From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1237: A mess of contestants

Chapter 1237: The messy contestants

Things are actually not complicated...

A Rohingya woman named Kasu set up a venting arena at the junction of the slums and Boss Qiao's mansion, allowing tourists to bring traps and beat her to raise funds.

This matter is not a big deal. It is also a common method to attract attention and gain sympathy through some means.

However, this woman probably did not expect that she would encounter peninsula people with no martial ethics, especially drunk peninsula people, and then the conflicts would naturally be intensified.

But this should be what the woman wants.

The woman named Cassu has probably thought about many possible situations. Even if nothing happens, she will create some situation herself to attract the attention of P·B.

 But she obviously misjudged P·B's people's judgment of "trouble". After the incident happened, except for the onlookers, the guards at the foot of the mountain paid no attention at all.

This kind of bullying, which is very serious in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, is not a problem at all in the eyes of local soldiers like P·B.

In the eyes of guards like Enku, it doesn't matter if you make money by getting beaten, as long as the money is paid after they beat you!

These local soldiers of P·B have completely different behavioral and moral standards from the outside world.

 As long as things are limited to the confines of the arena, it doesn't matter to them no matter what happens, because it's all your own choice...

Boss Qiao was able to instill "respect for life" into their minds through military law, which is already an incredible achievement. They cannot be expected to show compassion for trivial matters.

 In fact, Boss Qiao didn’t really want to care about it, because the core reason why Cassu did this was to attract his attention.

But Boss Qiao's "feminist stance" forced him to take care of it, and the peninsula stick smelling of alcohol was indeed a bit annoying.

Seeing Kasu's face deformed after being beaten and still holding on for dear life, Qiao Jia couldn't bear the demands of Tong Tong and Ana and walked helplessly to the side where Kasu was. Under the looks of several excited Rohingyas, , picked up a dirty white cloth from a bucket and threw it onto the ring...

“Hey, you can stop it. If you want to beat me, let others do it with you!”

The strong man from the peninsula was stunned for a moment, and then he didn’t know whether it was due to the drunkenness or other reasons. He shouted dissatisfiedly: "I want her to say 'admit defeat' personally, and I want her to apologize and compensate for her rude actions."

As soon as the strong man said the words, there were huge boos all around, which made the strong man wake up a little...

However, I don’t know whether it was for the sake of face or other reasons. This strong man did not leave the ring, but shouted loudly: "I know you are the boss of P·B. We are here to participate in the competition. We need fairness." treatment.

 This woman hurt our people, so she needs to apologize and compensate..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sneered and said: "She is beaten to raise funds for charity. She is only responsible for being beaten and not for letting you touch her body.

 Your people deserve to be beaten! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Dorian and several guys who were interested in participating in the fighting competition, who were walking over not far away. He grinned and said, "Let's do this. If you want to fight, I'll let my people fight with you. Both boxing rules and mixed martial arts rules can be...

 If you win, I will pay for your medical expenses and compensate each of you US$10,000.

If you lose, you should quickly buy a plane ticket and leave Sangha Town..."

Qiao Jia originally thought that the strong man from the peninsula would shrink back, but what he didn't expect was that this guy actually put on a boxing stance arrogantly and shouted loudly: "Then let's use boxing to decide who is right and who is wrong..."

Qiao Jia was amused by this guy's attitude. He turned to look at Tong Tong and said, "Look at this guy, I don't look scary, right?

 Where did they come from? Don’t accidentally hammer him to death later! "

Tong Tong waved his fist and swore at the strong man on the ring, then looked at Boss Qiao and said: "Brother, this guy is an athlete recruited by an island country's arms company. It is said that he is some kind of boxing champion...

 Those who fell down were bragging about being fighting champions just now..."

 “Athletes from the peninsula recruited by the island country’s arms company?”

Qiao Jia rubbed his swollen temples, trying to calm down his tired brain...

A few seconds later, Qiao Jia looked at Dorian who walked to the edge of the ring. He waved his hand and said: "Elephant, **** him!"

As a result, Dorian compared his body shape with that of the strong man, took a step back decisively, pushed a tall black boy forward, and said: "Boss, I practice mixed martial arts, and Foreman practices It's boxing, let him go..."

Amidst the boos from Tong Tong and Ana, Qiao Jia glanced up and down the ring, and then said with disgust: "Just say you can't beat me..."

Dorian followed young Foreman and pushed him into the rope ring, spread his hands and said: "Boss, I will participate in the competition in a few days. Compared with the championship trophy, it is not worth taking risks for this little person..."

Qiao Jia was very angry at Dorian. Looking at this guy's clothes, he knew that he was going to make trouble. However, it turned out that the other person might be a master, so he simply gave up...

To be honest, in a competition within the rules, special forces basically have no upper hand compared to professional athletes.

 After all, the time and energy invested by both parties in this field are completely different!

Especially because the strong man seemed to be at least 120 kilograms, and there was no way to fight him when the weight difference was huge.

