Chapter 1226

Qiao Jia took advantage of the darkness and led the team to the outskirts of the border village of South SD...

After finding Kaman, Qiao Jia also knew what the so-called trouble was?

There are not only the target of this mission in the village, but also thousands of Dinka armed forces armed with heavy weapons.

The appearance of so many armed people made Boss Qiao's rescue operation a little dangerous...

 After briefly checking the layout and situation of the village, Qiao Jia frowned and said, "Who are those guys?

They can actually mobilize so many Dinka people, and they are all equipped with heavy weapons. The president of South SD does not have such elite troops, right? "

Kaman took out a square object wrapped tightly in a sealed bag and plastic sheet from behind, and after pricking it with a knife, the slightly yellowish white powder inside was revealed...

“Boss, it should be the ‘Ndrangheta. We seized a lot of these drugs in the Congolese waterways.

 It should be that the 'Ndrangheta took advantage of our attention on Yemen to win over some people in South SD.

It is estimated that they want to open up a new route..."

Joga nodded suddenly when he heard the name of the 'Ndrangheta...

“Yes, the ‘Ndrangheta cooperates with Boko Haram and Afika and other extremist groups.

The 'Ndrangheta is also motivated to help Boko Haram train elite soldiers so that Boko Haram can divert our attention in the Sahel. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia picked up the tablet, looked at the picture provided by the drone, and said, "It shouldn't be difficult to sneak in, right?"

Ronnie, the tracker, was the most professional person in the team. He carefully checked the layout of the village, quickly drew a route, and then said: "Quick in and quick out, as long as the air cover can be in place, we will Being able to get out of the danger zone before they react and surround us..."

 Speaking, Ronnie looked at Dorian and said: "Do you think those people from the 'Ndrangheta can find the positioning devices on the three Reeds?

 I'm actually more worried that this is a trap! "

After hearing this, Dorian touched his nose and said a little unconfidently: "I'm not sure, after all, when the locator was installed, it was for those three idiots."

  Dorian glanced at Boss Qiao and said, "But even if the other party intends to set up a trap, it won't be so quick.

According to the information provided by the owl, these guys only arrived 3 hours earlier than us..."

 Qiao Jia nodded in approval and said: "Yes, this should be a very important drug transfer station. One pack of this stuff is worth 100,000 US dollars. There is no reason for them to set up a trap in such an important place.

  We don’t know what the other side will plan, I only know that we can’t give each other enough time…”

As he spoke, Qiaojia clicked on the tactical eyepiece on his helmet and said: "We have a reconnaissance advantage, and the arrangement of these Dinka people does not look like they are preparing a trap...

 The only trouble is actually the elite soldiers with anti-infrared equipment..."

After hearing this, Kaman nodded slightly and said, "I went in and took a look. Those people were guarding the house where the hostages were held. There should be other important people inside.

It's not impossible to solve them quietly, but we don't have enough time!

 It will be dawn in two hours, no matter what decision we make, we must do it quickly..."

After Qiao Jia heard this, he pressed the communicator decisively and said: "Owl, notify Griffin-1 and Su-25 to take off..."

Qiao Jia glanced at Pliers and said, "Pliers, is there any way to make some noise to attract the attention of those Dinka people?"

Pliers nodded excitedly and said: "No problem, as long as you arrange a guide for me, I can create a surprise for you in the other direction when you move."

As he spoke, Pliers looked at the two electric carts and said with a smile: "Boss, there are no restrictions on this battle, right?"

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "Of course not, those are all drug dealers, and they deserve to die no matter what!"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at Man Luo and said, "Man Luo is the best prairie hunter. He will take you around. If you need any help from him, you can just ask him directly."

When Pliers heard this, he grinned and said, "Then help me carry more stuff. I **** like fighting without limits..."

Qiao Jia watched the pliers reach out and press the box of the cloud bomb. He shook his head slightly and said, "Just be careful..."

 After speaking, Qiao Jia arranged his equipment, stood up, stretched his neck and shoulders, and said: "The Devil Bird is covering the outside, let's go..."

 Afika before dawn, pitch black...

 The clear starry sky was obscured by clouds, blocking the only source of light in the grassland.

Qiao Jia followed Kaman, followed his footsteps step by step, and walked through a sparse bush...

When everyone was about to pass through the bushes, Kaman suddenly raised his hand to make a stop sign, then turned around and made a sign to Rhino and Ronnie...

Dorian, who entered the hidden state, watched Kaman, Rhino and Ronnie go through the bushes in three directions. He whispered a little unhappily: "Boss, this guy Dragon Lizard doesn't trust me..."

  Qiao Jia saw the actions of the three people through the vision provided by the micro-drone...

 Their targets were two exposed sentries and one concealed sentry…

 After Rhino and Ronnie entered the position, they began to wait for Kaman to give a signal...

Joja once again witnessed Kamana’s movements like a chameleon hunting...

The old guy stepped on the shadow and approached the target with extremely slow steps.

The secret sentry was wearing a camouflage uniform and lying under a bush. He should obviously be extremely alert, but he was completely unaware of Kaman who was slowly approaching behind him.

 Move gently, and gently push aside the blades of grass before your feet hit the ground. It takes several seconds for the few centimeters of your feet to hit the ground, just to avoid making any sound that is incompatible with the environment.

Joga is an impatient person. Even though he has seen it many times, he still can't understand how Kaman did it?

 It took Kaman nearly 5 minutes to cover a short distance of about 10 meters...

