From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1199: Return to the old nest

Chapter 1199 Returning to the old nest

Boss Qiao’s trip to Brazil is not a low-key one. However, apart from causing a sensation in Rio, the opening of Andrea’s company did not attract much attention in other parts of the world. Even in Brazil, the influence needs to be slowly gained. of fermentation.

To be honest, Brazil, the most important country in South America, is actually not very important on the world stage, and the outside world does not pay much attention to them.

 It is not easy for a semi-philanthropic company that does not plan to go public for financing to attract international attention.

The Civet Shopping Network will continue to develop in the ecosystem established by the errand running software. Sooner or later, Andrea Company will establish a commercial closed loop in Rio that includes online catering, department stores, electrical appliances, etc. and a series of commodities plus circulation.

I only play with people in my own ecosystem. If you want to break this monopoly, you need to start with the errand running software from the source.

 This brings us back to square one, the cost of establishing another errand-running system is too high.

 The ultimate stage of Andrea's company's development is actually a cyber enterprise that monopolizes all online businesses in a city.

Of course, Brazil doesn’t have that much money to digitize the entire city, and I don’t think Kitty will push Andrea Company in the direction of a cyber enterprise...

 Chaojia has no ambition in this regard...

 For some people, establishing a monopoly to make a lot of money is a great thing, but for Boss Qiao, this kind of enterprise challenges his conscience...

 Because he is a pure cannon fodder, his sense of responsibility and honor will drive him to think...

 The relatively conservative thinking limits his thinking mode. In his heart, cyber enterprises are evil.

 Because in this concept of enterprise, people are just means of production and an insignificant number in cost accounting.

P·B, including all companies related to P·B, are not allowed to do this, at least not until Boss Qiao dies.

Of course, Boss Qiao is not God, and P·B is not a good company, but P·B embodies Boss Qiao’s conscience and life values, and these cannot be shaken until he dies...

 Because as long as he wavers, he is negating all of Boss Qiao’s past efforts.

Boss Qiao has long passed the stage of doing everything for money. If he really wants money, he has ten thousand ways to harvest a huge amount of wealth, and then move to the United States to become a rich man standing at the top of the pyramid.

But what is he doing that for?

enjoy? He now owns the world's largest hunting guide company, the top resort, and most of the things related to pleasure in the world, as long as he wants it, he can have it.

that power? Leading some people at the bottom to find hope also gives him power, and this power is more direct and purer.

 The only difference may be ‘responsibility’…

 Existing vested interest groups can reap whatever they want, but they will never consider themselves responsible for society.

Capital will only look for every opportunity to expand its own capital.

After the hurricane in New Orleans in the United States, real estate groups entered the market to acquire land at low prices. This act of plundering did not even make the news because they were legal.

 But Boss Qiao’s responsibility is a completely different matter!

  It’s really hard to describe the pressure when just one word you say can determine the life or death of someone.

 In this case, the more conscientious a person is, the greater the pressure will be!

Boss Joe’s own bellicosity was gradually amplified in this environment, and it was also an important reason why he was able to understand Nice’s psychological problems.

When the plane flew over Central Africa, Qiao Jia didn’t know whether it was an illusion or not, but Qiao Jia felt a lot more relaxed...

 The feeling of emptiness after the tension disappeared even made Boss Qiao a little uncomfortable...

The pilot did not choose to land immediately. Instead, he lowered the altitude of the plane and took Boss Qiao to circle around Sangha Town several times.

 Sengha Town is no longer what it used to be like with large construction sites everywhere. The core planning area has already been constructed, and subsequent additions will only be made to the peripheral planned land.

 In fact, Sangha Town can no longer be called a small town. With a population of 600,000+, it must be considered a big city in Afika.

Now the city is expanding outward like a pancake...

Qiaojia De thanked Tongtong’s grandparents and the veteran cadres of the planning bureau. These people devoted all their knowledge and energy to laying a solid foundation for Sangha Town.

 The two-way six-lane road that seemed nonsense in the early days now seems to be what it should be.

 The well-organized regional planning makes the roads horizontal and vertical, greatly increasing the convenience of transportation.

