From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1165: intelligence work

Chapter 1165 Intelligence Work

Chauga and the others did not stay in the hotel for too long. Instead, they all returned to the Baghdad base outside the city.

The technical team in the base has been tracking the location of the kidnapping vehicle through unmanned airships, and then, just as Ronnie said, the people drove the car into a complex and extremely crowded slum...

Then they seemed to know that there was surveillance above them, and when they led the two old men out of the car and entered a house, they even glanced at the sky.

Tony tried to switch the monitoring mode many times, and then found that the infrared signals on those people were so weak that they could hardly be seen.

Let alone armored vehicles, you have to drive in this hellish place several times, and you have to make way for the local stallholders to show their respect.

Helicopters can enter, but you can't attack if the hostages are inside...

It's not impossible to let the soldiers reload and rush in recklessly, but the opponent is not a soft persimmon. Let alone the life and death of the two old men, in such a complex and harsh environment, if you want to get through this kind of master's trap safely, It would be difficult to ambush, let alone capture a few prisoners.

  Not knowing their appearance and being unable to lock on to these enemies means that they can avoid surveillance and leave at any time through other methods, or even go around to the rear of the attacker.

Garci acted very calmly. Even if the plans discussed by Boss Qiao and the others were repeatedly rejected, he did not show a trace of panic...

He has been looking at the hotel's front desk surveillance records for the past few days, and his whole body is like a machine.

 Qiao Jia didn’t quite understand why the old man was doing this, because Ronnie had already used his memory to draw a sketch of the ‘black ghost’, but the old man seemed more convinced of what he saw, so he kept trying to verify it through surveillance.

Joga knew that Galci was not very optimistic about his approach, which was a subtle expression of his attitude.

Sergey led the Golden Eagle people to make an IOU at the base and buy a new set of equipment...

Although it is still not as good as P·B's special forces, it is already comparable to those big-name special forces.

Sergey, who was in a good mood, walked into the rest area of ​​the command room. Looking at the slightly solemn atmosphere here, his eyes glanced between Galci and Boss Joe, and suddenly said with a smile: "Boss, that old guy Waiting for time..."

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said, "What do you mean? Can delaying time solve the problem?"

Sergey smiled and said: "Boss, these people are all carefully trained hunting dogs. They will not contradict the strong...

This old guy is waiting for information, accurate enough to convince you to change your mind..."

 Speaking, Sergey glanced at Ronnie, spread his hands and said: "I am behind the times, I have never heard of trackers and ghouls.

But according to this guy, the levels of these two teams must be very high, so the people who can mobilize them must also be of high levels.

As long as we can lock them in, we can try to negotiate for rescue instead of taking risks by force!

But I don’t like their approach. The best way is to rescue the enemies in front of them, and then turn around and eat the big shots.

The tougher you act, the better the effect will be! "

After hearing this, Ronnie said helplessly: "I can only confirm the existence of ghouls. I have no way to confirm whether the person in the hall is a tracker, or even how many trackers there are.

Trackers usually act alone. Now that he is cooperating with a ghoul, it means that the people above are not optimistic that one tracker can solve the problem, so it is very likely that there will be other trackers hiding in Baghdad...

These guys have received special training and they are very powerful! "

 Sergey glanced at Boss Joe. He understood Ronnie’s concerns, but this guy had a unique way of thinking...

“Do you know why that old man in Cuba lived to be 90 years old?”

 Speaking, Sergey didn’t wait for anyone else to reply, he smiled and said: “Because the best security is people!

 Under normal circumstances, there must be more security guards than assassins, and the security guards must be more determined than assassins.

 There is nothing great about the CIA. What makes them invincible is not a single agent, but a pervasive ideological invasion.

That thing can change people's minds, make them hesitate, make them dissatisfied with their existing lives, and make them rebellious.

 It is nothing new for big figures to be assassinated, but when you look back at those accidents, you will find that it is often the people around the big figures who have problems.

As long as you don't make any problems, the so-called assassination has a very low chance of success. The thing that is most likely to go wrong is actually a head-on confrontation at any cost. Are you afraid of this?

 Your boss is a real strong man. You should think about doing your own work well instead of worrying about what your boss does. "

After speaking, Sergey took out the wine bottle and took a sip. He pointed his chin at Dorian, who was sleeping on several chairs put together, and said: "That guy is very good. He knows what he wants to do and cares about him." What…"

Ronnie was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said with a smile: "I do think a little too much. Trackers are not gods. As long as the boss has a gun at hand, I will definitely not be his opponent."

As he spoke, Ronnie looked at the busy technicians in the command room, and he suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, what the boss wants is to capture one or two people alive and find clues to Chris' location.

His and Galci's ideas are completely different...

