From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1172: troublesome tracker

 Chapter 1172 The Troublesome Tracker

Chauga has been controlling the situation in Baghdad remotely from the command room...

The ghoul mercenary group has been tortured to the point of going crazy. At this time, we should give the United States a face and let them bear the name of assisting in the evacuation of terrorists. At the same time, let Ma Xiu confidently take the ghouls to escape to Germany, and follow the two Meeting a big boss is the best option.

 As for the terrorists, it is normal for them to do anything when they go to Germany!

Joja is really not that afraid of the elite team of mercenaries like ghouls. He is more concerned about the traces of those trackers.

 As a result, the compared photos had been sent out for several hours, and the trackers had not been found.

This is the power of these super assassins who are a combination of warriors and agents...

As long as they are not caught, Qiao Jia will not even think about taking to the streets alone!

 Because the middle-aged man in the hotel that day showed very good adaptability, and their ability to escape from this kind of chaos was also very strong.

Baghdad is now a big net. Theoretically, as long as these people are still breathing, there is no reason to escape the search. But now reality tells Qiao Jia that there are people who can do things beyond theory, and there is more than one person.

 Front combat effectiveness is sometimes not really the key to measuring a person’s ability…

Just when Qiaojia was thinking about whether he should show up to attract the pursuers, two large-caliber mortars were suddenly fired from a ruins on the west side of Baghdad, and then landed accurately in the center of the base. Two patrols The soldier was hit by shrapnel and fell to the ground instantly...

The base’s alarm sounded instantly, and a harsh ‘whining’ sound swept through the surrounding area…

The Apache in the sky began to move closer to the mortar firing position. When it was still one kilometer away, several rounds of overpressure hellfire were fired.

An explosion occurred in the ruins on the edge of Baghdad. Thick smoke and fire swept around the ruins.

 The Jazz team, which had been staying at the base, immediately rushed to the scene of the accident...

 But things are far from over…

When the Jazz team was halfway out, two more mortars hit the base, this time even hitting the building where the headquarters is located.

The Apaches then moved in that direction again and launched a precision bombing attack on the location where the mortars were fired.

This time the situation was a little different. Hellfire hit a factory building on the edge of the city.

  The precise missiles were like poking a hornet's nest, exploding a large number of "True Isis" from the factory...

No one knows why dozens of Isis terrorists gathered there, but when they drove their vehicles into Baghdad and started shooting indiscriminately, everything seemed to deviate from the track that Boss Joe had expected.

These people did not pose much of a threat at all, but suicide bombings still caused losses to the Iraqi military, police and civilians.

Apaches on shift desperately intercepted under the guidance of the unmanned airship, but could not completely block the impact of these people. A car rushed into the Iraqi Defense Forces blockade, and then exploded.

The scene was extremely tragic!

Chaojia saw the tragic scene of the explosion scene in the command room. The modified car bomb was very powerful, and a ball of orange fire swept across an intersection...

Not only did the defense force stationed there suffer heavy casualties, but the explosion also affected a three-story hotel next to it, causing half of the hotel to collapse and causing heavy casualties among the people inside the hotel.

Dorian felt the murderous aura of his boss. He grabbed Qiao Jia and said, "Boss, you can't go out. Those trackers just want you to act according to their ideas..."

Joja waved Dorian away and said to Tony: "Tony, send a message to everyone in Baghdad and ask them to go home."

 As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Sanderson, who had been on standby, and shouted: "Pioneer, bring soldiers and doctors to the scene..."

Dorian let out a sigh of relief, turned around and grabbed Ronnie, who was staring at the overlooking view of Baghdad, and said, "What are those trackers going to do?"

Ronnie shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know...

 The target of the stalker is the boss, and everything they do is ultimately to get the boss to show up where they want.

As long as the boss doesn’t show up, they won’t succeed! "

When Dorian heard this, he shook his head and said, "It's impossible, the boss won't always be hiding in the base.

Suicide attacks will definitely cause commotion, and the boss’s character will not let a group of ordinary people remain indifferent because he is implicated..."

While the two were talking, the Jazz team that had attacked earlier was attacked by mortars again when they were about to enter the explosion zone for inspection.

Two 60mm mortars were fired from the depths of the ruins, accurately hitting the path of the Jazz team. The explosion paralyzed a Milosh...

Then just when the Apache was about to bomb the artillery firing point, the ‘Crow’ in front suddenly ordered the two Miloshes to fire all the smoke grenades...

A series of smoke bombs shot up into the sky and exploded about 50 meters in front of Milosh, and then a large white mist obscured the space.

“Don’t blow them up, give me cover, let’s go take a look, I feel a little weird...”

Jorga did not stop the Crow's action. He picked up the radio and said to Sanderson on the other side: "Vanguard, the Jazz has been attacked by mortars, you must be careful.

 I also feel something is wrong..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia came closer to the screen and gestured with his hand at the two places where he would launch attacks...

"7 km…"

While Qiao Jia was thinking, Sanderson and the others were also attacked...

