couldn't explain the boss' question, he said with a smile: "Boss, it's not that the strength has become stronger, but the physical endurance has become stronger!

  The principle of the flexible exoskeleton is to use external support to increase the body's load capacity, but if you get used to it, it can also reduce the reaction force generated by the human body when it hits.

  Just like a boxer must wear boxing gloves to hit super heavy punches, effective protection can allow the unscrupulous performance of muscle explosiveness and prevent injuries.

  However, if you want to effectively use the exoskeleton to do this, you need special training to distinguish the equipment state from the non-equipment state and form muscle memory to ensure your own safety.

  Elephant is right. Those old monsters like Rhino are freaks. They discovered the function of the Telos exoskeleton earlier than us, and formed their own usage mode earlier.

  The flexible exoskeleton is more of a labor protection product for us, but it is a weapon for them! "

  (end of this chapter)

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