 The process is very boring, but the effect is very terrible. Seeing Kaman slowly putting the knife on the back of An Shao's head as if in slow motion, Dorian subconsciously rubbed the back of his head and said in disbelief: "How come this old guy has been raising a child for so long? Or has it not changed at all?”

 After a slight muffled sound of "dong", Ronnie and Rhino on both sides rushed out at the same time...

The moment Kaman stabbed the hunting knife into the back of the dark sentry's head, Ronnie jumped on a sentry from the shadows, covered his mouth with his left hand, and wrapped his right hand around the sentry's neck. With a forceful mistake, the sentry's body softened instantly. …

 The performance of the rhino is much more detailed than its appearance...

This huge, strong man was like a attacking cheetah. After running a few meters along the shadows on the ground, before the sentry could react, he cut the sentry's throat with a hunting knife, then covered his mouth and slowly cut it. He placed it on the ground and used the corpse to set up a booby trap...

 Once someone discovers a body while they are moving, the booby trap explosion will provide a warning to Boss Qiao and the others.

When Kaman gave the safe signal, Qiaojia stood up first and led the team out of the bushes...

Looking at the village a few hundred meters away, Qiao Jia glanced at the time and said: "The fighter jets will arrive in the nearby airspace in 10 minutes. The dragon lizard will lead the way. Let's go..."

Kaman nodded slightly and said: "Pay attention to the situation of the Dinka people's camp. I will be the vanguard, the rhinoceros will be behind, and everyone else will follow..."

 The village is small in size, with only more than thirty simple adobe houses in total.

The whole village is oriented north-south. On the west side is the shrubbery that Qiaojia and the others passed through, and on the south side is a small river. Large Dinka troops are stationed on both sides of the road to the north of the village...

When Qiaojia and the others climbed over the simple fence on the west side to prevent wild beasts from invading and entered the village, no one noticed them at all.

When they followed Kaman's footsteps and advanced nearly 200 meters, they approached the target location, which was the only modern brick house in the entire village.

The house is not big, and there are people standing guard at the front and back doors. The adobe houses scattered around are more than 30 meters away from the target house, and those adobe houses are where the elite soldiers rest.

First of all, it is not easy to cross an open space of tens of meters without being discovered. Secondly, once the soldiers in the adobe house are alerted, the person responsible for the rescue will become a target.

Sure enough, as Kaman said, it is impossible to complete the rescue mission without alerting the other party.

Jojia stretched his head in the darkness and glanced at the main entrance of the target house, then he patted Kaman on the shoulder and whispered: "Let's go through the main entrance. The sound of my gun is very small, and I can silently eliminate the guards at the main entrance.

Moreover, Pliers helped prepare a lot of explosives. As long as they can be arranged well, our retreat can be guaranteed. "

 Carman turned around and made a silent movement, stood up and made a gesture to the rhinoceros...

Then the two men quietly met at the door of the adobe house where they were leaning. Rhino carefully lifted the simple animal skin curtain, and Kaman slipped into the room like a civet...

 Ten seconds later, Rhino gestured to Qiao Jia...

Qiao Jia stood up decisively and slipped into the house. When he entered the door, he was hit by a pungent smell and took a step back. Then he saw two corpses scattered on the ground.

Two black men wearing camouflage military uniforms died peacefully. One of them had his neck cut off with a knife, and the other had a knife driven into his chin and penetrated into his brain.

The smell in the room was very unpleasant, not because of the two dead people, but because of the two stinking women **** in the corner...

They were tied to the ground like dogs. When they saw someone coming in, they didn’t yell. Instead, they rushed their heads to the corner, knelt on the ground and exposed their messy lower bodies...


Dorian, who followed, couldn't help but curse in a low voice. Then he looked at Boss Qiao and said, "Boss, what should I do?"

 “They are already dead…”

Ayou squeezed Dorian away, walked to the two women, cut the ropes around their necks, pinched their necks, looked at the cut tongues in her mouth, and spoke with a solemn expression in a nasal voice with a certain sound. A rhythmic hum...

 The two women showed no intention of resisting. They exhaled their last breath and slowly closed their eyes as Ayou moaned.

Qiao Jia has not seen this kind of bad thing that breaks the bottom line of human nature for a long time...

The prosperity of Sangha Town made Qiaojia gradually forget that Afika was a place abandoned by God...

Looking at the two bodies of Boko Haram soldiers on the ground, Choga rubbed his temples, turned around, put down his backpack and took out a dozen pieces of explosives prepared with pliers...

“Ronnie was responsible for planting explosives on the surrounding houses…”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia walked to a place that was barely a window, put the muzzle of his gun on it, and said: "I'll cover you...

 For the first time in my life, I feel so important!

 I will live until all these sons of **** are dead! "

Carman was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly softened...

 “Boss, you can definitely do it!”

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded slightly and said, "I can definitely do it!

 Because killing these sons of **** can save a lot of people...

 That’s what I’m **** good at! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the target house not far away with cold eyes and said with a ferocious smile: "This is the best house here. After you enter, remember to search to see if there is any big shot.

 It would be great if you happen to be lucky enough...

Since it’s impossible to solve the problem quietly, let’s make the scene bigger! "

 Carman nodded slightly and said: "Medical Officer Bird stays, the others are ready..."

Dorian looked at the boss who could wipe off the frost on his face. He nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry, boss, I will bring the **** guy to you with my own hands..."

Qiao Jia put subsonic ammunition in the gun, quickly turned the mirror and pushed it up, and then stared at the crosshair inside...


 (End of this chapter)

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