Two suicide drones collided with the bodies of two Milosh cars. Hearing Sanderson's call on the radio, Qiaojia suddenly reacted and shouted to Tony: "It's drones, those tracking Researchers are using drones to monitor ground conditions...

Tony, find them..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia picked up the radio and called loudly: "Pioneer, how are you guys?" Sanderson, who was more than ten kilometers away, groaned in pain and said: "Boss, we are fine, it's a Switchblade 300, it exploded. Not powerful enough to destroy Milosh's armor...

   shit, if we drove a Hummer this time we would be screwed! "

“Hold on, I’ll send someone to support you…”

Qiao Jia gritted his teeth and turned to Dorian and said: "Have someone drive an Avenger anti-aircraft vehicle to support the Pioneers...

  FUCK, I feel like these people want to transfer everyone from the base. Do they look down on us too much? "

Tony on the side was busy typing on the keyboard for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Boss, they are using small civilian drones. There are too many interferences in the city, and the radar on our airship cannot lock them.

But someone took a picture of the drone and posted it online..."

When Qiaojia walked up to Tony and looked over, someone in Baghdad took a picture of a drone flying over on his balcony and posted it online...

While Tony was trying to calculate the approximate location of the user based on the flight path and shooting time of the drone in the picture, a message came from the Jazz...

“Boss, it was done by one person. The mortar has already set the launch angle and has a timing device...”

In the live video shot by the Jazz team, Qiao Jia saw two 60mm mortars set up in a simple bunker among the ruins.

The mortar's tripod was fixed to the ground with rivets, and a delicate ammunition feeder was welded to the muzzle.

 The projectile is stuck above the projectile feeder. As long as a signal is received, the projectile feeder will open, allowing the projectile to fall into the barrel to complete the firing.

As soon as Ronnie saw the scene in the video, he said in surprise: "It's a 'machinist'. There is a machinist among the six trackers."

As he spoke, Ronnie rushed to Tony's side. After typing a few times on the computer, he stared at the overhead view of Baghdad carefully for a while and said, "I probably know where that guy is. Boss, you can't go out, base." The defense measures left the mechanic at a loss. It is safe here...

 Let the doctor bird and rhinoceros come with me, and if I'm lucky, I can catch him..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "What is a mechanic?"

Roney said with some anxiety: "The mechanic is the bomb expert, electronic information expert, and mechanical expert among the trackers.

As far as I know, there are only two such people. I didn’t expect that we actually met one.

boss, the mechanic is very difficult to deal with because he almost never faces his opponents. When the small drones appeared, the mechanic never failed in the mission. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "Do trackers still have professions?"

Roney shook his head and said: "There is no clear classification of trackers, but everyone's talent and learning ability are different.

 So the trackers receive tailor-made training programs, and we will have deviations due to different interests and personalities. "

Qiao Jia nodded slightly after hearing this, then looked at Ronnie curiously and said, "Then what are you good at?"

Ronnie spread his hands and said: "I'm good at close combat, camouflage, shooting...

 Boss, the mechanic is disturbing our view...

I once worked with a mechanic. Although I didn’t meet him, I knew that he was used to hiding in the red light district.

There is no official red light district in Baghdad, but within 5 kilometers of the ruins, there are several cheap hotels run by Indians, which should be places specially designed to receive foreign workers.

I gonna go see…"

Qiao Jia listened and nodded and said: "Bring more people..."

After watching Ronnie lead the people away, Qiao Jia suddenly became quiet. He motioned for others to continue, and then walked to the building where the headquarters was located. He sat directly on the bench in the porch with his arms folded and looked at the road in the distance. direction.

Air defense capability is really the most important capability in modern warfare. If it were not for the presence of a large number of Avengers anti-aircraft vehicles, there would be no safe place in Baghdad.

 When the enemy's methods changed to the direction of science and technology, Qiao Jia was not as calm as before.

  P·B boss’s goal is too big!

From today on, Qiao Jia needs to change his travel mode and can no longer expose his location in a big way.

Dorian and Ayou stood beside Qiao Jia. Dorian followed Qiao Jia's line of sight and looked into the distance. He said a little confused: "Boss, what are you waiting for?"

Joja glanced sideways at Dorian and said, "I'm waiting for guests...

The so-called mechanic used mortars and bombs to mobilize all the good guys in the base.

There are still more than a hundred Kurdish auxiliary soldiers in the base, and the rest are technical soldiers. This is when they are most vulnerable.

I want to see if there is anyone in Baghdad who feels like the Iranians that it would be in their interests for P.B. to leave here..."

Dorian was stunned for a moment, stared and said, "Isn't it possible?"

Qiao Jia looked at the car lights appearing on the road in the distance. He smiled and said: "I also hope the result will be good..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pressed the communicator and said: "Tony, inform the soldiers at the gate of the base to open the gate and withdraw into the base..."

Dorian pressed the communicator at the same time and shouted: "Dragonfly team is moving closer to the base, quick, quick, quick..."

 (End of this chapter)

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