Each area has its own small park, and every four areas share a large park green space, and commercial facilities are arranged around the park.

Two very large sewage treatment plants have been built in the upper and lower reaches of the Ubangi River close to the city.

On the land between the city and Bengasu in the northeast, a large thermal power plant has been built, and two natural gas power plants are under construction.

 A main pipeline leading to oil fields in central Africa is being constructed together with a highway.

  The most important steel industry in Sengha Town is located on the outskirts of the city. Now their scale is also expanding, and pollution is also increasing.

From the air, the turbid air near the factories makes those factory areas in sharp contrast with other places.

  Boss Qiao is fortunate that the sewage treatment system he provided works very well, and the rivers around the factories are still clear when viewed from the air...

 And the rural farmland around the rivers is still developing well!

Those local bosses are also obedient and will never secretly discharge sewage. Instead, they will pay the sewage tax to P·B and then discharge all sewage to the sewage treatment center.

In fact, these Central African natives do not understand the high technical content of the sewage treatment center established by Boss Qiao. He is only willing to pay taxes to Boss Qiao in exchange for P·B’s asylum, and hopes that Boss Qiao will have good projects in the future. Don't leave them behind.

Boss Qiao is very satisfied with the scene in front of him, because this is a city he created with his own hands...

There are still many problems that need to be solved in this city, but Qiao Jia doesn't care, just take your time...

 The plane landed at the airport of P.B base...

Joja took the kitten off the plane together, and then gave Nice a strong hug when he came to greet him...

Looking at the mayor, Lenore, who seemed to have a lot to say, and a few young black men and women behind her who looked like Kochi, Qiao Jia waved his hands and said with a smile: "I'm not free these two days, what's the matter? Let’s talk about it in a few days.”

Liannuoer turned his head and whispered something to a young man with glasses next to him. The young men and women holding briefcases took a few steps back angrily.

Qiaojia looked at Lennoor, who already looked like a big boss, and said with a smile: "Let them not be nervous. Sangha Town has developed well during this period, which means they have done a good job under your leadership."

Liannuoer breathed a sigh of relief...

 She is no longer the helpless little assistant who was kidnapped by Boss Qiao in the past.   Personally participated in the birth of a city and contributed to it, and at the same time became the helmsman of the city...

As Lenor's prestige increased day by day, he also felt the pleasure brought by power.

She knows where her rights come from. Without the support of Boss Qiao, she cannot hold her position firmly, so she is particularly concerned about Boss Qiao's attitude towards her.

Like her, there is Linda, the mayor of Ndele. That girl controls the tourism industry of Ndele. She has great power, but she is also very dependent on Boss Qiao.

Seeing Boss Qiao's radiant face, with no sign of injury at all, Liannuoer felt reassured, leaned over and said with a smile: "Boss, I know you are very tired, but you have to show yourself in front of everyone when you come back." noodle.

The news said you were injured before, and everyone was very worried! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "What, the earth will not turn around without me?

 You are the mayor, and it is your responsibility to appease those ‘uneasy’ people. You cannot let P·B intervene in everything. "

Upon hearing this, Li Nuoer nodded and said: "Boss, I understand..."

Looking at the stern expression on Liannuoer's eyebrows, Qiao Jia knew that she had indeed understood...

 Originally, a complete administrative organization should not rely too much on P·B for support.

The development of the police force in Central Africa has always been poor. Except for the capitals Bangui and Bangassu, only Sangha Town in Central Africa has a high-quality urban police force formed by P·B retired soldiers.

However, they can only be responsible for the internal security issues of Sangha Town and have no right to intervene in peripheral affairs.

 This is a rule, and once it is established, it must be followed. Otherwise, if the police and the National Defense Force do the same thing, this organization will appear to be very redundant.

The Central African Defense Forces are different. They have gone through several rounds of dismantling, and the remaining ones have been trained by P.B. They should do some things instead of always trouble P.B.

At this stage, P·B's manpower is distributed all over the world, and it also has to maintain the national defense of Central Africa and the safety of the internal shipping routes in Congo. It really doesn't have the energy to take care of such trivial matters as the chief's restlessness in a certain region.

