From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1236: Weird arena

 Chapter 1236 A strange arena

 This is a piece of jadeite the size of a human head. When Qiao Jia held it in his hand, the toolbox swallowed it as if it had been hungry for many years.

Then the hangar-sized toolbox space began to expand outwards again…

  1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters…

 When the length, width and height expanded by 4 meters respectively, the space inside the tool box became stable again.

This level of growth is much worse than Qiao Jia's previous two times, but it makes Boss Qiao's mood completely improve.

He Lisa, the Burmese store girl, has very average abilities, so the mining and transportation of rough stones has never been developed.

Until Boss Qiao took over the humanitarian mission given by Dubai and sent people from Team C to Rakhine State.

With the support of the British, P·B successfully controlled the Rohingya refugee camps in Rakhine State. Then Poison Wolf and the others recruited a group of temporary workers from their hometown of Sri Lanka and Myanmar, and they gained face in the Myanmar states. , He Lisa’s mission process suddenly accelerated.

Actually, jadeite is similar to diamonds. It’s really not a valuable thing. It’s just that a few famous women in Chinese history particularly liked it, and then a trend or market was formed...

Boss Qiao has become numb when cutting stones these days. Those stones that are numb on the outside but warm on the inside after cutting, in his opinion, the finished product is better than marble.

Occasionally, there are relatively green emeralds, but he doesn't see anything particularly valuable about them.

The so-called imperial green looks green without mottled colors. In the eyes of a layman like Boss Qiao, it is not as good-looking as those cloud-like patterns.

 What Boss Qiao wants is not jade, he wants to find the location where the meteorite exists.

He Lisa couldn't find the place where her cheap dad had been, but she had to work with Boss Qiao's sponsorship. She could only mobilize her relatives and friends to selectively purchase rough stones from various places for Boss Qiao. .

Without pursuing appearance, this kind of rough stone is cheaper than many people imagine.

So Boss Qiao has gathered almost all the so-called rough stones in the pits in Myanmar, and they are all brought back with more than ten tons of transport aircraft, just waiting for Boss Qiao to verify.

 Qiaojia was full of hope at first, but then he didn't get what he wanted for many days in a row, so he used the rough stones as a game to temper his psychology...

 Unexpectedly, the flowers planted with intention did not bloom, but the willows planted with no intention of planting shade...

Boss Qiao was in a good mood. He found the origin of the rough stone mark and wrote it down...

A small mine in the valley area of ​​northern Shan State in Myandian!

I turned on my computer and checked the coordinates. I printed out the map and drew a circle around the location with a red pen.

After confirming the location and checking the upgraded tool box space, Qiao Jia happily put the raw materials that he had developed in the past into the tool box, and quickly processed various pendant bracelets and other accessories, ready to be used as gifts. Take it for a big show.

Boss Qiao doesn’t know how to distinguish the quality of jade at all, but probably no one cares about its value with him. As a big shot, the things he gives away mainly depend on his intentions...

 Coming out of the basement, Qiao Jia was smiling. For the first time, he was not bothered by the crowds of people at home...

Meeting Jino who rushed to flatter him and wanted to raise funds and manpower for his mosquito-repellent incense industry, Qiao Jia generously gave him an jade plaque with the Chinese characters "Beware of arrogance and impetuosity" engraved on it...

Get a bracelet for Adele, arrange a gentleman's plaque with bamboo pattern on one side and chrysanthemum pattern on one side for Jacques, and arrange a princess tiara inlaid with green emerald for Briela...

I got an almost transparent Guanyin for my son to wear around his neck...

 When Boss Qiao is in a good mood, he always gives gifts to everyone he meets...

Giving bracelets to girls when you meet them, and jade tokens to men when you meet them.

Nisse randomly picked a ring finger and prepared to use it to participate in the archery competition.

 The little cat picked out a pair of emerald green bracelets. After putting them on, he felt that there were no beautiful carvings on them.

Monica chose a few slender bead chains and marked them on her body a few times, then picked a few more, and then whispered a few words into Boss Qiao’s ear, which made Boss Qiao couldn’t help but sniff...

  After everyone had gained something, Qiao Jia saw that there were a few more women in the yard that he couldn't name. He shook his head helplessly and said, "I've really turned this place into a princess club...