If you follow the path of a soldier, P·B will not be afraid of anyone in Baghdad or even in Iraq as a whole! "

 Sergey sniffed, nodded and said: "This is why I like PB, because you do not think about conspiracy, but use the way you are best at.

The only disadvantage of this method is that sometimes you may need to bear some collateral losses...

But a soldier’s job is to face death, don’t you think? Ronnie glanced at Galci who seemed to have found some clues. He nodded and said, "Our boss thinks so, but Mr. Galci obviously doesn't think so." "

Garci obviously discovered something. He printed out the surveillance screenshot, then took a lukewarm photo paper and drew a circle on the heads of the two people with a red pen...

Then he picked up Ronnie’s hand-drawn sketch and compared it, nodded and said: “Confirmed, it’s the ‘Black Ghost’!”

As he spoke, the old man took photos and sketches and uploaded them to his computer, and then used some kind of search system to start looking for...

Joga frowned and came to Galsi's side and said, "Where is your database?"

While the computer was constantly comparing, Galci turned around and said: "NATO Intelligence Center, I have a few old friends working there...

I'm going to look back at the missions the Ghouls have performed over the past few years and find people who can mobilize them.

I have checked the tracker before and found that the NATO Intelligence Center has no record of this at all. This is a ‘non-existent team’.

 According to my experience, if you want to use such a team, you need the approval of the U.S. Senate and the Department of Defense in principle.

 But in actual operations, it is often only necessary for a big shot to sign on a secret mission document.

I assume that the man your people found is really a tracker, then the person who can use this super soldier must be in a very high position.

 We can roughly identify the target range by comparing the boss behind the ghoul and the people who may use the tracker. "

As he spoke, Galsi looked at Qiao Jia seriously and said: "Sir, things about these big shots are very important. I need more information for comparison to ensure that we don't find the wrong person.

Only by finding the right target can we take the initiative and avoid being led by the operatives.

I understand P·B’s style of doing things. I have no right to tell you what to do, but I would like to ask you to give me some time because Chris is a friend.

Chris is still alive, and so is my old buddy. I want to save them, please give me some time..."

Joga is really not used to Galsi's working style, but he has to admit that this old man speaks very convincingly...

After thinking for a while, Qiaojia looked at Sergei and said: "In that case, I will ask the Iraqi special forces to cooperate with the Golden Eagle. You go to that area first, block the main road for me, and attack that building if there is a chance. reconnaissance.

 Don’t move for now, but we also need to know if those two old guys are still alive..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia called to Tony, who had been busy not far away: "Tony, have you got any results there?"

 Tony stood up and raised his hands and shouted: "Boss, I have obtained the sales information of allergy injections, and Thompson is using the FBI database for comparison.

People from the Pentagon Brotherhood are collecting information, and Lieutenant General Maguire is trying to use his identity to inquire about the details of the tracker's mission.

I asked Lieutenant General Maguire before, and he said that generally for this kind of team, only a few people have the right to use them after receiving instructions from Congress or the White House.

 And in order to cooperate with the operation, the general special operations command will arrange personnel for backup.

But this time there was no news from the Special Operations Commander about the Iraqi operations, so it is very likely that someone privately ordered the tracker to move.

Specifically who is Thompson checking..."

After hearing this, Qiaojia frowned and waved his hand. He did not continue to urge Tony, but asked them to stare at the house where those people disappeared. Then he walked aside, took out his phone and called Tom Reed.

Qiao Jia didn’t understand the nature of this ‘non-existent unit’, but Tony gave him a reminder just now...

 Instead of checking from bottom to top, it is better to first find people at the top to draw out the suspicious scope...

After the call was connected, Tom Reed said in a rough voice: "Jackal, I'm very busy recently, what do you want to see me for?"

Qiao Jia was choked by the old guy's silent tone. He said angrily: "Brother, your daughter and grandson are in my hands. Is it difficult for you to be polite?"

Tom Reed said nonchalantly: "Little George is also your son. What's the problem with taking care of them?"


Joja cursed, and then said seriously: "Tom, have you heard that the Ministry of Defense has a team of trackers?"

Tom Reed was stunned for a moment and said, "Are you in trouble? Grace and the others are not in danger, right?"

Qiaojia was stunned for a moment and said angrily: "They are enjoying the war in Syria. I have encountered a little trouble. If you have any news, please tell me quickly..."

When Tom Reed heard this, he said: "The Trackers are not a team of the Ministry of Defense. Strictly speaking, the Trackers were proposed by the Security Committee under the Congress. They are affiliated with the Special Operations Command under the Ministry of Defense and are specifically used to clear out traitors. Team…

Of course, the definition of this traitor will be very broad..."

 (End of this chapter)

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