 It's just that P·B's majesty was too strong in the past, and because Boss Qiao was away for a long time, Nice and Carman were very tight on power, so Lenore seemed to be restrained in using the National Defense Forces.

 Actually, it’s not necessary at all…

The supplies of the Central African National Defense Force are provided by P·B. As long as you have a legitimate reason for using the army, P·B will not care about you.

Now that Boss Qiao is back, it is necessary to loosen Liannuoer's shackles and let her take on more responsibilities. Otherwise, not only will Boss Qiao himself be exhausted, but the frequent transfers of P·B will also greatly increase the pressure on the company.

After dealing with Lennoor, Qiao Jia walked around the base, said hello to the soldiers who were left behind, and then went to the R&D center nearby. He wanted to see how those technical geeks wasted their money. of…

A large piece of forest was cut down next to P·B’s base, leaving a large open space...

  Giant Lao Zhu mobilized his most powerful construction team and built a hexagonal five-story building according to the drawings provided by the technicians, which is said to be very cool in the summer without turning on air conditioning.

As a result, when those delicate IT men and R&D men moved in, they filed a report to apply for air conditioning within a week. At the same time, letters complaining about the giant Zhu flew into Boss Qiao's office like snowflakes.

 Lao Zhuna must have cut corners. How could he, a local boss who started out by building septic tanks, manage a high-tech ecological research and development center?

Moreover, even if he could handle it, Boss Qiao would not give him a budget.

So the two of them figured it out. Except for the regular appearance of the so-called R&D building, which was the same as the design drawings, and the internal divisions according to the requirements of those bastards, everything else was built according to hospital standards.

 This is also the highest standard that Lao Zhu can achieve within a limited budget.

 When those technical men moved in, they were dumbfounded. The ideal ecological laboratory did not exist. The multi-national buffet they imagined for three meals a day turned into four dishes and one soup at a fixed time...

 Afternoon tea has become a coffee machine for the office...

The game room has been transformed into a P·B style gym…

The golf course turned into an indoor shooting range…

 The facilities mentioned are complete, but it is too bad that the staff dormitories do not have air conditioning.

 Central Africa has no air conditioning, which is **** for these tech geeks.

You can also install an air conditioner at your own expense, 5,000 US dollars per unit...

 So those technical geeks who took Boss Qiao's money as money just moved into the new environment and owed 5,000 without getting a penny.

 That's it, most people can't even push them away...

When Qiao Jia and the others arrived at the outskirts of the R&D center, they saw that the words R&D center on the road sign on the fork in the road had been painted over with spray paint and changed to 'Hexagonal Guantanamo'.

The head of the base, Sevilla veteran Belic, saw the boss's curious look. He smiled and said: "Those guys are not very courageous. I think it is normal to let them vent their dissatisfaction in other ways, so I don't care." …”

Belic seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. He shook his head and said: "I really don't think these people are geniuses...

 Because geniuses can’t think of the stupid thing of using an electric glider to commute between two places...

Last week, two fools modified a glider by combining a motorcycle engine with a glider. As a result, they flew over the base and almost received a close-combat anti-aircraft missile.

 In the end, they fell headlong into the sheep pen with shovels, where they are still shoveling **** to this day. "

 Qiao Jia shook his head helplessly after hearing this...

His R&D center was mainly developed by people from Telos Company, and then absorbed some scientific researchers from within the Afika continent, plus many scientists from East W, as well as a large number of unemployed graduate students from China.

 When the personnel composition is complex, management appears to be somewhat loose.

 The disadvantages of looseness are obvious, but the advantages are equally obvious, that is, an open atmosphere is easier to inspire those people.

Qiaojia looked at the sign that said ‘Hexagonal Guantanamo’ and shook his head and laughed, and said: “Since they like to go to jail, arrange for the instructor to take them out for exercise in the morning and evening.


As Qiao Jia spoke, he saw Johnny Payne, CEO of Telos Company, appearing at the other end of the road with a large group of people.

Seeing a large number of white coats and two slender-looking robots approaching here, Qiao Jia rubbed his temples with a headache and turned around to leave. It's really unlucky to ask me for money..."

 (End of this chapter)

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