Let them greet themselves. Let’s go and have fun at the foot of the mountain and eat something delicious..."

When Nice heard this, he shook his head decisively and said: "It's too noisy down there, so I won't go. You can take Igor with you!"

Qiao Jia didn't feel that his home was much quieter, but he never forced Nice to cooperate with him, so he hugged the big-bellied kitten and said with a smile: "You want to buy something and eat whatever you want. All the consumption today is done by Big Boss Jackal." Pay the bill.”

Before the kitten could speak, Briela raised her hands and jumped and shouted: "Jackal, I want to eat candied haws, maltose, eight-treasure porridge..."

Qiao Jia looked at Briela, who was particularly down-to-earth, and said with a smile: "No problem, beautiful girls just have to eat more sweets..."

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, a pillow fell on him...

Charlene, who had a punk haircut, glared at Boss Qiao and said, "Can you teach Briella something good?

 This child is a little out of control now! "

Qiao Jia glanced at Charlene with disgust, hugged the kitten and walked out, saying: "Why do you care?

 As long as girls are kind and responsible, they can't be bad!

Oh, the standards of your royal family may be different, but I don’t care, I just like this girl’s lawless energy..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia winked at Briela and said with a smile: "Follow me, Father Jackal is in a good mood today. You can eat whatever you want!"

When Kaman saw Boss Qiao's look, he shook his head and laughed, put Igor in the stroller and gave it to his two apprentices, and said: "I'm not going, you follow the boss closely and protect Igor." you."

 It was originally supposed to be a family gathering, but it ended up being Boss Qiao and the pregnant kitten taking care of the baby...

Even Monica, who loves to join in the fun, stayed at home to make room for her sister.

 When the large army walked out of the manor, several children were like wild horses running wildly down the mountain.

Jorgia took over his son's stroller, motioned to Phil and Rick to follow, and then said to the kitten: "You have to walk more. Have you found that you have gained a little weight recently?"

Mao Mao touched the extra layer of his chin and said helplessly: "You have to help me persuade Dr. Yang. The diet she arranges every day is the root cause of my obesity.

I'm as abstemious as possible, and I don't know why those soups make me fat. "

Qiao Jia laughed and said: "Doctor Yang is Tongtong's mother, and she is half a relative of mine. She is professional and will not harm you. You should move around more after eating. I hope you can give birth to a healthy baby." child…"

After hearing this, Mao Mao happily held Boss Qiao’s arm and said with a smile: “Do you want a son or a daughter?”

Qiaojia was stunned for a moment and said: "I can do either. I think I would like a daughter more, but I still prefer a son. After all, giving birth to a daughter is a challenge for a person with my personality...

 Because whenever I think about the girl growing up and leaving with someone else, I want to break something..."

Mao Xiaomao was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Why do you have such an idea?"

Jojia shook his head and said with a smile: "You're a Brazilian girl and you know nothing. I'm not one of those autocratic parents in the Middle East.

In the event of a daughter, get me a mixed ball son -in -law back, did I have such a person who slaughtered him on the spot, or did I bury him in a quiet place? "

Mao Xiaomao didn’t know what was particularly funny. She leaned on Boss Qiao’s shoulder and started laughing...

“Then I will give birth to a daughter. I like how you look angry and helpless at the same time!”

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "I can handle the worries of happiness, both my son and my daughter. Anyway, I will definitely not be the unlucky one in the future."

The two walked down the hillside laughing and talking, but before they entered the slums, they heard Keno shouting loudly not far away...

 When I looked over, I saw a circle of people gathered around, and there seemed to be a fight going on inside.

Briela held a small stick in her hand and anxiously tried to get into the crowd, but she was always pulled back by Adele, who had quick eyes and quick hands...

Qiao Jia was not worried about the safety of the children at all, because there were several members of the Bat Team standing around, keeping alert at all times.

 There were tourists and locals among the onlookers, and their behavior did not seem like a vicious incident.

Qiao Jia took the kitten to the door of the guard's house, arranged for the kitten to sit down on the bench, then looked at the disabled guard Enku who was missing one hand, and said, "What's going on inside?"

Enku said with a smile: "It was a Rohingya man who was setting up a boxing ring, saying that he would use beatings to raise money for charity...