Hand gestured his **** at Dorian in disgust, Qiao Jia took two gloves and threw them on the ring, saying: "Put them on..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Foreman, who had become a little strange, and he said with a smile: "Give him something awesome..." Foreman was the boxing genius boy who blocked the gate of the farm in New Jersey and knocked down the executioner. , also Ronnie’s nephew.

The most enthusiastic participants in this sports meeting are actually not people from the provinces of Congo, but people from P·B branches in various places.

Everyone receives a salary from Boss Qiao or seeks asylum. Of course, when opportunities arise, they must show their presence as much as possible.

The current New Jersey branch consists of a group of elderly retired bailiffs, a group of retired Russian soldiers, and retired experts from the HRT hostage rescue team headed by the Spurs and Orange Cats.

  New Jersey branch is the richest branch of PB, but there are no professional athletes...

They couldn't learn from other places and select athletes from refugees or locals, so they found another way and put referee uniforms on the old bailiffs and sent them over to work as temporary workers, and then signed a contract as a sweeper to work on the farm all year round. Foreman, who was eating, drinking and training...

This kid is a boxing genius. He just turned 18 this year and is already the New Jersey amateur boxing heavyweight champion.

Forman heard Boss Joe's order, he put on his gloves and touched it, and then said with a smile: "Boss, how many days do you want him to go to the hospital and lie down?"

Qiao Jia looked at Forman's confident look. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Just lie down, my hospital doesn't even have a charging window, let him lie in it and waste public resources.

 Just beat him to subdue him! "

 Forman listened, nodded vigorously, then put the braces into his mouth, and nodded to Dorian, who had taken over the role of the Rohingya...

Dorian took a stone and hit it **** the iron bucket, making a 'dang' sound...

 The tall Foreman used steps that were completely inconsistent with his stature, and moved forward flexibly to test a few times with his jab...

The strong man from Peninsula is indeed a professional. When faced with Foreman's attack, he used his footsteps and shaking to avoid the attack in a very methodical manner.

After a few contacts, the strong man from the Peninsula felt that he had figured out Foreman's strength. The moment he fired two jabs in search of an opportunity, Foreman suddenly bent his knees and cut into the middle with a Tyson-style swing. A ferocious left swing hit the strong man on the Peninsula in the abdomen, and then an uppercut hit his chin the moment the opponent released his hold...

 Sudden changes in the rhythm of speed, distance, and distance left the strong men on the peninsula unprepared...

Qiao Jia saw in the audience the moment the strong man from Peninsula was hit in the chin, his face violently deformed, and then the guy fell to the ground stiffly like a tree that had been chopped down, with his arms clamped around his ribs. On both sides, the whole person straightened his body, lying stiffly on the ground as if he had received an electric shock.

To be honest, Qiao Jia didn’t expect it to end so quickly. When Tong Tong and Ana next to him cheered and started celebrating, he was still immersed in Foreman’s punch...

Kino rushed to the court with a big towel, fanned it vigorously to cool down Foreman who was not even sweating, and followed with a lot of cheers...

Dorian and his team doctor entered the ring. After a brief inspection, they opened the strong man's mouth to prevent him from being unable to breathe. Then he took out a smelling agent and put it under his nose and shook it gently...

When the strong man exhaled a long breath and relaxed his body, the team doctor stood up and waved to indicate that the guy's life was not in danger.

Dorian saw the cloudy look in the guy's eyes after he sat up. He shook his head and pulled Dorian and said: "Find someone to take them back to where they live, and warn the island country's arms company that hired them to stop looking for them." trouble…

What the **** is going on?

 When did I invite arms companies from island countries? "

Dorian listened and said with a smile: "Boss, a lot of things happened when you were in a coma...

There are too many arms companies coming, and many of them are not Yemeni exhibitors. They have paid a lot of sponsorship fees to participate in the event, and in the end they need to pass the qualifiers to participate in the competition.

 You should go to the training ground and see. People from the arms companies are already breaking their heads for tickets to the opening ceremony.

The islanders convinced the people at General Motors. It is said that they have formed a joint team with the United States, Britain, and Australia. They not only want to win medals in track and field competitions, but also want to win in military competitions..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia rubbed his temples helplessly. This is the bad thing about Yeluzi...

He has never held a sports meeting in the past. It was just for fun at the beginning. Later, in order to attract sponsorship, he even released his own son's diapers.

 It will be difficult to set up barriers to reject others now!

However, fortunately, everyone did not regard this sports meeting as any formal event. Most people were not even striving for medals, but for exposure.

  The core appeal of arms companies is not at all regular track and field competitions, but military competitions such as shooting, CQB, and simulated street fighting.

These so-called professional athletes are basically brought here to give Boss Qiao face while not appearing to be too utilitarian.

When there are too many people, there will be chaos!

 There are always some people who are not clear-headed and will cause trouble...

Qiao Jia sent Dorian to deal with the problem, and then took the two girls Tong Tong and Ana and asked them to eat together to avoid being stuck by the Rohingya Kasu who was beaten into a pig head...

Little girls don’t understand the dangers of the world, so you should keep an eye on yourself.

Just as Qiao was leading everyone away, Cassu rushed to the front of Boss Qiao...

"thank you, sir!"

 (End of this chapter)

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