I asked the captain of Poison Wolf, and he said that this Rohingya is not very smart and wants to attract your attention, boss, through this method, and she didn’t cause any trouble, so I just let him go. "

 Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, pointed at his nose, and said: "To attract my attention? Why? Is he still a beauty?"

 Enku glanced at the kitten, nodded with a strange expression, and said: "I think she is very ordinary, but Miss Tongtong and Miss Ana both think she is beautiful.

 I don’t know exactly what she wants. If you are interested, boss, I will call someone over and you can ask yourself..."

While Enku was speaking, the crowd of onlookers booed loudly...

When Qiao Jia looked over curiously, he didn't see what was going on inside. When he saw two girls, Tong Tong and Ana, who had gone crazy playing, they rushed out of the crowd with disheveled hair and grabbed a fist-sized piece from the ground. Shitou turned around and wanted to rush in again...

As soon as she saw Boss Qiao, Tong Tong pulled Ana and threw the stone in her hand. After brewing for a few seconds, she squeezed out two tears and rushed over with indignation. One of them took one of Qiao Jia's hands and shouted: " Brother, go and take a look, there is a little stick bullying someone inside, help me beat him up..."

Qiao Jia was amused by the expressions of the two girls. As he was being dragged away, he said with a smile: "How can I help you fight? If you don't like whoever you like, let's just kill him..."

Seeing the boss being pulled into the crowd, the Bat Team naturally spread out to protect the child and at the same time created a passage for the boss...

There were actually not many people watching, only thirty or forty people...

When they saw Boss Qiao appear, the locals cheered at the same time, and soon the tourists recognized Boss Qiao, and they started shouting...

 “Jackal, help that girl...”

 “Jackal, let the peninsula people get out of Sangha Town, these shameless pigs only bully women...”



When Qiaojia walked helplessly to the edge of the so-called ring, he pushed away Geno who kept swearing, then looked at the situation above and let out a sigh of praise...

On a simple arena surrounded by four wooden stakes and a rope circle, stood a strong man with a height of 1.8 meters, and a petite but very capable-looking South Asian woman.

There were several Peninsula men lying on the edge of the ring who smelled of alcohol and were vomiting. One of them was Lao Gao, half of his face was swollen. There were seven or eight teeth in the big pool of blood on the ground...

This woman had just been knocked to the ground by a strong punch from a strong man. At this time, under the protection of the temporary referee, she refused to surrender and kept shaking her head in an attempt to wake herself up.

Soon the South Asian woman noticed the appearance of Qiao Jia. Facing an opponent who was completely different in weight, she stood up with a grin and squinted her swollen eyes, shook her not-so-strong neck, and took the initiative to face the opponent in a fighting posture. The strong man forced him over...

The difference between men and women is already huge. The difference in boxing weight is tens of kilograms, which is even more huge...

Qiao Jia watched the woman sway left and right under the bombardment of the strong man's heavy punches. Although she hit the strong man's abdomen continuously during the close fight, she was hit in the forehead by the strong man's subsequent punch. , as if he had been in a car accident, he retreated to the edge of the rope circle, then his feet softened and he half-knelt on the ring...

The strong man seemed to want to pursue him, but the huge boos from the ring soon stopped him.

However, this guy didn’t seem particularly satisfied. He shouted loudly to the woman in English with a weird accent: “Get up, aren’t you very good at fighting?”

The strong man’s provocation caused huge boos and made Boss Qiao a little confused...

“What the **** are you doing? What’s the fight here?

If that woman had a knife in her hand, the man would have died eight times! "

Tong Tong looked at the strong man's appearance. She grabbed Boss Qiao's arm angrily and shouted: "Brother, Cassu sets up a ring here every day and gets beaten up to raise money...

In the past, everyone treated it as a fun thing and just went up and hit it twice and it was over. Today, these people from the Peninsula were drunk and looking for trouble. They even wanted to touch Kasu before they were knocked down...

Now this guy is said to be some kind of boxing champion, brother, please stop him quickly..."

Qiao Jia looked at Tong Tong, shook his head and said with a smile: "What is my identity, and what is his identity?

 Call Dorian and the others, they are semi-professional now..."

 (End of this chapter)

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